Tunic [XB, PC, XGP, PS]

Noooo the latest update makes the enemies have VERY SMALL aggro zones :(

I can no longer bait them to kill enemies I cannot kill, to open path I cannot open.

How to downgrade Xbox game?
How to downgrade Xbox game?

Tommy McClain

Tommy McClain
How to open that menu?

Pressing start, opens a menu like that but with different items.
- game card
- add to a group
- add to home
- manage game and addons
- Xbox assist

I opened "manage game and add-ons" and there's a section for updates but it says there's no update.
I really found this a bit annoying to start with. Much better once I'd picked up the sword. Then I hit a point where I thought I knew what to do, but kept dying so wasn't sure. That was frustrating.

In a happy place at the moment, having those "that was there all along!!" moments.

The manual is a really lovely thing.

(There are a couple of accessability options if you're struggling. Managed to avoid 'cheating' so far)
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Got the game over ending. (almost) Nothing gets explained :(

Despite the game obviously dangling "meta" mysteries right to my face. Like placing a manual book of the game on the ground, sparkling.

Maybe I'm just being spoiled by destiny 1 and 2,

where even obvious gameplay mechanics like player Respawn, and the HUD are part of the game story and lore.

Unfortunately, only some were explained via in-game gameplay (e.g. the HUD in 1 mission in D1 and 1 mission in D2). While some other (e.g. enemies were confused by players randomly dancing and acrobatic vehicle meneuvers) were only explained via texts instead of gameplay.

Btw Tunic in around the last part of the game, betrays its own in-game gameplay explanation of "resurrection" mechanic.

And the difference with Mario is that, Mario in the game didn't even try to explain gameplay things. They are just it. For gameplay.

At least from the few Mario games I've played... It's just conquer each village to reach the big castle and take the princess. There are way too many Mario games...

Whoops! Yet another edit. Just realized that the mysteries in tunic feels like Raised by Wolves. More and more mysteries just keeps piling on and on and on. Some mysteries that got explained begets even more mysteries.
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Did you get the Gold ending? Evidently the manual is "more than meets the eye"

I'm still trying to get past the Garden Knight boss. Taking my sweet time exploring every nook & cranny. Some of the hidden shortcuts are incredible.

Tommy McClain
Did you get the Gold ending? Evidently the manual is "more than meets the eye"

I'm still trying to get past the Garden Knight boss. Taking my sweet time exploring every nook & cranny. Some of the hidden shortcuts are incredible.

Tommy McClain

the hidden shortcuts bloated my gameplay time LOL. As i keep deliberately running into walls, corners, etc. Its a bummer that only some of the hidden shortcuts are truly a shortcut. While some others are blocked until you've properly accessed the area via the normal path.

I'm still working (yes, its more like work now. or maybe more like chores....) on the good ending. I gave up doing blindly tho lol. Then i followed a guide where the konami code is incorrect, then i need to search other guides with the correct konami code. But turns out they just copy paste each other. Then i hunted a youtube video with tiny amount of views, that thankfully have the correct konami codes.

even looking for a guide for the game became a puzzle in itself ROFL.

btw which one is the garden knight? the stone robot in a small, square arena? IIRC i either spammed bombs and/or exploited the invincible frames and the pre-attack indicator.

anyway, the last part of the game got a very high difficulty jump and I gave up playing it normally and enabled the invincible mode.
btw which one is the garden knight? the stone robot in a small, square arena? IIRC i either spammed bombs and/or exploited the invincible frames and the pre-attack indicator.

Yeah that's the one. I got past it last night finally. Kinda bummed I didn't get the dash or Magic Orb by now. :(

Anyway, I'll probably turn on invincible mode before too long. LOL I thought I wouldn't need to. I got through the 1st Ori without resorting to cheats. Guess the older I get the worse I play. Or maybe I just don't have the patience to stick with it. Probably both. LOL

Tommy McClain
Oh my God.

I got the bad and good endings, and the mysteries keeps piling

The game never stops showering me with mysteries, here's some I remember offhand that still hasn't got explained after I got the bad and good endings:

  • * what is the world of tunic? Is it a video game that went sentient? Something else?
  • * is it the developer that scattered the manual books? Why? To save the you-know-who?
  • * why you-know-who was locked in a reality loop?
  • * who is you-know-who?
  • * what's with the Konami codes hidden everywhere? Does the developer need to carefully hides them, and only allow them to be triggered by beings from higher reality (us, video game players, via the only useless buttons) to avoid being detected by something or someone?
  • * why the natives in each regions are hostile to the fox? despite fox is considered as a God or something (at least from the statues)
  • * are the natives really native?
  • * why some stuff were build for tiny sized creatures like the natives and our fox, but some were build for a much larger creatures despite there were none that large?
  • * who placed the keys on the ground, and why?
  • * who kept the fox statues stays lit? (I meant the ones that were not powered by the power stone)
  • * who and what is our cute fox that controlled by video game players that lives in a higher reality than tunic's?
  • * why some parts (e.g. The speech bubble) of the manual are in earth language, while the majority of it are in tunic language?
  • * who built all of those "high tech" things? The natives seems pretty low-tech
Dammit! Finishing tunic is a bad decision.

  1. Even more unexplained things. No wonder it's window title is secret legend
  2. I no longer have a game to play via remote play on Switch while in bed or bathroom
I finished it last night. Got the bad & good ending. Also 100% all achievements. Yes, I played with the "no fail" mode about halfway through & used lots of walkthroughs. LOL There's no way I would have otherwise. Absolutely loved it though. Yes, lots of mystery & unanswered questions. This should win multiple Game of the Year awards just for the ingenious manual & the way it was a game in itself. The language is not just a bunch of gibberish either. The way the language was constructed is amazing. You can find translators already out there as well fully translated manuals if you want to know without translating it yourself. Also, there is one final secret that will lead you to a website that leaves open the story enough that there might be DLC or a sequel coming. I'm here for it. Now that I know there's a translator I'm thinking of starting the game over or continuing my game+ to read everything in the game. I even want hard copy versions of the manual(1 original & 1 translated). This game hasn't gave me that since of wonder since Rime & I got flashbacks of playing the original Zelda when I was kid. It's definitely a love letter to that game. Highly recommend it to anybody that loves puzzles & not just the hard combat. 10/10

Tommy McClain
Went back & read earlier posts after finishing the game. Thought this might need a reply. ;)

There is no hard stop progression except the need for a sword, as without it you cannot cut down bushes.

Not necessarily. LOL One achievement is for getting the gun before the sword. The way I found to do this is ingenious. No need for sword to to cut down the bushes. It doesn't requiring bating either. LOL

One thing I noticed was there were very few bombable walls. The areas are not required to finish the games, but they are needed to get all the achievements.

Tommy McClain
Went back & read earlier posts after finishing the game. Thought this might need a reply. ;)

Not necessarily. LOL One achievement is for getting the gun before the sword. The way I found to do this is ingenious. No need for sword to to cut down the bushes. It doesn't requiring bating either. LOL

One thing I noticed was there were very few bombable walls. The areas are not required to finish the games, but they are needed to get all the achievements.

Tommy McClain
Went back & read earlier posts after finishing the game. Thought this might need a reply. ;)

Not necessarily. LOL One achievement is for getting the gun before the sword. The way I found to do this is ingenious. No need for sword to to cut down the bushes. It doesn't requiring bating either. LOL

One thing I noticed was there were very few bombable walls. The areas are not required to finish the games, but they are needed to get all the achievements.

Tommy McClain

Spoil me please. How to cut the trees without baiting enemies

Btw you also can get that achievement by using the bomb Konami code
Spoil me please. How to cut the trees without baiting enemies

Btw you also can get that achievement by using the bomb Konami code

With the Konami code you're almost there, but what if she weighs the same as a duck? LOL

Tommy McClain
Just spoil me please lol


Use the Konami code for fire bombs at the beginning of the game, then you need to go this secret door....


Enter using the Konami code on the door & retrieve fire sword card from one of the chests.

You'll want to enable No Fail mode since it drops your health to nothing.

Have fun with that stick!

Tommy McClain
Hey guys! Have I told you how much I love this game? :love: LOL

It's official I've put the Tunic wallpaper on both my phone & work desktops. That little cute fox is everywhere. :LOL:

Haven't watched this yet, but people heard some juicy bits from the devs. :cool:


Tommy McClain