a new interview with lead game designer Lemarchand :
the new desert sand video in high quality and in HD ! (incredible sand effects animations and lighting !)
I have some observations on this video :
1- the anti aliasing seems a lot improved from the ship demo or the plane demo, but still sub pixel aliasing problems (look at the door in the beginning of the video), so did naughty dog returned to MLAA ? or are they using FXAA3 ? or their own new post process AA algorithm ? and if so they are doing it on RSX or the CELL or both ?
2- the new sand effects are incredible, but unfortunately only drake footprints are rendered, the enemies footprints arent + only when the sand is thick there are footprints, not always...hopefully they have improved that in the final game...eventhough this eats a lot of memory...
3- the lighting of uncharted 3 is definitely a huge step forward from uncharted 2, I dont knwo what they have done with it ! + there are more high res textures in display at the same time compared with uncharted 2 + the animations are much better !
in short it is incredible what naughty dog have done with the ps3 hardware, I cant wait to see what they can do more with uncharted 4 lol