Warhawk discussion*

A while. I'm still annoyed. I won 10 games last night, coming first and second in TDM...and those haven't updated. I don't normally worry, but my games today (some of which i lost) HAVE updated. Difference was that I was playing EU yesterday, and American serves today. I'm slightly pissed off.

Go me for being dumb!!!:oops:

I just figured out there are ranked server and unranked server hence why no stats.

don't you just hold the alt fire button until you get a lock?

Figured out how to learn console fps-style controls! Buy Resistance Fall of Man and Ghost Recon. Not my favorite types of games but similar controls for someone who grew up on keyboard/mouse and I'm getting the hang of it slowly. Be nice if Warhawk had a 1P mode to learn this controller thing :)

Thanks, I'll give that a try.
Actually, you can set up a local game and practice quite a few things ... and if you have two controllers, you practice everything (targetting with lockon and that kind of stuff). I've only used it in the beginning to practice flying the warhawk, but it's useful for a lot of things (and fun for messing around with together with someone else, for instance a nice thing would be to play tag with two warhawks, chasing each other and only being allowed to shoot each other using the regular guns)
Arwin's right on there. That's how I practiced at first. I am free to play usually between 8:00 A.M. and 10:00 P.M. MST <----(self employed..love it). Maybe we should find out what times the majority of us can play and then try to organize some practice sessions to get some of you more familiarized with stuff, without the fear of getting raped by random players in other servers. We can setup a B3D server and just password protect it so we're the only ones that can join.
That's a great idea Jaeyden. I don't know if my connection is fast enough to host (wired cable to 802.11g wireless), but I could certainly host during the day while I'm not able to play (work). I'm in Mexico now (business) but am more than willing to give it a shot next week.

As for setting up a game and learning, that only got me so far...shooting trees just doesn't have the urgency of a real DM-type game :)
Had a blast playing some rounds w/codelogic last night. Was cool seeing the B3d tag at the top o the list everygame. ;)
Had a blast playing some rounds w/codelogic last night. Was cool seeing the B3d tag at the top o the list everygame. ;)

Well I was with code for less than a game...had to leave. But if all three of us were playing we'd be the top three for sure. I've been keeping an eye on you both to see how good you are. I'd say you're almost as good as me ;)
Hi deepbrown, I don't think I spotted you during the game. Last night's TDM with Jaeyden was definitely fun :) I noticed that during the game, I had the Captain icon (or whatever is after Commander), probably a glitch since I didn't get any notification of rank advancement.

Anyone know when 'online' stats are gonna go live? Is says 'Coming Soon' on the official page.
The homing missles and the AA missles are very hard to dodge. Best thing for them is to try and get behind some cover (mountains, buildings etc.) if you can, or burn off a full afterburner and hope you can get out of it's range. The swarm missles are dodged by getting creative with your after burner, powerslide, some loops and some rolls. Rocket launcher rounds seem to have the shortest range and can be dealt with by a good long burn of the afterburner or flying behind obstacles. Which flight scheme do you use? I fly with proflight OFF and motion sensing OFF and feel pretty good about dodging alot of the smaller missles. Each flight scheme seems to have it's own unique advantages and disadvantages. You got to try em all, if you haven't yet. Finally, learn where every power up is on the map and place health and chafs on your priority list. Hope that helps.
The homing missles and the AA missles are very hard to dodge. Best thing for them is to try and get behind some cover (mountains, buildings etc.) if you can, or burn off a full afterburner and hope you can get out of it's range. The swarm missles are dodged by getting creative with your after burner, powerslide, some loops and some rolls. Rocket launcher rounds seem to have the shortest range and can be dealt with by a good long burn of the afterburner or flying behind obstacles. Which flight scheme do you use? I fly with proflight OFF and motion sensing OFF and feel pretty good about dodging alot of the smaller missles. Each flight scheme seems to have it's own unique advantages and disadvantages. You got to try em all, if you haven't yet. Finally, learn where every power up is on the map and place health and chafs on your priority list. Hope that helps.

Joined you for a bit today...only played the second half of one of the CTF's///which we won. Got my K/D upto 1.30 which I'm chuffed about. Need to get me some more ribbons, badges and medals now
You could also use the Series 7 Stealth Avionics Package to prevent missiles from getting a lock. Can be useful if you're low on health and to prevent further lock-ons. Quoting from here:

Once a missile is locked onto you, fly behind a building or a piece of terrain, directing the missile into an obstruction instead. If that doesn't work, hold both analog sticks to the side in order to spin -- great at shaking off at least some of the missiles. Be warned, though: flying behind something or spinning won't save you every time, but it’s better than flying in one direction. An even better strategy is to pull or push on the right analog to put your Warhawk in an almost vertical flight, add spins by puhing the analog to right or left and watch as the missles explode behind you and you live to fight another day.
Curious to know what flight configurations everyone is using? I started messing around with a flight technique that, I feel, just took me to a new level in my Warhawk. Try to make a vid or two.
I tried a brief moment of Warhawking last night (with the sticks only). I think it will take sometime for me to master it. I actually felt that SIXAXIS flight control is more suitable for me. :)

I get disoriented easily/often while piloting the plane with the sticks (It's like the plane was possessed by something unseen). Even when Lair was locking on to random objects on the screen, I still retain full control of the dragon.

Other than that, I'm still experimenting with different weapons. This game is indeed deep. My office blocks all incoming traffic even on the "open" network. So I can't host any game on the high speed network :(.

I can see why some people love it so much though.
Curious to know what flight configurations everyone is using? I started messing around with a flight technique that, I feel, just took me to a new level in my Warhawk. Try to make a vid or two.

I use Pro mode with inverted Y, without SIXAXIS. Need to give SIXAXIS another try, requires more practice for me. Thankfully, with the patch 1.1 or 1.2, not sure, you can choose whether or not motion sensing should apply to other ground vehicles.

Made a little vid, sorry the quality sucks.
Been flying with Proflight off and motion sensing off. Riding the power slide the majority of the time seems to stabilize the aiming reticle so you can lock on while adjusting the pitch and yaw of the Warhawk. You pretty much fly the whole time with L2, R2 and L1 held down. This might help with that "possesion" your talking about Patsu.
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Made a little vid, sorry the quality sucks.
Been flying with Proflight off and motion sensing off. Riding the power slide the majority of the time seems to stabilize the aiming reticle so you can lock on while adjusting the pitch and yaw of the Warhawk. You pretty much fly the whole time with L2, R2 and L1 held down. This might help with that "possesion" your talking about Patsu.

Good work Jaeyden. Sorry for not sticking around the other day, my net was playing up and I could only get into that match for 5 minutes at a time...making my final score shocking.

I've been watching your progress and talents...how would you like to be second in command?

Captain Deep