I said I agree in large part with your criticisms, but I guess you don't agree with that. So then I'll modify it and say that I agree in some part with your criticisms.Walking around in the forest in France with the shadows of the leaves over the very busy environment with rocks, plants and everything, combined with the MLAA perhaps, but certainly the lack of the motion blur when the camera turns makes it even worse. My personal opinion is that it looks very good at times, but sometimes there are just too many individual pixels for me to handle.
I'm merely saying it seemed like you took my criticism and put a hyperbolic spin on it. See it how you want, I can care less if you think it's the most perfect game and deserves GoTY, I'm just saying that your comment does not line up with mine at all.
Maybe I don't notice it. Or maybe I don't run through the game like you do, no idea. You playing with XMB forced to 720?
Oh trust me, I'm not running through the game at all. I'm one of those types to take their time and just soak it all in, searching the crevices and corners.
Also yes, I game on a 768p TV so I have my PS3 set to 720p.
I saw texture pop-in exactly once in the. It's a bug though, not performance related. Since I can repro the same exact issue by standing on the same spot and varying my viewing angle (back and forth). ^_^forest
Off the top of my head, I saw it in the beginning
bar fight, when you go into the kitchen, the items on the counter/table were blurry then popped into detail
Sully and Nate weren't really shot, when you're running down the ally the bricks on the wall were blurry, then eventually loaded in
forest area in France
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