Viva Pinata

Dave Baumann

Gamerscore Wh...
So, forgive me if I've missed it, but Viva Pinata appears to have been released now, however I've not seen much discussion (obviously drowned out by many of the GoW playing / discussion!!). Anyone pick this up? Impressions??
I'm not really contributing to the thread, but I can say that I'll probably end up picking this up for Christmas. It looks like quite a bit of fun, and I'm definately more likely to pick this up than GOW.
Its been getting some mixed reviews from what I've read elsewhere. (When there was no thread here, I went out searching..)

It appears to be completely unsuitable for young children, and even rather tedious for adults. Lots of micromanaging. However, if you like SIM games that require lots of micromanagement, it is supposed to be a very fun experience.

If I had a 360, I'd pick up a copy based on the user-reviews so far.
A couple of editors from the 1up podcast started playing it and were really impressed. The EIC called it 'the first shining moment for Rare in awhile'. Their comments were enough for me to decide to pick it up next time i'm out and about.
My little cousin has it. I've seen him play it a few days ago. It's really colorful. It looks like one of those nickelodeon CG shows. I'll probably try it out when or if I ever get bored with GeOW.
I only read the blog on and it sounded like the reviewer was having a lot of fun with the game. This might be one of those titles that don't get stellar ratings, but depending on your tastes might turn out to be a must-have nonetheless...
I went and bought it cause I was bored, it's relly fun and addictive, though I'm not very good at it.

I finally got my buzzlegum breeding operation up and running, with the honey production going full force. It's pretty funny, if you equip the Buzzlegums with a little Bee Keeper hat they will automatically harvest honey.

Next up I'm going for the Quackleberry so I can start breeding my Foxes(can't remember what they're called), the trick I've found is to not to keep your garden to full, most new residents I just sell or beat to death so everyone else can eat their candy. I have to keep the foxes penned up cause they just get in a fight with everything.

Anyways, very cool game, it has diverted my attention from GOW which is saying something.

p.s. just so I feel a little better about myself, the "Man Room" gave it an 8.4 :D

Gears may already be well on its way to becoming the number one selling Xbox 360 game, yet ‘Viva Piñata’ stands poised to be a sleeper underdog success in its own right. In fact, I can’t think of a kid-friendly game debuting alongside Nintendo’s Wii that can even approach the breadth of customization and replayability Viva offers. I wanted to hate this game, I really did. Some minor control issues and lack of true cooperative play aside, Rare has atoned for some of their recent missteps and, for now, won me over. The real challenge is for Microsoft to somehow reach non-Internet savvy Xbox 360 owners who may otherwise have no clue Piñata Island even exists. Otherwise, I’ll have no one to trade my zany piñatas with.
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I finally got my buzzlegum breeding operation up and running, with the honey production going full force. It's pretty funny, if you equip the Buzzlegums with a little Bee Keeper hat they will automatically harvest honey.

Next up I'm going for the Quackleberry ....

You've got to love any game that motivates an intelligent, mature person to write the above statements.

most new residents I just sell or beat to death

Possibly the most frightening thing I have ever read.
Well, I went out and bought it yesterday. I appeared to have reached an initial plateau in terms of my garden, with a number of Pinata's resident now, but not a lot of cash to by me much - after getting the worms breading (and, I believe sending some to NucNavST3!) and a couple of birds, I've run out of cash to get much more in the way of buildings or other garden objects. Looks like I've got to do a bunch of worm breeding in order to build up some more cash.

Presumably, at some point, I'll be able to expand my garden? Anyone know?
Well, I went out and bought it yesterday. I appeared to have reached an initial plateau in terms of my garden, with a number of Pinata's resident now, but not a lot of cash to by me much - after getting the worms breading (and, I believe sending some to NucNavST3!) and a couple of birds, I've run out of cash to get much more in the way of buildings or other garden objects. Looks like I've got to do a bunch of worm breeding in order to build up some more cash.

Presumably, at some point, I'll be able to expand my garden? Anyone know?

Grow chili seeds, you can sell em for $100 a pop.

The other way that works great is to grow a couple Hazelnut trees, this will attract squizzels, they sell for $1000+ each. Should be abloe to get a couple seeds for about $160.

I'd also set up a lightpost, that will attract moths fairly regularly, they sell for $600 a pop.

I'm gonna look up tips for gaining levels today, you'll expand around level 11 or 12, I'm at 15. Building new structures seems to be the easiest way to boost your level, and breeding.
Just found another tip Dave, plant your Chili seeds close together and then use the red fertilizer on them, twice, and you can sell the super-chili's for $300 each. Plant em close together so you can get 2 plants with one shot of fertilizer
This game sure sounds interesting from the things you guys are saying, when can you blow stuff up though? /runs
It looks like one of those nickelodeon CG shows

...or a certain Fox CG show :rolleyes:

The game, at the moment, looks phenomenal. But I'm going to wait a couple months to see how people fare with the full package ... how long the game is, etc.

Thanks for the nice impressions. I'll probably get this game when it comes out at the end of the week (I've been searching for a 360 game that I could play in front of my 3 years old daughter, and GoW isn't exactly ok in this regard with my better half).