w00t sex party

Florin said:
Your values are crooked. First you post 'w00t sex party' and go on to lament extensively how you regret that it didn't work out, then you make up stuff about how you'd have been a whore when you would've gone ahead. And you jump from people who use weed recreationally to ending up a broke, down on your luck substance abuser. Get a sense of perspective.

well i have nothing against them. if they are happy the way they live then thats fine. but i wouldnt be happy living like that so i have to hold myself up to my personal standards- i only apply my standard to myself and only judge myself.
Florin said:
Sage said:
so, if i compromise my values just one time it's okay? what about 2 times? or 3? or even 4? hell, why not just throw them out alltogether and simply claim to live by them.

Your values are crooked. First you post 'w00t sex party' and go on to lament extensively how you regret that it didn't work out, then you make up stuff about how you'd have been a whore when you would've gone ahead. And you jump from people who use weed recreationally to ending up a broke, down on your luck substance abuser. Get a sense of perspective.
AGAIN!!! Same point!!! :LOL:
Sage said:
well i have nothing against them. if they are happy the way they live then thats fine. but i wouldnt be happy living like that so i have to hold myself up to my personal standards- i only apply my standard to myself and only judge myself.

Bullshit, u've been judging them all along!!! Don't go around pretending to be wise when u really are not! You're as prejudiced as they come! Which is not bad in itself, but don't lie about being so.
london-boy said:
If you consider having a line you will never step over, not even once in your life, whatever the situation is, a sign of intelligence, that's fine by me, really, i'm not your friend and i'd dread to be.

FYI i drew the line a few months ago after i had a very very bad experience. you may remember it. i just about nearly killed myself because of it.
london-boy said:
Bullshit, u've been judging them all along!!! Don't go around pretending to be wise when u really are not! You're as prejudiced as they come! Which is not bad in itself, but don't lie about being so.

then why would i consider those people my friends and always go well out of my way to help them out?

yes, they're broke, drunk, doped up, white trash. but they're my friends. i dont hold their situation against them. if they're happy like that then thats fine with me. i wouldnt be and so i dont want to end up like that.
Sage said:
london-boy said:
If you consider having a line you will never step over, not even once in your life, whatever the situation is, a sign of intelligence, that's fine by me, really, i'm not your friend and i'd dread to be.

FYI i drew the line a few months ago after i had a very very bad experience. you may remember it. i just about nearly killed myself because of it.

That's fantstic, our point is, don't come here going all drama queen as usual, complaining about u missing out on group sex, when u're the only one responsible for missing out on it!!!
Sage said:
yes, they're broke, drunk, doped up, white trash. but they're my friends. i dont hold their situation against them. if they're happy like that then thats fine with me. i wouldnt be and so i dont want to end up like that.

U're judging them, so don't go around saying u're so wise and smart and only judge yourself, cause that's not true.
london-boy said:
U're judging them, so don't go around saying u're so wise and smart and only judge yourself, cause that's not true.

how am i judging them?

i think the problem here is that YOU are judging them based on how i described them. i mean those words only as adjectives and, to be honest, they use the same ones to describe themselves. If I were casting judgement on them then I wouldn't do so much for them.
Sage said:
london-boy said:
U're judging them, so don't go around saying u're so wise and smart and only judge yourself, cause that's not true.

how am i judging them?

i think the problem here is that YOU are judging them based on how i described them. i mean those words only as adjectives and, to be honest, they use the same ones to describe themselves. If I were casting judgement on them then I wouldn't do so much for them.

Me judging? Honey, i'm used to much better stuff than weed, and really if only i were to judge them i'd say they were cheap.

you're judging them in that you're saying that you don't want to be like them because you don't want to:

sage said:
end up with 3 kids each of a different mother, my best friend in "lock-up" and talking about how the cops raided my house last month. i dont want to work a minimum wage job, buy everything on credit, and waste what little cash i do have on drugs.

... meaning that you think that just because they do weed they will end up like that.
london-boy said:
you're judging them in that you're saying that you don't want to be like them because you don't want to:

sage said:
end up with 3 kids each of a different mother, my best friend in "lock-up" and talking about how the cops raided my house last month. i dont want to work a minimum wage job, buy everything on credit, and waste what little cash i do have on drugs.

... meaning that you think that just because they do weed they will end up like that.

uh no i think that they are like that because that's what they were talking about for a long time.

one of them has three kids by a guy that she hates, he's in jail for meth or something and he's supposed to get out and go to a half-way-house next month, she's recently divorced (from a different guy). The other two were cousins and were talking about how one of their uncles or someone is getting out next week and how when the cops raided someones house the guy thought he was being robbed and stuck a 12-guage in one of the cops face, then they mentioned that their own house got raided last month or something like that. Then they were talking about their various experiences in jail and one of the cousins (the one that was REALLY REALLY HOT) mentioned that she felt left out because she'd never been to court for anything, not even a ticket. It's pretty much the same for my other friends.
london-boy said:
Ok then.

Anyway, does the fact that i socially do drugs change your idea of me then? Am i any less intelligent because of it, in your eyes?

not a bit. although, it does significantly reduce the potential of you being a long-term mate. however, relatively, i'd say that reduction is minuscule at best :p
Sage said:
not a bit. although, it does significantly reduce the potential of you being a long-term mate. however, relatively, i'd say that reduction is minuscule at best :p

Oh well.
In the end, i got my group sex last week. And i brag about it. A lot. :devilish:
london-boy said:
Oh well.
In the end, i got my group sex last week. And i brag about it. A lot. :devilish:

well, you not being my friend is probably the biggest hurdle. then there's the fact that you really wouldnt be interested in me as you sleep with lots of really hot guys. then there's the fact that you arent into long-term things. then there's the fact that you live far far far away from me. then there's that little (actually, rather large I suspect) thing between your legs.
Sage said:
well, you not being my friend is probably the biggest hurdle.

Hurdle to what?

then there's the fact that you really wouldnt be interested in me as you sleep with lots of really hot guys.

Hey, not THAT many.... errr...
Hurdle to what?

then there's the fact that you arent into long-term things.

Who said?
Hurdle to what?

then there's the fact that you live far far far away from me.

Yeah, u're not the only one to have said that.
Hurdle to what?

then there's that little (actually, rather large I suspect) thing between your legs.

Size doesn't matter. HAHAHAHA.