Very, very OT: To our Japanese/Asian readers... !


Ok, I give up. I have looked _EVERYWHERE_ in Toronto, on the net, on Ebay, WHEREEVER for this little guy.

If anyone in Japan/Asia is able to pick this up in person, PM me and I will pay well for it. Look what Archie's work as done to me :-?


Speaking of these toys, I once saw a jumbo Cactrot and I think a jumbo Tonberry. They were like 600+ USD apiece :-?

I wish I had bought at least one. I still want either a Tonberry or a Catrot, hell, wouldn't mind Moomba either. Never really got into the Moogles though.

If anyone has a heads-up on where to get these stuffed animals, don't be afraid to post :D
They're even sold out on DigiCube... :(

Gives you the idea, when I talk about cross-market sales being a factor in Japan...
Ugh yeah, I saw that.. but that's over $100 CDN =/ I might pass it on to my sister and say, "hint hint, CHRISTMAS!"

Tonberry and Cactrot (you mean Cactaur?) are actually pretty easy to find online.. well, easy in the sense that I went through 15 pages of Goggle results, sifting through Anime stores / Importers looking for LuLu's Moogle ;)

Erm what do they do?
Just cuddly toys or are they like electronic or something?

I realise I may have blasphemed here just calling them "cuddly toys" but I dont get the fascination zurich.. ?? :-?

Edit: ah right collector items from Final Fantasy series.... might be a good investment for the future if they are already so hard to get.