Astronomers size up the Universe
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I like this part.......The Universe is at least 156 billion light-years wide, say astronomers. ()
The estimate comes from data obtained by a space probe that is examining the so-called Cosmic Background Radiation - often called the echo of the Big Bang.
The echo contains information of what the cosmos was like when it was young and how it might develop.
The cosmos is 13.7bn years old but the stretching of space with its expansion after the Big Bang means that simple distance measurements do not apply.
:?To get the picture try to imagine the Universe a million years after the Big Bang. Light travels for a year, covering one light-year. But at that time, the Universe was about a thousand times smaller than it is today meaning that one light-year has now become stretched to about a thousand light-years.
I wounder if I need a few more decimals places in my sig......