Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection


Island Hopper
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection (October 9th 2015)

The team at Bluepoint Games is incomparable regarding their portfolio of ports and remastered releases, and we’ve been working closely with them to bring over our engine to make Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection an exemplary game. That means not only delivering the single-player campaigns of Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, and Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception in 1080p and 60fps with better lighting, textures, and models, but also adding a range of improvements and additions across all three games including Photo Mode and new trophies. We put together the list of these improvements and additions based on countless forum posts, messages, Tweets, and even through personal conversations we’ve had with a number of you over the years. More on these specifics in future updates.


So the double dip(s) begins...:cool:
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and we’ve been working closely with them to bring over our engine to make Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection an exemplary game...in 1080p and 60fps with better lighting, textures, and models... photo mode...

Yes! the only thing that really mattered! The full TLOU remastered treatment!

EDIT: someone should add the release date somewhere in the OP. October 9th 2015
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I wonder how big the PS4 install is going to be. I think I'm going to have to get this on Blu-ray. Or Blu-rays!
I wonder whether they'll keep the 3D features but this time at much higher quality than on PS3. Tried it at the time and it was pretty much unplayable.
Definitely up for this! I loved the Uncharted games, and getting to play them again is so cool.
Never played the 3rd in the series but I can vouch for the first two, those who've jumped from 360 to PS4 are in for a right treat make no mistake.
I don't think I will be able to resist this either. There are very few games where I loved and played all campaigns AND enjoyed the multiplayer, and then this has UC4 MP beta ...
I don't think I will be able to resist this either. There are very few games where I loved and played all campaigns AND enjoyed the multiplayer, and then this has UC4 MP beta ...
But multiplayer of U2 and 3 isnt included,right?.A pity if so as U2 multiplayer was great.That map in the tibetan town, each team starting from one side of the square...so f. good.
Who knows? MP was included in the Last of Us remake as well, and it is very similar code wise, so should be small effort comparatively?
The Nathan Drake Collection? Are there any Uncharted games starring someone other than Nathan Drake? And shouldn't a character based collection be, you know, comprehensive? I guess Golden Abyss isn't worthy enough.