USB2 problem

London Geezer

Hello chicos

I'm sure some of you guys remember that i had some problems with my Hi-Speed USB2 connections on my PC. The problem being they would act as USB1 or 1.1 dunno.

Well i plugged a new USB2 MP3 player the other day and it recognised it as USB1. Now i would NOT accept that so out of desperation i unplugged my camera (which works fine at USB2) and BOOM the mp3 player works fine at high speed!!

So basically, i can't plug more than one USB2 device at any one time and have them all working at high speed? That's a bit crap, why have so many USB ports then? Is it a problem with a driver? i've updated everything many times and this thing is still there.

Any ideas?
All the USB devices communicate with the master device over the same bus, so it switches back to the slowest speed. But most motherboards have 2 USB masters, so you should be able to connect the high-speed stuff to one, and the slow stuff to the other.
I feel your pain. My cute little USB HD is zippy as all get out on my system, but when I take it over to my friends what takes 3 minutes to upload on my system can take 30 minutes to download to hers! :oops:

I ordered their family a 4 port USB2 PCI card. For $10us it seems like it'll pay for itself the first time I use it.