Unreal deal for PS3

Just because a developer is into engine licensing doesn't mean the engine makers will make it easy to port to other platforms. e.g. all engines from id software ;)
Qroach said:
damn, it sure has gone up.
You might almost say the costs are... unreal! :p

At this point, though, I put their engine on par with any other top developer's, so I don't doubt they can pull in what id can.
jvd said:
the only problem with this is the smaller developers will use this engine and put games out on both systems .
This is not "the problem" for the small developement houses, the problem is that they can't afford UE3.0. That's the only problem that is to be found.

As I said, the Reality Engine was the "cheap" solution for most of the little developers out there, but Epic got their back covered and bought over the engine.

Of course, Epic proposed the studios, that licensed the RE, a licence to the UE3.0 at a "lower" price. But this low price might be a lot higher than what the RE license was.
This is not "the problem" for the small developement houses, the problem is that they can't afford UE3.0. That's the only problem that is to be found.
actually i tink your wrong .Looking at the posts it scales from around 400k for the engine with royality fees to 900k for the game with greatly reduced royality fees or no royality fees .

A small development company will most likely be able to use the engine and port it to both consoles and the pc to maximize thier money .

But that is bad for sony and ms as less exclusive titles
jvd said:
actually i tink your wrong .Looking at the posts it scales from around 400k for the engine with royality fees to 900k for the game with greatly reduced royality fees or no royality fees .

A small development company will most likely be able to use the engine and port it to both consoles and the pc to maximize thier money .
Believe me, half a million + a cut on the, already, meager incomes from the game is really too much.
It's funny to see alot of Sony fans praising U3.0 engine when it was only a month or two ago Huxley was shown as an x360 game and the same peeps were claiming it looked awful. Then again with a name like Huxley it just sounds like a bad game. Good to see EPic finally getting some recognition, IMO they've been besting ID since '99. I just hope it doesn't turn out like the q3 games where every game based on the engine had the same "feel".
The - much-needed - Quake Wars show that there's quite some room for Doom3 on nextgen hardware as well...
Pozer said:
it was only a month or two ago Huxley was shown as an x360 game and the same peeps were claiming it looked awful.

I think that had to do with the queer skin for the main character.