Virtua Tennis 3 announced for PS3/360

london-boy said:
I've never been able to play VT2 on PS2 simply because i've never been able to find it in the shops, in 6 years i've had the thing. I will not miss this one! :D

Oh gosh, I really feel with you there. For my part, I admit spending 100+ hours playing the single player game and probably 70+ hours playing two or four player doubles. I always dreamt of playing this online, and it will hopefully be possible with this next installment!:D
mckmas8808 said:
Does it make anybody wonder why hardly any games are going on the Revolution?

No, Nintendo hasn't announced much of anything. Why should they? E3 is only a couple of weeks away and they can release the bomb at that time.;)
Some pics below



Now are they going to develop some side-controls to let you play with the PS3 motion control as well? THAT is the question! ;)
Knowing sega, probably not. It will most likely be as close as the Arcade version as possible.
Bad_Boy said:
Knowing sega, probably not. It will most likely be as close as the Arcade version as possible.
More of a sarcasmic crack than anything else, of course. The DS3 (or whatever they'll call it) can't really handle tasks in the same was as the Wii remote, as it doesn't have proper grip for one-handed swinging, nor the ability to give you good grip while maintaining your ability to control an analog stick or press buttons in a timely fashion. (The Wii's "nunchuck" is there for a reason, after all.)

Which is not to say it won't get used, but it certainly won't have the same range of motion. And a rather don't expect to see it be a part of tennis or ping pong. ;)
cthellis42 said:
Which is not to say it won't get used, but it certainly won't have the same range of motion. And a rather don't expect to see it be a part of tennis or ping pong. ;)
For swinging the racket, no, but it could be used to say orientate the players body to the ball, affecting the types of shot you produce. Or for aftertouch to add spin.
Swinging each time would get boring--nay, tiresome--after a set anyway. (When the novelty wears off.) ;) I do think they could toss in a few minor enhancements like aftertouching with relative ease though, yes. Things that seem natural that also have a button assignment.
I can imagine quite an instinctive move would be, after hitting the ball, if you see it's going a bit wrong, you can throw/tip the controller left or right to add compensating swerve.
I thought about some other way. The movements of the controller could actually be the movement of the player on the court (say like warhawk but on a plane level, which should be easier). Basically, tilt the controller to the left, the player runs to the left and so on, tilt it more and the player runs faster... And the buttons would then be dedicated to different shots.
If done right it could be very intuitive. I have to admit i'm not sure the PS3 controller could actually handle this kind of gameplay.
I don't think they'll get it in this version, but what I'd like it to be able to do is upper body control - lean backwards and forwards, stretch and bend downwards, stuff like that. The game does this for you right now, and it could be fun to make this manual.

Another thing that might be possible is controlling the angle of the racket. You let the computer take care of the hitting, but the angle at which the racket is while hitting, is up to you, so you influence if the ball goes high or low that way, or other kinds of effects, as mentioned above.

Both I don't think will be very easy, though, so we'll have beginner and advanced control modes and such, and it might have to wait for another version (or another franchise).
While it couldn't handle racket-swinging, it indeed could handle body motions. Only... what with the 360 not having that at all, I don't think we'll see complex body twisting added in just for the PS3. ;)

Essentially, I figure they'd let it substitute for things that exist otherwise--what you do with your analog sticks or particular button presses--or minor enhancements (that wouldn't involve model deformation and the like) like Geezer's aforementioned "after-hit english."
Can't wait for this one VT has been my tennis game since the first one on the DC. It was a long droubt for me before VT came out because most of the tennis games during the PS1, N64 days where dreadfull at best. I hope the net code is good because this will be the first tennis game I will buy to play online. I hope you can play doubles online I have a few friends who I used to play tennis would I think it would be a good time. One of my favorite tennis games was the cheesy one for the turbo graphix that had an RPG mode. We used to play a ton of doubles matches before hitting the real courts at night.
cthellis42 said:
While it couldn't handle racket-swinging

Could you explain to me why, exactly? I mean, I could think of some practical issues, but no technical ones ...