Uncharted 3

I see what you mean Arwin, just starting to get VERY interesting! Just had the "Nepal" of U3 moment! haha. Crazy lighting! Chapter 10 i think?!
oh really, havent started my second playthrough yet, waiting for the aiming get patch and hopefully motion blur too. Thought I read somewhere that there is no chapter select.

Of course. They want you to experience chapter 17 multiple times. ;)
Having progressed into and beyond the château I have to admit that ND are practically taking the p1ss now. I thought they'd pushed the GFX bandwagon as far as they could with UC2 but somehow they've managed to pull more out of the bag. Amazing.

It's the attention to little details not just just the overall quality that really makes the game pull you in. They've really piled them on. The quality of the gfx, the attention to detail, and the soundtrack. Wow.

The UC series is definitely in the top five best games of this generation and definitely have best overall gfx on the PS3. Get a feeling I won't be going back to BF3 after this.
Gaming Nirvana achieved ! I won't mind if I die now, I have seen the pinnacle of gaming, the pinnacle of the absolute pinacle of awesome ! Kojima has been dethroned : Naughty Dog has achived perfection !

The best Story Start ever !
The best fan service in a story start ever !
i will never forget playing as a Kid Drake and seeing a young Sully :D ! Naughty Dog gave me something I hadn't even yet wished for !
The best graphics ever ! Was gng to buy BF3, but don't even feel the urge now ! My eyes have seen the ultimate !
The best buildup ever !
The best characters ever !
Damn ! ITS THE BEST GAME EVER :p !!!!!

I am at chapter 8, just entered Syria and stopped as I could not take so much of awesomeness together,

If u thought UC2 was good or great, mu dear fellow ND has found perfection in gaming ! This is the game of the Generation ! If this does not define gaming, nothing ever willl !

For the first time, a non japanese studio or game designer has reached the status if a gaming God in my eyes : its NAUGHTY DOG !!!! I bow to you sirs and Maams, you have captured bliss in a blu - ray disc !!!!

I'm trying to read between the lines here. What you're saying is that you like the game?
I love it as well.:D So pretty. Love all the little details, like at the airfield when Drake climbs through a window which shuts before he can get his fingers out. There's just so many little touches that bring the characters to life. Next Uncharted needs more Charlie, though.
Dunno, somehow U3 dint grab me like U2 did, in U2 I couldnt leave the game after nepal, I somehow miss the background action like tanks and soldiers strafing by down on the road. in U3 its more of a sterile "nothing is alive ouside of your corridor" so far.
Im only at chapter 8 (? the
syrian castle
) but Im really hopin the game loses the training wheels soon.

And the controls have some laggy feel to it, I cant understand how that dint crop up in testing. in tight corridors like the first chapter, even moving around can be a chore with Drake grinding against the wall instead taking the right path. It almost seems they given up fast responses for better animations?

I also ran into a bug just a few minutes into the game, where Sully holds a door open and apparently should charge ahead of you once you enter. he dint do that and I disposed of the goons in the room and then couldnt go anywhere, then I leave through the door I came in, Sully charges.

One thing really struck me as really odd:
A secret society, blowing up parts of a tourist attraction with bazookas early in the morning? How did they stay in the shadows for centuries with such morons

And on the early chapter ("fanservice"):
An I cant help to note how much inspiration ND got from Indiana Jones, lets look at both 3rd parts beginning:
cutback to young indy, introducing his father and the villain hes facing now - cutback to young drake meeting his fatherly friend and introducing the villain we just met shortly ago
I almost expected him to fall into a cage of snakes, especially after the evil woman asked "What are you afraid of"
Dunno, somehow U3 dint grab me like U2 did, in U2 I couldnt leave the game after nepal, I somehow miss the background action like tanks and soldiers strafing by down on the road. in U3 its more of a sterile "nothing is alive ouside of your corridor" so far.

Im only at chapter 8 (? the
syrian castle
) ...

You'll definitely get to see more lively streets later.
Gaming Nirvana achieved ! I won't mind if I die now, I have seen the pinnacle of gaming, the pinnacle of the absolute pinacle of awesome ! Kojima has been dethroned : Naughty Dog has achived perfection !

The best Story Start ever !
The best fan service in a story start ever !
i will never forget playing as a Kid Drake and seeing a young Sully :D ! Naughty Dog gave me something I hadn't even yet wished for !
The best graphics ever ! Was gng to buy BF3, but don't even feel the urge now ! My eyes have seen the ultimate !
The best buildup ever !
The best characters ever !
Damn ! ITS THE BEST GAME EVER :p !!!!!

I am at chapter 8, just entered Syria and stopped as I could not take so much of awesomeness together,

If u thought UC2 was good or great, mu dear fellow ND has found perfection in gaming ! This is the game of the Generation ! If this does not define gaming, nothing ever willl !

For the first time, a non japanese studio or game designer has reached the status if a gaming God in my eyes : its NAUGHTY DOG !!!! I bow to you sirs and Maams, you have captured bliss in a blu - ray disc !!!!

Chapter 8 ? You'll be blown away a few times by this game then. ^_^
My mind went blank for a second at one point. Might have blown a fuse or something.

Wow, if you feel like this after reaching chapter 8, then you're going to go nuts from here on :D

One thing that I thought was a bit of a pity, is that the melee battles play out the same way most of the time. There is one certain type that while they can be skinned very differently, their battles have just about the exact, quite long, set of animations the battle goes through. I'm not a great fan of this, and I can understand that this is something that the Eurogamer reviewer got the feeling from that there was less freedom in the game, as this type of melee just isn't as refined and versatile an experience as the gunplay.

But it doesn't detract overly - there is just so much awesomeness here that nitpicks are easily forgotten, not to mention that to me it feels like more than ever, Uncharted 3 gives about 2x the single player campaign as most games do (certainly in terms of assets!). And that's even before the rather awesome multi-player, which I've only played some of in the beta. So yeah, definitely game of the year material again, and definitely one of my top experiences all time.

I think if they dial back the AI and the melee length, the gameplay would be MUCH more inviting. I intend to go back and replay everything in 3D. But I might wait for the first UC3 patch first.
Anyone tried MP yet ?

I finally found my favorite UC2 mode "Co-op Adventure". The visual is not as great this time but I like the gameplay, difficulty (harder !) and cutscenes more.

can be quite funny in these levels.
I'm trying to read between the lines here. What you're saying is that you like the game?

Yes, I am stunned by the game would be more appropriate :cool: !!! I had not in my dreams expected it to be so engaging and so well thought of and executed at all. The story and gameplay merge so seamlessly that it doesn't feel like a game anymore. Its surreal !

Chapter 8 ? You'll be blown away a few times by this game then. ^_^
My mind went blank for a second at one point. Might have blown a fuse .

Good to hear that. In fact I can't understand people who said that this game starts very slowly and all that. I say, this is the best start to a game ever. I was so drawn in that I was just , well, "drawn in" ! I was in, I mean, I was just in the story , in the game, smiling, anticipating what happens next and thouroughly enjoying the story unfolding as I played ! The blend between story and game parts felt absolutley smooth and seamless, I never felt that this is the story being told and this is me playing !!!!!! My respect flows out unabated for the wonderful team who accomplaished it so well !

As for the melee system, yes I think they have overcomplicated it for no reason. Uc2 melee system was simpler to control and worked equally well. They should have just added the new animations into the same system. Maybe , I 'll get used to it and master it. But right now I fumble sometimes during melee fights, something that never happened in UC2 !

But still: GAME OF THIS GENERATION ! Absolutely ! This is perfection in story telling inside the game ! perfect opening, perfect introduction of gameplay mechanics and perfect setting up for the real game to come!

If it isn't good enough for some, well then its good my mind is not like them, cos this is pure bliss ! For the people who are not able to enjoy this game, they are just unfortunate, as Insomniac says:
Up Your Arsenal
Sir ! :LOL:
is there a statement from ND why is motion blur missing? i am missing it a lot :(

Arne said he told the higher up guys and they were shocked, and will be looking into it. Nothing since then. Engineering team or someone might have turn it off at the last minute maybe. I miss it too especially the one from the explosion.
Good to hear that. In fact I can't understand people who said that this game starts very slowly and all that. I say, this is the best start to a game ever. I was so drawn in that I was just , well, "drawn in" ! I was in, I mean, I was just in the story , in the game, smiling, anticipating what happens next and thouroughly enjoying the story unfolding as I played ! The blend between story and game parts felt absolutley smooth and seamless, I never felt that this is the story being told and this is me playing !!!!!! My respect flows out unabated for the wonderful team who accomplaished it so well !

I think they are just eager to get to the treasure hunting and shooting proper. The last time we saw Nate, he was busy fighting
hard to kill blue enemies
It's Hollywood story driven, hence progression is linear, one event after another disaster. At least I could wrap it up quickly.

The gameplay is more free style this time. If the player follows cookie-cutter stop-and-pop advancement, he or she will most likely die a quick and brutal death.

^which were a royal pain the rear. Glad ND avoided pitfalls like that with U3.

Well, some late stage enemies
are armored, and hence are not stopped by bullets too. Thankfully, they are not everywhere (i.e., they don't jump around like monkeys).
I understand people have different opinions, do you? :p

well, than it is time for you to start to accept other opinions as well mister...such as the one from RenegadeRocks, which you commented with LOL ;-)

as for über-linearity...it is as linear as most other games released nowadays...I can accept that you don't like linear games, as I don't like open world games for instance

but I think that such an overall density of story and gameplay elements and entertainment can only be achieved by linear games...
The armored guys don't jump around though. They usually make a bee line towards your position while totally disregarding cover spots. As long as you are not within melee range they can pretty much use their shotguns all day long and it won't have much of an impact on Nate's health.