Watch_Dogs by Ubisoft

So let me guess this straight. You guys expect rain, moody shadows and lighting... in broad daylight? Which how the trailer opens and how much of the remainder of the trailer continues.

I think rhe art and attention to detail is still superior in gta 5, but technically WD may be better, resolution and framerate wise at least. If they release a hd version of gta 5 the comparison will be interesting.
I dont see amything in this trailer that is unachievable on ps4.
Lighting during daytime looks a bit flat no ?
Lighting during daytime looks a bit flat no ?
During the day, the same can be said of GTA V too. When the sun is high and shadows are narrow or not visible at all, it can look really bland.

Sunrise, sunset and night are the best time to showcase a good lighting engine in an open world game. Even inFamous Second Son.
During sunny daytime in gta 5 lighting under a bridge, looking at sun rays,was photorealistic i found
Anyway we will have to wait and see the game instead of videos to really judge.
If Ubi didn't BSed us with that 2012 demo I'd believe the backlash on graphics wouldn't be nearly as severe. People would just accept it as a decent looking open world game, but now we are forever stuck for comparison to the high end PC (3 680s apparently) footage. But man, both Infamous SS and Arkham Knight make it look so outdated visually. Crossgen is such a killer.
They didnt BS us.

CEO of Ubisoft said on E3 2012 GTTV livestream after the event that the demo was powered by high end PC. E3 2013 demo was on PS4. Game still looks very close to that today, only people can now also see visuals in daylight when the game looks little flatter.
^It was a completely different character model in even the PS4 demo. Look at him now, look at how his coat moves now. Will the main hero look or move different on PC? They don't plan to ship with different models and textures for diff versions, do they? Backlash is justifiued. Just like FC3 before it, Ubi BSed us.

If this game was shown like this before, no one would have given an eff ! What is stopping them from using PC footage now? No one, but the point is there is no better version out there. This is what you get. Max gfx possible.
On topic:
a new QnA, lots of info:

1. Are there day/night cycles in the game?

Yes, there is a real time day and night cycle. Time of day is not scripted.

2. What weather systems can the player expect to experience?

We have a lot of different weather possibilities from sunny and calm, to stormy and rainy. Wind, rain, fog and clouds all have several degrees of intensity and are all systemic.

3. How do you manage to ensure every NPC is unique?

Every NPC has unique qualities that distinguish him or her from others in the game. There are over 3000 character kits and an almost infinite amount of unique profiler possibilities.

4. How many concurrent NPCs can there be?

The number of NPCs players can encounter at one time depends on a variety of factors like time of day and location. If it’s mid-day, then players will see more NPCs going about their busy lives. At night, we have fewer NPCs reflecting the patterns we see in the real world. The downtown core of Chicago is also a busier area with lots more citizens than a more industrial region, for example. Our main goal was to ensure that the world feels as alive as you’d expect in a major city like Chicago. And of course, the next gen consoles allow us to place more NPCs in the world than we’ve ever been able to do in current gen consoles.
So it’s hard to give specific numbers, but rest assured, the city will feel alive like players have never seen before with many unique NPCs populating the city.

5. Can you hack absolutely every NPC in the game?

Yes, every NPC can be hacked. Based on their profile, a variety of hacks are possible. You can also hack elements in the world to influence the behaviour of NPC’s around.
6. What different environments can the player expect?

Chicago is a rich and diverse city and we want the player to explore every inch of it There are 6 different districts in WD, all with really different looks, types of NPC’s and vibe.

7. How many different vehicles can the player drive?

Over 75 different vehicles from bikes to compact, heavy, muscle, off road, SUV, luxury cars, or speed cars, all of them with their own realistic physics.
8. How many difference hacks are available in the game?

Over 100 hacks.
Never mind the E3 2012 demo, it was almost night time, the problem is clear when you compare it to the June 2013 Premiere during day light:

The drop in quality is staggering. recent footage during the day light looks abysmal in comparison!

Agreed. Forget the 2012 Demo ... what happened between June 2013 and now, that's puzzling. If UBI can show the same scene, with same weather pattern of this demo running on PS4/XB1/PC/PS3/Xbox360 then we can judge not only the quality between the versions, but also how the builds stack-up against June's 2013 build. But I don't see UBI soft doing that...
but now we are forever stuck for comparison to the high end PC (3 680s apparently) footage.

Do you have a link for that? I'm not doubting it but would be interested in more details.

But man, both Infamous SS and Arkham Knight make it look so outdated visually. Crossgen is such a killer.

I know this is going to be an unpopular viewpoint but I don't see what the fuss is about ISS. I watched a good 20 mins of the DF playthrough and while it certainly looked very nice, I'd only put it on par with say the top 4 or 5 best looking games this gen. In fact it looked very similar to Alan Wake (PC) to me with fancier lighting effects.

I dont think its a clear step above the original watch dogs trailer though. Ive not seen any game footage of batman to comment on that yet.
Again, some of the shots like the night club scenes are pretty damn amazing looking IMHO. The lighting and overall look just felt totally real.


Might not be the best example so you should watch the trailer again ;)
That to me though doesn't look at all like the gameplay examples we have. Even that night club shot seems to be from a cut-scene or pre-rendered sequence. Compare that to the clear gameplay sequence from the 1:35 mark to 1:50 of the gamersyde trailer.

Like this example which was posted above:
Maybe on the final release Ubi will forget to delete the original high quality. Then we can forcefully enable it. A bit like mafia ii map that full with physics but removed from final game and can be forcefully loaded.

Aah.. It's unlikely.
Hard to judge though (I'd have to compare side by side with GTA5 or something) and it's probably PC version anyway, therefore slightly nicer than PS4 version.

Nope. The current trailer (Welcome to Chicago) is running on a PS4 SDK. But it's nice to see you think it's "slightly nicer" believing it was running on a PC. :LOL:
Nope. The current trailer (Welcome to Chicago) is running on a PS4 SDK. But it's nice to see you think it's "slightly nicer" believing it was running on a PC. :LOL:

Does it really matter? However nice that trailer was (and it certainly was nice) it's obviously going to be at least "slightly nicer" on the PC regardless. So yep, it looked great, the PC version will look slightly nicer again (at least).
The latest 'Welcome to Chicago' trailer was running on a PS4 Devkit - Info here

If it's true, it's really great news. It means they really optimized the game for the PS4 in mind; and XB1 probably except the lower resolution, assets will be the same like AC4.

The post AA on those screenshots I have took is really clean and sharp. It's 100% morphological (long edges are clean) and based on luminance of the pixels (meaning it won't blur stuff too much). Maybe another variant of SMAA (already used in AC4). I really hope they'll really use this AA solution for release and not just to make the trailer "pop".

Details of the textures and geometry are visible with a very low DOF on the backgrounds. Similarly to GTA5 they chose clarity during gameplay then.
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