Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur 4

I think that's Darth Maul, not mole, though it could be :)

So this is what this franchise has been reduced to. Fan service. Well I don't mind, but I am curious how in the world did they managed to secure this license from Lucas. I thought Lucas is pretty strict with their properties especially SW.

Anyway I wouldn't mind if Namco made an SC base Jedi Vs Sith fighting game or something like that.

Screw weapons its all about force choke.
I can't believe they're splitting them up by console. That's extremely lame. I don't have either of those consoles, so it's no real worry to me, but I think it will be disappointing to fans.
Shifty Geezer said:
Darth Vader = Evil = PlayStation
Yoda = Good = XBox
Darth Vader -> Kills evil Emperor, brings balance to the force. = Playstation
Yoda -> Gets his ass kicked by the Emperor, and as council leader with no forcesight gets all Jedis masacred, resulting in darkside domination = XBox


I do think color match is spot on though.

Morgoth the Dark Enemy said:
Some alloy that exists in the SW universe and can be used to make swords and armor that resist being cut by lightsabres, whose name I cannot for the life of me remember.
Erm, if you're thinking Neutronium, I think short of being Superman noone could even lift swords made out of it, let alone use them in fight.
I can understand platform special characters like Link for the Gamecube version of Soul Cal II, but splitting up characters from an entirely different media would be terrible.

Personally, I'd have been more excited if they had an Elite with a plasma sword from the Halo series for the 360 version or Cloud from FFVII for the PS3 (not that I would expect Square Enix to allow it). ;)

So this is what this franchise has been reduced to. Fan service. Well I don't mind, but I am curious how in the world did they managed to secure this license from Lucas. I thought Lucas is pretty strict with their properties especially SW.

Haven't you been watching TV? Robot Chicken and Family Guy Star Wars Specials ring a bell? :p

I wonder if these are (tweaked) models from that new Star Wars game, The Force Unleashed. If anything this would keep the public aware of Star Wars. I mean... heck it just reminded me that there was a new Star Wars game coming. :p
Erm, if you're thinking Neutronium, I think short of being Superman noone could even lift swords made out of it, let alone use them in fight.

My younger brother is a Star Wars fanatic (& by fanatic I mean absolutely-destroyed-his-passion-for-anything-else-in-life fanatic.. He even wants to become a video games programmer just so he can work on star wars games..) & he's always on Wookieepedia so I've found out a few things from him..

Apparently the Vibro-blades (think KOTOR & you're there!) used some advanced technology to allow them to parry direct lightsaber attacks but only when fitted with a cortosis weave..
My younger brother is a Star Wars fanatic (& by fanatic I mean absolutely-destroyed-his-passion-for-anything-else-in-life fanatic.. He even wants to become a video games programmer just so he can work on star wars games..) & he's always on Wookieepedia so I've found out a few things from him..

Apparently the Vibro-blades (think KOTOR & you're there!) used some advanced technology to allow them to parry direct lightsaber attacks but only when fitted with a cortosis weave..

Lol, reminds me of the mumbo jumbo tech talk in star Trek series!
My younger brother is a Star Wars fanatic (& by fanatic I mean absolutely-destroyed-his-passion-for-anything-else-in-life fanatic.. He even wants to become a video games programmer just so he can work on star wars games..) & he's always on Wookieepedia so I've found out a few things from him..

Apparently the Vibro-blades (think KOTOR & you're there!) used some advanced technology to allow them to parry direct lightsaber attacks but only when fitted with a cortosis weave..

When you say little brother, you're really talking about yourself, aren't you?

Come on, admit it!

*checks calender*

Well... that was... odd. Then again, we had Spawn and Link in SC2, but this is even weirder.
Haven't you been watching TV? Robot Chicken and Family Guy Star Wars Specials ring a bell? :p

Unfortunately no, hardly watch TV these days. Was it any good? I've never heard of Robot Chicken and never seen one full episode of Family Guy. Are you sure they aren't cover under parody though.
Amusing, but pretty retarded. It'd be nice to see random character like this in a less-than-serious "funky mode," but I'd rather they be separated from the main game. They could enhance the regular characters, too.

At the VERY least, I wish they'd pull well-known characters from some kind of setting that synchs with Soul Calibur more.
Does anyone know if 360 players can play against PS3 players? I can see the epic battles all ready in my head:

"On the left side of the floor is YODA and his younglings who today will once again fight against the dark sides Champion Daaaaaarth VADER in another round of evil vs. good, good vs. evil, 360 vs PS3!"

Perhaps this will lead to some kind of movie remake from George Lucas:

"Yes this is how i always figured Star Wars was gonna be, the audiance deciding the battle through their consoles of choice, we just didn't have the technology back then to pull if off. So in this, the "Ultimate Super Duper Super Smash Box Office Smash Mega Block-Buster Limited Edition" of Star Wars we have with the help of computer generated imagery changed Yoda into an Xbox and Vader into a giant PS3 to let the audience feel that they are truly in control, the battle wages on in their homes. It's as it was always supposed to be."
Perhaps this will lead to some kind of movie remake from George Lucas:

"Yes this is how i always figured Star Wars was gonna be, the audiance deciding the battle through their consoles of choice, we just didn't have the technology back then to pull if off. So in this, the "Ultimate Super Duper Super Smash Box Office Smash Mega Block-Buster Limited Edition" of Star Wars we have with the help of computer generated imagery changed Yoda into an Xbox and Vader into a giant PS3 to let the audience feel that they are truly in control, the battle wages on in their homes. It's as it was always supposed to be."

Man, this feels totally strange. What's next Hello Kitty in Soul Calibur 5? Or Barbie for SC5 on PS3 and Ken on X360?
Highlander might have been more fitting, but I dunno if people would want Christopher Lambert in the game. Sean Connery, maybe. It would still be weird. :p
I've heard a suggestion for Leonidas from 300, which is a pretty good suggestion, fitting somewhat well with the universe (if a few hundred years too late :p) Any generic Spartan would be decent as well.
Man, this feels totally strange. What's next Hello Kitty in Soul Calibur 5? Or Barbie for SC5 on PS3 and Ken on X360?

I dunno... I think Jedi fit. All the "story" elements aside, the game is a sword based fighter. What more iconic fighters could you get over and above Vader and Yoda?

I bet this will have a positive impact on sales and will get a lot of positive geek response. It may turn off some hardcore SC players and seem like a marketing gimmick (it is!)... but it doesn't mean it is a bad thing. Gameplay wise it could be a positive, and if it moves units it is a good thing. At the worst people buy it for the Star War heros, and stick around for the core game.