Warhawk discussion*

What's up with the audio chat on this game? Neither me or either of my mates, all living in the same area but all on different ISPs and cables, get actual speech. All we hear is gobbledegook, from all players talking, on private and official servers. It sounds like the Tazmanian Devil on a bad mobile connection! But people keep using it, so it must work. Why do we just hear rubbish? A two player server between me and a friend 10 miles away had the same problem in game, but he said that before gaming began he could hear me okay. Anyone know why our chat is so corrupted.

I have no idea to be honest, as I've never had any real problems with it - not that I talked much myself yet, but I can definitely hear everyone else just fine.

There is, sadly, an option to distort your voice though (Sony should have learnt from Microsoft, who I think removed that option going from Xbox Live to 360 Live), so who knows that's what you're hearing. ;)
Just thought I'd mentioned we're *in* to this game now. Top scorers in matches, and I'm maintaining a pretty good KDR. Still some areas that need improving - grenade control and general CQC, plus missile evasion - but where all of us were getting lost and trounced to begin with, we soon got the hang of it. The motion control flying is very smooth and one of the better (if rather unoriginal!) uses of sixaxis.
Just thought I'd mentioned we're *in* to this game now. Top scorers in matches, and I'm maintaining a pretty good KDR. Still some areas that need improving - grenade control and general CQC, plus missile evasion - but where all of us were getting lost and trounced to begin with, we soon got the hang of it. The motion control flying is very smooth and one of the better (if rather unoriginal!) uses of sixaxis.

When you say "we" - is that the royale "we" shifty? And I'm glad to hear it. When i get the pack, we'll get some major winning in. If you're up for it.
Just thought I'd mentioned we're *in* to this game now. Top scorers in matches, and I'm maintaining a pretty good KDR. Still some areas that need improving - grenade control and general CQC, plus missile evasion - but where all of us were getting lost and trounced to begin with, we soon got the hang of it. The motion control flying is very smooth and one of the better (if rather unoriginal!) uses of sixaxis.

Good! I thought you might like it after all, and happy that you stuck with it through the initial chaos of dropping into an online game late. It's not nearly as bad as some games in that respect, I think!
When you say "we" - is that the royale "we" shifty? And I'm glad to hear it. When i get the pack, we'll get some major winning in. If you're up for it.
'We' is my posse of PS3 owning buddies, in Clan PIGLET, with a Tuesday night Fun where we've been playing split-screen Warhawk of late instead of the usual FIFA.

Some Warhawk would be cool, oalthough online would be a lot better with decent comms support. I meet up with Clan PIGLET online but generally speaking we run around independently with little teamwork. If we're lucky one passes another in a tank and we can team up, but mostly teamwork is fractured. Splitscreen is far better in that regard, but then we're not ranked :(
'We' is my posse of PS3 owning buddies, in Clan PIGLET, with a Tuesday night Fun where we've been playing split-screen Warhawk of late instead of the usual FIFA.

Some Warhawk would be cool, oalthough online would be a lot better with decent comms support. I meet up with Clan PIGLET online but generally speaking we run around independently with little teamwork. If we're lucky one passes another in a tank and we can team up, but mostly teamwork is fractured. Splitscreen is far better in that regard, but then we're not ranked :(

Well I'll talk to you and we can play as a team.
Hmmm, are you getting NAT Type 3? If so, that could be your problem. The right ports aren't opened up. Or your router doesn't support UPnP, which is the simple way to do it.

I often can't hear US peeps and visa versa. But I am now Nat Type 2, I didn't use to be.
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Liking the new map, not too sure about the APC but I can see it being a very good support vehicle, especially with the shield in use. Like a mobile command post, back it up with a few tanks and a couple of guys with rocket launchers and wrenches!!

Just got back into playing though, a tad rusty I must admit! Been too busy with Assassins Creed, Viking, Dark Sector, UT3, Army of Two et al!!
I didn't have UPnP enabled on my router, but enabling it didn't change the comms situation. I found this
And enabled all the listed ports. I then spent half an hour trying to find a server where people were talking. I only found two - one was incredibly quiet, and even then garbled. The other was foreign, so I didn't know if it was garbles or not ;)

Of course I could look all this up in the manual where they explain it simply and give step-by-step instructions to enable voice chat. Oh, hang on...
Yes, and the index has Online Communication Page 6, and Page 6 says diddly-squat about enabling ports. Likewise the PS3 manual doesn't explain what ports need to be enabled to get effective voice chat, not even on a technical level, and the manual should be accessible to every one of their customers. Oh, tell a lie it's here...
Connecting to PLAYSTATION®Network

When using PLAYSTATION®Network in an office or a housing complex, security features such as a firewall may block the communications. In this case, refer to the following instructions.
In PLAYSTATION®Network, you can communicate with PLAYSTATION®Network servers on the Internet or directly with other PS3™ systems. Communication with PLAYSTATION®Network servers on the Internet is done mainly when:
  • Signing in / signing out
  • Using your Friends list or block list
  • Exchanging messages
  • Using
The port numbers for PLAYSTATION®Network servers used for this are TCP: 80, 443, 5223 and UDP: 3478, 3479.
For voice / video chat and online game play, direct communication with other PS3™ systems is used for data transmission during voice / video chat and online gaming. The port number used for this is UDP: 3658. However, you may need to use a different port number when you are connected using a NAT router.
Filed under Internet Connection Test, and not setup. Plus they say UDP:3658 is needed for chat, but maybe not if you're on a NAT router, but we're not going to tell you what you need to do if you are on a NAT router! You can't read the Warhawk manual unless you happen to find it, the official Warhawk website says nothing about...anything. It's pants. Well that's if you click the UK site. Click the US option and you get a totally different experience. Not that it has any Support or FAQ guides to help set up chat.

Seriously, who designs these systems? Who thinks its a good idea to spread information all over the place, not point to it where people would expect to find it, lead them down dead ends when they follow obvious links, etc? If someone needs to set up various ports on their router, isn't it a good idea to tell them as much? *Grumble grumble*

And while I'm grumbling, why do they even have a CTF mode? Every game I've played, some wazzock on both teams grabs the flag and hides in a corner without dropping it off. I guess they get points over time for holding onto it. If not, what's the point? If so, why have that as an option if it's just going to create cheaters? Whatever the reason, CTF is basically a random shooting match without the shooting objective.