UK Stock update (X360)

scooby_dooby said:
3 months 5 months, who cares? The point remains the same. By your definition there would be much more discontent people if they had not launched at all.
If you are going to contest my point then that is all good, but inflating the timeframe i suggested by 66% is just absurd. And go back and check my deffintion for the context of the word "ndefinite" and note the difference between what we have now with people waiting for whenever and what we would have if they had been aiming for a later launch date to begin with.

scooby_dooby said:
"The Xbox 360 scramble recalls October 2000, when Sony Corp.'s PlayStation 2 was the hard-to-find holiday purchase. Problems making a graphics chip for the game machine forced Sony to halve the number of PS2 consoles it shipped to the U.S. for the holidays. The shortage wasn't planned, but it didn't hurt. Gamers continued to flock to stores into the next year as shortages persisted, and Sony expanded its share of the videogame-console market."

;) What do you make of this Kyle?
I think there is a difference between hard to find and conspicuously absent.

Joe DeFuria said:
Eh? What's going on is called a conversation. You made comments and I responded to them. You have a problem with that?

The question of a regional launch is directly applicable. In terms of absolute numbers, there's nothing to suggest MS has no more or less consoles in total at launch than any other console launch.

The only reason why is seems there are so few, is because they are spread thinner.
I have a problem with the conversation going in a circle; I never mention anything about a regional launch, you contest with a point of how a regional launch would hurt, I assure you I was never suggesting a regional launch, and you come back with the downflalls of a regional launch. That really isn't a conversation by any standards I have ever seen.
kyleb said:
I have a problem with the conversation going in a circle; I never mention anything about a regional launch, you contest with a point of how a regional launch would hurt,..

You seem to have a problem with conversation in general.

You earlier said:

you said:
My only issue with this situation is that the current lack of supply is building discontent and the longer that lasts the more people there will be who find other things to capture their interests...

And yet the only way there is more of a lack of supply with this launch compared to others (as I said earlier), is due to the global nature of the launch. MS has just as many units available at launch in an absolute sense as any other launch.

So unless you think every other console lunch has built so-called "discontent" you claim is an issue with this one...then you are in fact having a problem with the global nature of the launch.

You suggest that MS wait a few months to stockpile enough units (say, 3 million) and THEN launch globally?

What other console in history has ever launched with that many units?!

I assure you I was never suggesting a regional launch...

...and you come back with the downflalls of a regional launch.

I "came back" with the pros and cons of both a regional vs. a global launch.

That really isn't a conversation by any standards I have ever seen.

Try raising your standards.
Joe DeFuria said:
You seem to have a problem with conversation in general.

You earlier said:

And yet the only way there is more of a lack of supply with this launch compared to others (as I said earlier), is due to the global nature of the launch. MS has just as many units available at launch in an absolute sense as any other launch.

So unless you think every other console lunch has built so-called "discontent" you claim is an issue with this one...then you are in fact having a problem with the global nature of the launch.
No, I don't, and it took some rather flawed logic for you to come to that misconclusion.
Joe DeFuria said:
You suggest that MS wait a few months to stockpile enough units (say, 3 million) and THEN launch globally?
I'm saying that MS says they will have 3 million units out in 90s and when I hear that I can't help but think to myself; it sure seems like that would have made a reasonable point to try to pull a global launch. Beyond just the supply on launch day being much greater, surely they will have production ramped up by then so wouldn't have to tell us it will be a around a month from launch before stores are replenished.
Joe DeFuria said:
What other console in history has ever launched with that many units?!
What console has had a world-wide launch?
Joe DeFuria said:
I "came back" with the pros and cons of both a regional vs. a global launch.

Try raising your standards.
Yeah, and you did so with a quote from me and a pair of numbered points underneith it even though I made absolutly no suggestion of any form regional launch in what you quoted from me or anywhere else for that matter. I'd have to lower the bar to be able to consider that conversation.
Talking to kyle gets us no where .

Anyway bestbuy is having a second launch party on the 18th or so I'm told in which they are going to sell all the units ms has shipped them since the day after launch. Expect each store to have 20-50 premiums and 10-20 core units for this .

At least that is what my friend that works in bestbuy said
jvd said:
Talking to kyle gets us no where .

Anyway bestbuy is having a second launch party on the 18th or so I'm told in which they are going to sell all the units ms has shipped them since the day after launch. Expect each store to have 20-50 premiums and 10-20 core units for this .

At least that is what my friend that works in bestbuy said

I heard about that. I WILL be there (at my local Best Buy)
BlueTsunami said:
I heard about that. I WILL be there (at my local Best Buy)

I'm glad someone else heard about it . I'm correct with the date of the 18th right ?

If so I hope that those who want it and haven't been able to get it will be able to get it .

Bestbuy is pushing the system hard , its apearing in all thier adds this holiday season
jvd said:
I'm glad someone else heard about it . I'm correct with the date of the 18th right ?

Yep, theres a bunch of people on different message boards saying the same thing (even though my visit to Best Buy today resulted in two non informed BB employees). There was actually a picture of some sort of paper that is supposed to inform BB employees about current shipping information (On a side note it stated that 200 PSPs are supposed to be allocated to Best Buys :oops:.

I honestly believe the information and its probably my golden chance to get a Xbox 360 before Christmas.
BlueTsunami said:
Yep, theres a bunch of people on different message boards saying the same thing (even though my visit to Best Buy today resulted in two non informed BB employees). There was actually a picture of some sort of paper that is supposed to inform BB employees about current shipping information (On a side note it stated that 200 PSPs are supposed to be allocated to Best Buys :oops:.

I honestly believe the information and its probably my golden chance to get a Xbox 360 before Christmas.

Just throw on thermals , make a pot of coffee and put it in a thermus and head out to bestbuy a few hours early and camp out .

If you were in the new jersey area i would come stop by and bring ya food haha
Thanks man

jvd said:
Just throw on thermals , make a pot of coffee and put it in a thermus and head out to bestbuy a few hours early and camp out .

If you were in the new jersey area i would come stop by and bring ya food haha

Its going to be my first camp out (for a product) and the cold will probably become annoying but Its will be cool to experience it. Hopefully the Premium pack will be mine!
BlueTsunami said:
Its going to be my first camp out (for a product) and the cold will probably become annoying but Its will be cool to experience it. Hopefully the Premium pack will be mine!

My budy and i since we got our liscenses would go to bestbuy after tahnksgiving dinner and chill and wait for it to open on black friday and reap the rewards. This year i didn't go though sadly
MS could have held off the Euro launch till early next year to ensure greater supply, but then they wouldn't have had *the* must have games device for Xmas 2005 and all the hype and publicity that will go along with that. That adds status to a product's reputation, and will stand the 360 in good stead when the PS3 hype wave hits next year.

I still remember how hard it was to get the original Optimus Prime. Relatively limited "early" launch - marketing in disguise!
function said:
MS could have held off the Euro launch till early next year to ensure greater supply, but then they wouldn't have had *the* must have games device for Xmas 2005 and all the hype and publicity that will go along with that.

Where I am in Europe, at least, that product is easily PSP.
kyleb said:
I'm saying that MS says they will have 3 million units out in 90s and when I hear that I can't help but think to myself; it sure seems like that would have made a reasonable point to try to pull a global launch.

What are you doing differentiating between a global and a regional launch?! I thought that wasn't anything you're talking about? :rolleyes:

What console has had a world-wide launch?

None...that's my point.

Yeah, and you did so with a quote from me and a pair of numbered points underneith it even though I made absolutly no suggestion of any form regional launch in what you quoted from me or anywhere else for that matter.

I see logic escapes you again.

You are suggesting that MS launch with 3 million consoles. No other manufacturer has EVER launched with nearly as many. So, EITHER

1) EVERY OTHER CONSOLE LAUNCH a victim of your so-called discontent (because they had about the same units as MS actually has this launch). If this is the case, then what are you arguing about?


2) The REASON why MS units are spread thin is because it's a GLOBAL (non regional) launch. There are TWO WAYS to address this. MS can either change to a traditional regional approach (which has its own pros and cons relative to "discontent"). Or MS can wait and stockpile units....which ALSO has it's own pros and cons relative to "discontent."

Your whole line of argumentation..."discontent"...can not be discussed without looking at the alternatives that MS has...this INCLUDES a regional approach. (Whether or not you endorse that approach or not does not preclude the discussion.)
Nah Joe, while upping would the retail help them slow demand to meet supply, it would also leave a lot of people angy about being asked to pay so much for a console. :rolleyes:

I went to three different stores today to ask about the X360 availability. One stated not until after XMAS, the other two stated non until February. When pressed about how many units they got, one store would not answer, the other two both said they got around 20 units.

I dont think the retailers are being informed properly as it surely cannot be true that they will not get consoles until February.

I forgot to ask them what year February 06 or 07.. ;)

Edit: Typo
With regards to stores "not getting more until after the holidays" I feel that this is a true statement, when you account for their position:

1. They are, indeed, getting more units in stock... probably dozens or hundreds.

2. They have a ton of preorders, probably dozens or hundreds. Therefore, they don't want to claim to have units available until these obligations are met.

3. Of the stores that don't take preorders, I'd wager many are not being forthright about shipment dates, due to the fact that they don't want massive crowds of geeks camped in tents in front of their stores during the holiday shopping season. Thronging console geeks tends to drive off the casual shopper. (I avoided Best Buy when I saw the xbox camp-out.)

4. Regardless, they know you'll check back every so often. If the demand is that high, it follows that people will keep checking in to see if a "surprise" shipment has arrived.

Kyleb: The fact that you are here agonizing about the xbox360 launch proves that it has been a successful campaign (to make you care one way or the other) and that you're carefully paying attention to both the hype and the realities of the launch. That you may see it positively or negatively is irrelevant, because it's all good press. If there was discontent because a buyer felt the console is crap... well, that's one thing... but discontent because someone doesn't have one yet? That's the kind of feeling *every* vendor wants.

If Microsoft can keep up the flow, then the future for the console looks very good, indeed. It is a fact that the excitement of anticipation is a more heady feeling than actually owning the object of desire. How long does the thrill of buying a new hotrod computer last? A day or two? Compare that to the excitement exhibited by the throngs of people that were waiting in line in front of nearly every store... now *that* is the fever pitch that Microsoft would like to maintain as long as possible.

So far Microsoft has not stumbled: there has been no recall, the whole world is getting a taste of the product... and the response is that the world wants even more. Perhaps more than Microsoft will be able to catch up with for several months to come. I can't see how this is a bad situation. Unless there is some serious problems (e.g. the games are bad, the system is buggy for numbers larger than 3%, or there is an actual cock-up in production that actually halts shipments) then I can't see anything but continual, steady sales for months to come.

Let's assume that MS didn't launch now, but waited until February: What is the difference between selling 3 million units in February versus selling 3 million units between December to February? If every unit sells, the financial bottom line is exactly the same. However, in word-of-mouth (or word-of-internet-post) marketing as well as traditional media (reporting on the shortages, the demand, the fact that the xbox360 is the must-have christmas present) marketing... well, that is a goldmine that is best tapped when the opportunity presents itself. The opportunity is now, not three months from now, and Microsoft is very shrewd to launch in this window.

Anecdotal evidence or personal opinions are irrelevant. What matters is the communal opinion and bulk statistical numbers as time goes on. Is the xbox360 percieved as the crown jewel of a complete geek entertainment center? Or is it the Dreamcast... enjoyed for a moment, but ultimately forgotten because everyone "in the know" has a PS2?

Time will determine the truth.
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Wow great post FLF. That really is the key advantage to doing the limited launch in Nov, rather than stockpiled launch in Feb.

You get tons of free advertising from 'news' stories about shortages, the product officially gains "cool" status as it's so desired and sought after and the product gets ingrained in the consumers mind (for better or worse)

if they had launched in Feb, tehy might seel the same # of units initially, but would've recieved none of the X-MAs time press and would never have had the opportunity to really become the 'hot product' that it is right now.
The launch will be successful only of MS can continue shipping the X360 in even limited supplies throughout the holiday season. If they miss this holiday season then the early launch will likley hurt them more than help them.
Record-breaking 360 off to 70k flyer

09:30GMT, Dec 6th by Johnny Minkley

Xbox 360 has become the fastest-selling home console in UK chart history, Microsoft’s next-gen system beating previous record-holder GameCube by shifting an estimated 70,000 units in its opening weekend.

The £279 Premium version, which launched on December 2nd, has proved most successful, outperforming the £209 Core version by 2:1, while ten out of the 15 launch titles debuted in the All Formats top 40.

Listings compiler ChartTrack noted that 360’s feat is particularly impressive given Nintendo’s GameCube originally launched at under half the price of the Premium system.

360’s performance, amidst widespread fears over stock shortages, compares with estimated launch sales this year of 180,000 for Sony’s PSP handheld in September, and 87,000 for Nintendo’s DS in March.