Uncharted 3

I said I agree in large part with your criticisms, but I guess you don't agree with that. So then I'll modify it and say that I agree in some part with your criticisms. :rolleyes: Walking around in the forest in France with the shadows of the leaves over the very busy environment with rocks, plants and everything, combined with the MLAA perhaps, but certainly the lack of the motion blur when the camera turns makes it even worse. My personal opinion is that it looks very good at times, but sometimes there are just too many individual pixels for me to handle.

I'm merely saying it seemed like you took my criticism and put a hyperbolic spin on it. See it how you want, I can care less if you think it's the most perfect game and deserves GoTY, I'm just saying that your comment does not line up with mine at all.

Maybe I don't notice it. Or maybe I don't run through the game like you do, no idea. You playing with XMB forced to 720?

Oh trust me, I'm not running through the game at all. I'm one of those types to take their time and just soak it all in, searching the crevices and corners. :p I'm sure some people could have beaten the game in two nights of playing, but I'm probably only half way through the game.

Also yes, I game on a 768p TV so I have my PS3 set to 720p.

I saw texture pop-in exactly once in the
. It's a bug though, not performance related. Since I can repro the same exact issue by standing on the same spot and varying my viewing angle (back and forth). ^_^

Off the top of my head, I saw it in the beginning
bar fight, when you go into the kitchen, the items on the counter/table were blurry then popped into detail
. Also right after the scene where you learn
Sully and Nate weren't really shot, when you're running down the ally the bricks on the wall were blurry, then eventually loaded in
. Also saw it during the
forest area in France
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I saw texture pop-in exactly once in the
. It's a bug though, not performance related. Since I can repro the same exact issue by standing on the same spot and varying my viewing angle (back and forth). ^_^

Likely depends on players. I don't suffer from it but I was also indifferent to the original KZ2 aim issue.

The weird thing is that it's the same tv. I don't have that issue myself. In terms of responsiveness U3 feels exactly the same as U2 (and both feel slower than U1)
Just started. Loved the first bit, hating the second bit.
For me the worst part of Uncharted has always been the blind runs and it seems they have condensed that into a blind run where the smallest obstacle might as well be the highest mountain and Nate has lost the ability to climb down window ledges. In the other ones these have always been further into the game. But right at the beginning. Kind of puts me off the game.

Maybe it's just me being grumpy though and it should be fun. I've just had an op on my nose to repair some breakage and they chopped all kinds of bits up in it and left me with stitches inside my nose. It's very sore and annoying!! Might be colouring my view point somewhat!?
My PS3 is practically brand new since I got my second one earlier this year with a $100 discount and I still experience texture pop in.
Since my PS3 has an older hard drive, every instance of blurry or low-res textures has me wondering whether it's the texture itself or the streaming system. I have no way of determining which is the case though. In some cases it doesn't matter how long I wait for higher res art to stream in, the texture just stays blurry. So maybe it's the former.
Just started. Loved the first bit, hating the second bit.
For me the worst part of Uncharted has always been the blind runs and it seems they have condensed that into a blind run where the smallest obstacle might as well be the highest mountain and Nate has lost the ability to climb down window ledges. In the other ones these have always been further into the game. But right at the beginning. Kind of puts me off the game.

Maybe it's just me being grumpy though and it should be fun. I've just had an op on my nose to repair some breakage and they chopped all kinds of bits up in it and left me with stitches inside my nose. It's very sore and annoying!! Might be colouring my view point somewhat!?
Well, it's not that fun to play a game if you aren't in the best of moods. I am sorry to know about your operation, At least you are recovering, which is always a plus.

I've had an operation, only one, during my life, and I don't want to repeat the experience, ever, but my health is okay. What would worry me is if I am alone and I ever become extremely ill and I can't get myself to a hospital.

I have never had to operate my nose, but doctors removed my spleen after a car crash. My nose has that bump on it that half of the population has, and that makes me sad. :smile: I really like straight noses. But well, that's not really so bad. If I take a picture at the right angle, it does not even show.

Enjoy Uncharted 3 and other games while you recover from the operation. Take care of you and good luck!
I would just accept that some part of the game loads new area sooner than the texture streaming can keep up. I am using a 7200 rpm drive on a slim and both U2 and U3 has texture loading problem on the exact same spot every time I play. If it really bother you, just pause the game right away and let everything load in then continue.
Chapter 12 now and from Chapter 8 onwards the graphics have started to give me those wow moments again.

Also got used to the new aiming now although clearly the game favors melee, as it's much easier to take out enemies with that, especially with the right context. There are some really neat melee variations btw, like catching the gun of a downed enemy mid-air or throwing the gun at your enemy to distract him, knock him down and then catch the gun again.

There have been some cool puzzles already too.
Will recieve the game today ! My question:

SHould I play on Normal or hard? i played R3 on hard the first time and it was not hard at all. These days some games tend to be too easy on normal. How does UC3 fare?
I play on Normal not to bore my wife, but if you take to the melee combat I think Hard should be fine. GAF has mixed impressions on whether hard here was more or less difficult than 2's Hard.
Will recieve the game today ! My question:

SHould I play on Normal or hard? i played R3 on hard the first time and it was not hard at all. These days some games tend to be too easy on normal. How does UC3 fare?
I started palying on hard, im at chapter 8 or so. it can get hairy when you get surrounded (which means dont get surrounded), but it manageable so far.
you can always drop down to normal in the option I believe, but once you do you wont receive the "hard" trophy. So start out on hard, there is no reason to force yourself to normal from the beginning IMHO
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Got the game :) finally! This is the best special edition ever, such a beautfiul p,ackage , the box which looks like a notebook is AWESOME :cool: !

Time to play baby ! Will start on hard and see what happens ! I think i will drop down to normal if it is as hard as uc2 hard !
I'm only up to chapter 6 so far and I can say the visual easily surpasses UC2's. Chap2 alone definitely gave me boners with its superb use of color and stunning lighting. And boy can Naughty Dog do a beautiful forest! UC2's Borneo has nothing on the chateau level in terms of lighting, foliage, cascading shadows and that bokeh DOF works like a charm on each individual sparkles in the stream. Again I can't stress on how beautiful the lighting and art is.
Love the visuals, love the animation, with one exception.
When you shoot the enemy's when they move, they won't stop like in previews games...
I also don't like the sensitivity this time... It feels more difficult than U1...
Don't get me wrong, I loved the difficulty of U1, but I haven't played a game in a long time now, and I'm rusty as hell!
I guess, that with practice, I'll get there. :D

Now, if we won't default before the eleventh of the month, I'll get Skyrim just in time, so I'll have something to do waiting for the end of the world!!!!
Talk about prioritizing!!!
I like that they have so many different gameplay elements...the mixture never gets boring: shooting, puzzle, platforming, chasing, brawl...never felt boring and repetitive through out the game!!

I like it the most, that they gave you the possiblilty to play those "cutscenes"!!!
In other games, you always are damned to only watch cutscenes...you are just watching don't have control...like Gears 3 for instance, where you just lean back and watch those cool moments. In UC3 I have they feeling that they tried hard to let you play as much as those scenes as possible, give you control whenever possible...great!!!

The subtle animations of Drake are unbelievable...they really manage to draw me into the game and make Drake more real and likeable!! I really did start to connect to Drake, his jokes, his gestures and stumbling, falling down...when he clamp his fingers and you say "ouch"!!...cool Naugty Dog, I salute you for this!

Story is great. Slowly draws you in, furthermore manages to extend the relationship between Sully and Drake...great character development!

There is so much variety in this game, never had a game with such variety: e.g. in RAGE you really have the feeling that everythign looks kind of the same! And in RAGE for instance, it does not help that you visit every place and level 2-3 times (massive backtracking is something I hate)!

In UC3...everything feels new...great achievment! 8 hours of pure variety is much better than e.g. 17 hours where you visit everything two times (RAGE)!!

On tec side: one complain...aliasing!! Please get rid of it...
I did not notice any texture pop in and have a Euro launch PS3 with 320GB HDD.
Had the feeling that texture filtering is better. Did see some shadow pop in during playing...animation is pure ace imo, lightning is mighty fine, effects look very nice and much better than those ultra low res effects in UC2 (compare the fire in UC3 and UC2 e.g.)...but one thing is superb not often mentioned: the soundtrack is like a movie soundtrack...ultra high quality imo!!!

Also: the german translation and synchro is very good!

As I said...one of the best games I have ever played!!!
Gaming Nirvana achieved ! I won't mind if I die now, I have seen the pinnacle of gaming, the pinnacle of the absolute pinacle of awesome ! Kojima has been dethroned : Naughty Dog has achived perfection !

The best Story Start ever !
The best fan service in a story start ever !
i will never forget playing as a Kid Drake and seeing a young Sully :D ! Naughty Dog gave me something I hadn't even yet wished for !
The best graphics ever ! Was gng to buy BF3, but don't even feel the urge now ! My eyes have seen the ultimate !
The best buildup ever !
The best characters ever !
Damn ! ITS THE BEST GAME EVER :p !!!!!

I am at chapter 8, just entered Syria and stopped as I could not take so much of awesomeness together,

If u thought UC2 was good or great, mu dear fellow ND has found perfection in gaming ! This is the game of the Generation ! If this does not define gaming, nothing ever willl !

For the first time, a non japanese studio or game designer has reached the status if a gaming God in my eyes : its NAUGHTY DOG !!!! I bow to you sirs and Maams, you have captured bliss in a blu - ray disc !!!!
Wow, if you feel like this after reaching chapter 8, then you're going to go nuts from here on :D

One thing that I thought was a bit of a pity, is that the melee battles play out the same way most of the time. There is one certain type that while they can be skinned very differently, their battles have just about the exact, quite long, set of animations the battle goes through. I'm not a great fan of this, and I can understand that this is something that the Eurogamer reviewer got the feeling from that there was less freedom in the game, as this type of melee just isn't as refined and versatile an experience as the gunplay.

But it doesn't detract overly - there is just so much awesomeness here that nitpicks are easily forgotten, not to mention that to me it feels like more than ever, Uncharted 3 gives about 2x the single player campaign as most games do (certainly in terms of assets!). And that's even before the rather awesome multi-player, which I've only played some of in the beta. So yeah, definitely game of the year material again, and definitely one of my top experiences all time.