Unreal Tournament 07 for X360?

Interesting. Last interview I saw, Rein said they weren't working on a 360 version and GoW was what the 360 was getting (and PS3/PC was getting Ut2k7).
Nothing changed. It was always scheduled for PS3/X360/PC. PC will be getting it first with 360/PS3 getting it a few months after.

Epic has never stated it was console exclusive to PS3, not sure where people were getting this from
Just a thought:

Sony gave Epic PRIME TIME airtime last E3. The game was always a PC title, but it was a big win for Sony to get a AAA FPS on their console. What a great way to burn a bridge than to then start yelling from the roof tops, "Oh, this is for the 360 as well!"

Epic has really moved up in the world. Last year they had a central place at Sony's E3 and MS gave them a lot of exposure on the game floor. This year MS *opened* their show with Gears of War as their "Fall 2006 Highlight Game". Epic is a significant middleware provider on both sides--and want to stay that way!

It only seems obvious to me, that *if* UT2007 is coming to the 360 that Epic not say a word. This is a big PS3 game due to its E3 product placement. If Sony is going to help them hype the game, Epic kind of has a responsibility not to harm Sony's efforts.

It may very well turn out to be like Fight Night Round 3 for the Xbox 360. It shipped in Feb/Mar (forget which), but I did not even know the title was in the works - let alone due out shortly - until AFTER the holidays. It seemed EA kept a very tight lid on the product. Why? Because they got prime time E3 air time at the SONY E3 2005 press conference.

So if UT2007 (if!), then it would not be a surprise that Epic is keeping it on the downlow. It would be the professional thing to do.
scooby_dooby said:
Less of a bombshell, and more of a pea-drop ;)

In other words, it was totally expected.

That was more just speculation by people. This actually had roots in reality, as it came from Rein's mouth (it was posted in this very forum a month or so ago).
just heard an interview on GS E3 live with a UT07 designer

she told him that the rumor has been going around on forums about this coming to X360 and asked him directly.

He said... "Right now"... we have announced it only for PS3 and PC.

When asked again at the end of the interview, he laughed and said, "hey I'm just a designer"

sounds like this theory may be right ...

Acert93 ...

It may very well turn out to be like Fight Night Round 3 for the Xbox 360. It shipped in Feb/Mar (forget which), but I did not even know the title was in the works - let alone due out shortly - until AFTER the holidays. It seemed EA kept a very tight lid on the product. Why? Because they got prime time E3 air time at the SONY E3 2005 press conference.

So if UT2007 (if!), then it would not be a surprise that Epic is keeping it on the downlow. It would be the professional thing to do.
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Straight from the horse's mouth

May 12, 2006 - Yesterday was a lot of fun. Mark Rein asked if I had seen UT 2007 yet, I said no. So he told me to meet him at the NVIDIA booth. I was expecting him to have UT2007 there but we just hung out shot the shit. Then it dawned on me that I was like, supposed to be interviewing him but my camcorder/camera thingie ran out of power like 10 minutes before so I couldn't record anything. Oops. Mark didn't say anything new about the release date or reveal any huge new Unreal Engine deals, so it's not like we missed out on anything. The only "newsworthy" piece was that (despite what might be listed on Xbox.com) there are no plans for a 360 port of UT 2007. I even asked something along the lines of "hey, I read on beyond unreal that there's plans to port Ut2007 to the 360." He was like, huh? Turns out that's not the case. He didn't rule out the possiblity of one someday, but it's just not in the cards now.
I still don't think it is going to come out for the 360, I still think there is going to be an unreal championship game down the line somewhere. I think it did pretty well on the xbox, I doubt they will can the series
He didn't rule out the possiblity of one someday, but it's just not in the cards now.

I think we are seeing smoke and mirrors to protect certain products for a time period on each system.

Publishers would be foolish this gen not to include multi-console for every product from a financial point of view.

It's going to be up to 1st party software to sell exclusives (by and large) this gen IMO.
pegisys said:
I think it did pretty well on the xbox, I doubt they will can the series

hrm... I dunno, it didn't seem too popular. There is a following on their forums, but... yeah. It doesn't seem like they ever made a big splash on NPD either. The first game was a stripped down version of UT2k3, and UC2 was kinda weird with the melee combat (IMO), and it just felt really slow.
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Tap In said:
I think we are seeing smoke and mirrors to protect certain products for a time period on each system.

Exactly. Why would Epic and MS want this game and GoW releasing at the same time on the 360? UTk7 would obviously canabalize some of the sales of GoW. It would be better to make it a PS3 launch window game (with the increased exposure because of it) and then release an updated version for the 360 in the spring...

Just seems to make more business sense.