VR Glasses Available?



I'd really like to get me some VR glasses for gaming. "Screensize" and immersion are great and I don't need super high resolution because I like AA.

Do you know of any available hardware?

I don't need motion detection because I'd use TrackIR which is less expensive I'd guess.

Nice would be a digital input and of course colours. Maybe there are plasma screens or even OLEDs available (some company showed an OLED prototype two years ago) because I don't want to go with LCD?

Thanks! :)
/me drops to the floor and starts spazzing out. Images of Vitual Boy stream through his subconcious eye.


Stero3D.com a VR Helmets/Glasses comparison site

I've never ever used one of these before...although I HAVE used Virtual Boy :shivers:. If you do happen to get one down the line, please update and let us know how they feel and if immersion is really raised!


I wonder what shes watching? Oh the ideas i'm having right now.
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Thanks for the link! :D

I never tried the Virtualboy hehe, but I don't want stereographic (or whatever it's called) image. I just want a headup display or projection onto the retina because there are not many games which support that or am I wrong?

BlueTsunami said:
I wonder what shes watching? Oh the ideas i'm having right now.
Of course me and my body! Tehee! :)

This is great! :) Link
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Am I right?

The VR Glasses' drivers use a "hack" for stereovision? In order to get real stereo you have to render from to different viewpoints which usually isn't supported?

Thanks! :D
You really want a HMD. Googles + Head tracking.

They are slooowly coming down in price and going up in value. Not sure where game support is on these things these days though.
Is there any way to hook these things up to a PC. I guess since some of them come with S-Video or VGA that you could essentially connect your video card up to it right?...that would rock. I could imagine sitting at my PC desk and hooking this baby up...feel for the keyboard and mouse and navigate that way. I would most deffinatley get one of these things (when I get a better job) in the future if that could be done.
I'd use TrackIR for the motion tracking.

Currently I'd use it only for Live for Speed. It supports mouselook and in combination with goggles and TrackIR (converts motion into mouse input) it'd be perfect.
Well almost since the sound would be right only with headphones I guess because it moves with the view.

For FPSs it'd be cool but they had to detach head-movement from weapon aiming -> two seperate mouse inputs. I don't know but I guess that's impossible in Windows. baeh!

There seem to be very expensive units with DVI input. I hope there will be consumer products with DVI support too. I also hope that we'll get affordable and high quality goggles with OLED displays.