UniPixel armed with TMOS to go to war against LCD, OLED, and Plasma technology

Rambus bought TMOS IP for 2.25 million dollars, which is not the kind of money IP for something disruptive and close to market would fetch. Dead might be an overstatement, but it's not relevant to the near future.

As for why ... dunno. Maybe existing TFT backplanes aren't suited yet for the much higher frequencies this kind of screen needs?
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Oh yeah, I guess that will be commercialized soon also ... I have doubts about it.

To do gradients without a couple hundred Hz refresh rate (it's PWM modulated) it would need to use dithering ... and I doubt it has the resolution for that. So it will need to have active refresh if it wants to for instance show anti-aliased fonts. I think whis will impact power consumption, for what it's worth the lady in this video says 7.2 Watt. Liquavista because it's pixels are analog modulated can simply lower the refresh rate, which I think will give it far lower power consumption.

Like all colour e-paper it can't manage the same brightness as greyscale e-paper displays (Liquavista has the same problem). This will only be solved once they can make multilayer CMY displays.
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I've shone a ~3k Cd. red LED into my eye. It actually hurts, it's so bright. An entire display that's that bright (or as claimed here, brighter) could light up a whole room singlehandedly.
3.000 cd or 3.000 cd/m²?