Now here's a favorite topic of mine - the lithography processes behind all our favorite chips.
Specifically here, I'm wondering what the deal is - the interplay if you would - between all of these various chip companies that have R&D agreements with each other. How transparant are advances made with one partnership allowed to be to partners in another, 'on the side' partnership?
Specifically, let me outline several modern partnerships here:
IBM & AMD 45nm
STI on 32nm
Sony, Toshiba, NEC on 45nm
Now these actually are pretty bad examples for the subject I'm discussing, because they actually do not conflict directly with one another... but AMD/IBM/Chartered's recent 65nm work vs STI's 65nm work would be one such example. If the STI crew comes up with something, can IBM take it into the meetings with AMD? And likewise on the reverse. Will the immersion lithography process refined on 45nm with AMD and IBM be translated wholesale to 32nm for Toshiba and Sony when that time comes? Really I'm just wondering to what extent 'partnership' advances are kept within the respective families.
And speaking of Cell on 32nm, maybe it'll help to create itself?
(off topic but fun anyway)
Specifically here, I'm wondering what the deal is - the interplay if you would - between all of these various chip companies that have R&D agreements with each other. How transparant are advances made with one partnership allowed to be to partners in another, 'on the side' partnership?
Specifically, let me outline several modern partnerships here:
IBM & AMD 45nm
STI on 32nm
Sony, Toshiba, NEC on 45nm
Now these actually are pretty bad examples for the subject I'm discussing, because they actually do not conflict directly with one another... but AMD/IBM/Chartered's recent 65nm work vs STI's 65nm work would be one such example. If the STI crew comes up with something, can IBM take it into the meetings with AMD? And likewise on the reverse. Will the immersion lithography process refined on 45nm with AMD and IBM be translated wholesale to 32nm for Toshiba and Sony when that time comes? Really I'm just wondering to what extent 'partnership' advances are kept within the respective families.
And speaking of Cell on 32nm, maybe it'll help to create itself?
(off topic but fun anyway)
...To deal with this, all kinds of compensating factors (called Optical Proximity Correction, or OPC) have to be encoded into the "mask design" stage. These additions look like bumps, unusually shaped squares, lines placed out of place, and other techniques that are required to physically "trick" the light into going where it's supposed to go.
These OPC requirements introduce much greater complexity to the design stage and significantly increase validation time. An OPC database might be 500 MB at 180 nm, taking only a few hours to compile. Drop down to 65 nm feature sizes and the OPC database increases 1,000 fold to 500 GB, taking (literally) months of processing time to compile (but it's done in parallel, so it's completed more quickly in real time). These extreme compensating factors allow the mask to then, even with the distortions, produce correctly shaped features because of the OPC additives...
... Hardware acceleration techniques are increasingly implemented in specialized applications that require more processing power than mainstream solutions can offer. The novel platform combines a standard compute cluster with the Cell BE processor to cost-effectively deliver up to a 20x increase in compute capacity and speed now required for resolution enhancement tool (RET) applications at and below 45nm.
The amount of computation required to complete the 45nm and below RET flow has increased dramatically compared to that of the 65nm node. Larger devices, larger optical diameters, more model kernels, through-process simulation, and more compute-intensive process modeling have pushed computation requirements for the 45nm node from 5 to 20 times that of the 65nm node. Even if critical layer jobs can complete on standard farms, the turn-around time (TAT) is unacceptable, and the number of CPUs and licenses are too costly. In addition, companies moving to 45nm want to preserve their current hardware investment. It has become clear that software innovation is needed to address all of these issues in tandem with a new, innovative HPC platform...