Uncharted 3

Looks awesome, but I get the feeling that they are taking away player control too very frequently and after very short intervals. They are "breaking" the gameplay with too many times and in too short intervals, the whole thing might start feeling like one long interactive cutscene !
Have to play to find out. If the cutscenes and playable segments switch in/out very quickly, I usually continue to control Nate, in case the game throws him back at me without me noticing it. Hopefully it's not too frequent.

RFOM had this problem in a few areas since the cutscenes are comics slide show. The gameplay segments may appear fragmented in those parts. R3 is better in this aspect.

ya, heard its in the MP but not the new SP footage, bug?

Evan Wells confirmed on his twitter that the reason motion blur is missing is only due to the way footage was captured, and that the game still has motion blur, just as it always did.;)

Now picking up the bits of my brain in which it has been blown right away from the Desert gameplay. ND are a bunch of crazy graphics whores indeed:).
And ND thought that was good game design? If they wanted to have a natural rough aim when running+gunning, they should have the same autoaim on L1 for very accurate shots. Take the aiming skill out of the player's hands and just have them decide fast, rough aim or slow, accurate aim handled by the game. I can't see that going down well among shooter players, although it might level the playfield dramatically.
Heh, it's an interesting concept. Wonder if people who don't play MP will like it.

The video highlights all the aim assisted kill shots, which skews the outcome. In a real game, it may be a mix bag.

Have you tried the latest MP beta ? I heard some complains in the chatroom. Don't know what the root cause is. I'll go ask them later.
Playing the beta now.
The blindfire doesn't bother me that much. only seen a couple of players playing it that way.
Seems like they've toned down the motion blur or got rid of it completely.
The game is fun tho.
The movements are much more faster and responsive compared to the earlier beta, and you have much more control while sprinting.

I'm sure ND can fix some of the issues in the next 2-3 weeks.