Trusty Bell New Xbox 360 JRPG

scooby_dooby said:
To answer your question, maybe the developers are trying to cash in on western gamers. JRPG's don't oinly appeal to japanese you know...
;) That'd be quite a break though I think. DQ and FF might do very well, but how well do other JRPGs do when they're not major franchises? I guess Kingdom Hearts shows a 'westernized' JRPG can span the culture difference amicably, and maybe these XB360 games are more 'Japanese developed broad-appeal games' rather than the 'traditional crazy-story, over-emotional JRPG style' that finds it difficult to break out of the native market? Or maybe western tastes are becoming more accommodating of the traditional JRPG?
Wow, I'm actually quite shocked that Namco are doing this one. Seems like they're much less of a one-horse cowboy than last gen.
PARANOiA said:
Wow, I'm actually quite shocked that Namco are doing this one. Seems like they're much less of a one-horse cowboy than last gen.

I'm more shocked that it looks fantastic considering their other next-gen efforts.
PARANOiA said:
Wow, I'm actually quite shocked that Namco are doing this one. Seems like they're much less of a one-horse cowboy than last gen.

Tri-crescendo is developing this game, Namco is publishing it. Tri-c has worked for the most part as a subsidiary... sorta not really... for Tri-Ace doing sound and other things across most of their games. The titles you could truely attribute to them are Baten Kaitos 1 and 2. I'm pretty sure that's fairly accurate...
Mefisutoferesu said:
Tri-crescendo is developing this game, Namco is publishing it. Tri-c has worked for the most part as a subsidiary... sorta not really... for Tri-Ace doing sound and other things across most of their games. The titles you could truely attribute to them are Baten Kaitos 1 and 2. I'm pretty sure that's fairly accurate...
Now that's interesting. The sound production in Baten Kaitos I found so amazingly bad that I stopped playing halfway through. I'd like to meet the person once who decided that there absolutely needs to be a chorus effect on every sample in the game (including speech, menu sounds, FMV ... everything!). And not just any type of chorus, no, only the muffly and hollow type will do.

Good for them that they are a subsidiary and don't need to go on their own merit.

TheChefO said:
Looks like Japan is starting to ramp up 360 support!
No it doesn't. It looks like a company that's taking a pretty big risk.
Peter Moore made a comment in a 1up video interview a few months back about how Japanese developers recognized that this business is a 'global market' so the installed base in Japan is not necesserily the 'installed base'.

He also goes on to say that Japanese developers recognize the importance of a powerful competitor to Sony. I thought that was an insteresting comment and could understand how developers wouldnt want just one company in control and calling the shots on licensing fees, etc.

You guys think these forces are at work here with, what appears to be, an inordinate amount of JRPGs for 360?

Here's the video, the comments are at around 2:30:
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zeckensack said:
No it doesn't. It looks like a company that's taking a pretty big risk.

Compare 3rd party support in Japan for xbox1 vs 360. Then also take a look at the games headed to 360 currently vs 360 launch. More Japanese developers are jumping on board with more and more support. Hence ramping up.

Like I said I don't know if MS is helping financially to ensure these developers do not incure a big financial risk but regardless the support is ramping up.

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oh btw - add Kengo Zero (Genki) to the list of Japanese developed goodness coming to 360 :)
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My thoughts are that the 360 presents a tremendous opportunity for japanese developers to fill the role of the DOA series. With very little competition in the genre, it's much easier to stand out form the crowd and become the next big thing.

It's shown that western games really like JRPG's like FF, DQ and Kingdom Hearts, perhaps the japanese developers are striving to be the new FF or DQ on 360 and capture that huge untapped market.

My hope is that these JRPG's sell really well, dispelling the myth that xbox gamers don't like JRPG's. After all, the fastest selling 360 title right now is in fact not an FPS or racing game but an RPG.
scooby_dooby said:
My hope is that these JRPG's sell really well, dispelling the myth that xbox gamers don't like JRPG's. After all, the fastest selling 360 title right now is in fact not an FPS or racing game but an RPG.

Agreed - that myth is about as accurate as PC owners don't like Apple software. :D

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Fyi - new images available for Trusty Bell! Concept is looking great! I love the detail in the environment/art style they're going for. :)

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scoob is quickdraw!
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