Warhawk discussion*

The wife is off to China in a couple weeks at which point I'll have time to hone my skills. You guys who manage "20 or 30 hours" in a weekend amaze me. I've managed about 1.5 hours in 1 week! But then my wife is more fun to play with :)
OK the clan is building up. It will soon be time to join up together and do something. So to help out I think it would be best if people listed the days and times they generally play Warhawk...of course saying what time-zone that's in. ANd hopefully we will see a line up.

I generally play in the evening from 9pm-1am GMT

Furthermore, some people's kill/death rate worries me. It makes me think you die too much, so try and get it up. Try finishing every game with more kills than deaths (as well as winning). Be more tactical with your kills, use mines and airstrikes. Shoot at peoples heads if you're in a rifle shoot out - you will kill them quicker. If there's a vehicle near by, get in it - run them over or shoot them down (you get twice as much health now)...plus use your grenades and learn how far they get thrown.

If you find yourself with a tank coming at you - do NOT run away. (unless you can hide behind a rock with a rocket launcher) Run straight for it - jump on top and wait for the person to get out - then you can get in and shoot them. Or put a mine on it if you get close enough.

Use your map.

When you don't want to be seen on the enemies map, get out your knife. You are now in stealth mode. Do this as often as possible - because if they don't know you're there - you can get very close to them - even right into their base, where you can now lay mines etc.

So yeah that's deeps advise :p
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I'd like to join.


I've been playing for about 5 days now. I think I'm struggling but my rank has gone up a bit, I'm now a "Commander", FWIW.

I usually play evenings 8 to 12, pacific time zone.
Furthermore, some people's kill/death rate worries me. It makes me think you die to much, so try and get it up. Try finishing every game with more kills than deaths (as well as winning).

Oh no, I've been found out! :oops:

I'll be trying my best-est to get my KDR up Captain Deep.

Playtime: GMT, 8pm onwards. But that's certainly not every evening. Weekends are much better for me.
Oh no, I've been found out! :oops:

I'll be trying my best-est to get my KDR up Captain Deep.

Playtime: GMT, 8pm onwards. But that's certainly not every evening. Weekends are much better for me.

:) Well my win/lose ratio is shocking. I don't blame myself however...i tend to be in the top 3 but often my team sucks, and I don't really like quitting or team switching. (haha excuses) So let's say I'm an asset to a good team, but perhaps not good enough to make a bad team win (though there have been times eg. team death match :p)

Sure I'm not on every day! lol Was just giving a ball park area.

Captain Deep....I like that :p

The list of invited so far is:


To be invited -

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:) Well my win/lose ratio is shocking. I don't blame myself however...i tend to be in the top 3 but often my team sucks, and I don't really like quitting or team switching. (haha excuses) So let's say I'm an asset to a good team, but perhaps not good enough to make a bad team win (though there have been times eg. team death match :p)

I`m like that myself - more of a team player. And the stats issues don`t help either. In the session where Jaeyden was present it went quite well , but all those games didn`t count in my stats.The next day I was playing in a lousy team, died a lot and those counted of course :devilish:
In the meantime I worked on my K/D ratio a bit - I was "cheating" though by only playing dogfights , I`m a decent pilot now.
I`m like that myself - more of a team player. And the stats issues don`t help either. In the session where Jaeyden was present it went quite well , but all those games didn`t count in my stats.The next day I was playing in a lousy team, died a lot and those counted of course :devilish:
In the meantime I worked on my K/D ratio a bit - I was "cheating" though by only playing dogfights , I`m a decent pilot now.

I'm a crap pilot, and I don't care!
Updated the main post with membership information. Will add normal playing times for each member shortly.

Furthermore, some people's kill/death rate worries me.

Some good tips. And I know my KDR isn't so hot, so, I'm going to start setting aside some time just to work on strategy and take the rust off (haven't played in a while).

In the meantime I worked on my K/D ratio a bit - I was "cheating" though by only playing dogfights , I`m a decent pilot now.

Glad to hear we have some proficient pilots!
A good KDR is something nice to have, but it's certainly not the only stat to work on. Right now my KDR is 1.11, I have a little over 300 more kills than deaths. I play mostly TDM games, but have started joining the variable servers because some of the other game modes can net you more points.

In TDM, CTF and Zones mode in this game, capturing bases is (IMO) more important than killing people. It gives your team more available spawn points, it gets weapons and vehicles to spawn, and it can score you more points than a kill. I'm ranked 150 in TDM points right now because I focus on capturing bases first and killing people second. 90% of the time if your team is losing...look at your map and you'll see that the other team has more bases occupied than you. I think that the majority of players out there right now aren't really privy to the object of the game. I spent way too much time playing this game last week and the one thing I noticed when my team was losing, it was because no one was doing what they were supposed to do. We'd be locked down to one spawn point and and people would take off in the only available vehicle without picking up other players, or I'd end up hopping in the back of a Warhawk only to get killed because some dumbass wants to dogfight instead of getting to a base, capturing it and dropping me off. I can't wait till we can get some organized clan matches going, this game is a blast when your team knows what it's doing.

I have played 440 ranked matches since I got this game, I have finished 1st, 2nd or 3rd on the winning or losing team 183 times - 41% of the time in the top six. If you want to earn those bonus points at the end of the round - capture bases. Also, take a few seconds before respawning to look at your map, survey the battle and spawn where you will be most effective.

Aight, I'm gonna go jump online right now, hope to see some of you there.
Overall KD rate isn't that important, more important is how you did in your last two games. ;)
A good KDR is something nice to have, but it's certainly not the only stat to work on. Right now my KDR is 1.11, I have a little over 300 more kills than deaths. I play mostly TDM games, but have started joining the variable servers because some of the other game modes can net you more points.

In TDM, CTF and Zones mode in this game, capturing bases is (IMO) more important than killing people. It gives your team more available spawn points, it gets weapons and vehicles to spawn, and it can score you more points than a kill. I'm ranked 150 in TDM points right now because I focus on capturing bases first and killing people second. 90% of the time if your team is losing...look at your map and you'll see that the other team has more bases occupied than you. I think that the majority of players out there right now aren't really privy to the object of the game. I spent way too much time playing this game last week and the one thing I noticed when my team was losing, it was because no one was doing what they were supposed to do. We'd be locked down to one spawn point and and people would take off in the only available vehicle without picking up other players, or I'd end up hopping in the back of a Warhawk only to get killed because some dumbass wants to dogfight instead of getting to a base, capturing it and dropping me off. I can't wait till we can get some organized clan matches going, this game is a blast when your team knows what it's doing.

I have played 440 ranked matches since I got this game, I have finished 1st, 2nd or 3rd on the winning or losing team 183 times - 41% of the time in the top six. If you want to earn those bonus points at the end of the round - capture bases. Also, take a few seconds before respawning to look at your map, survey the battle and spawn where you will be most effective.

Aight, I'm gonna go jump online right now, hope to see some of you there.

Well when somebody has a kill/death of 0.4 you worry. All it shows is how often they are likely to die - and how much help they are going to be. If you get killed a lot more than you kill then you might be a problem. That's all :) I don't kill much, I just don't die as much. I can defend myself - meaning I can catch more bases, defend flags etc.
Yeah, 1:1 K/D is what I would realistically aim for. Most likely I would do much much worse during the first few weeks. The beta already trained a group of experienced pilots, so I lost my first mover advantage anyway.

I am more interested to try out game hosting for now. Picking up Warhawk for me would be a long and calm process given my current work and gaming load :)

I see what your saying deepbrown. I think patsu is probably about right on here.
A good goal would be right around 1:1.
ps. mics are invaluable. So if you haven't got one, get one. Or try and sort out a vocabulary using jumps and crouches of your character lol

Before release I was sure I would wait for the retail release: box, manaul, BT headsheet and all.

But I was bored. Had some money in my PSN wallet whilst reading all the positive reviews. So I buckled and purchased. Of course I regret it now. :(
Before release I was sure I would wait for the retail release: box, manaul, BT headsheet and all.

But I was bored. Had some money in my PSN wallet whilst reading all the positive reviews. So I buckled and purchased. Of course I regret it now. :(

Yeah you can't sell that on :/ Oh well...you've got it at least!
Right we have enough members now to give this a go. I really need people to say what times and days they are on...so we can organise some training and then a clan battle. We have some interest from neogaf among others...

Captain Deep ;)
Hi guys, I guess my previous post on this thread got nuked somehow, but I did get an invite for B3d. I play Zones almost exclusively :) I played my first TDM with Jaeyden the day before. I'm generally online for varying times after 7pm MST and on most days sometime between 10PM and 2AM MST.