Trusty Bell New Xbox 360 JRPG






Edit: Screens added!
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Hiuh, I know Hardknock has been around far long enough to know that posting scans is against forum policy.
Well if your clever you can find the scans around, it's looking pretty good.

Nice use of Cell shaded graphics with self shadowing.
Looks like Japan is starting to ramp up 360 support! With actual quality effort even! This game is looking great for what it is and I look forward to more jrpgs available on 360.

Good job MS/Namco/Bandai!
scooby_dooby said:
I thought we were allowed to post Famitsu scans?
Not at all. Copyright is copyright and international. There would otherwise be nothing stopping Japanese visitors to B3D or wherever to see the pics instead of thumbing through Famitsu at the newsagents.
So do we have a release date? Anyone translate the article yet???

Honestly I'm loving this JRPG support, within the first 2 years xbox should have something like 10 jrpg's(sony guys probably laugh, but this is WAY more than xbox1 ever had), combine that with all the great western RPG's on the way, and man, I'm in heaven.
10 jrpg's during the first 2 years is way better than can be expected of thePS3, at least here in EU ;)
I have a feeling even the PS2 doesn't yet have much more than 10 jrpg's available, in EU.

I do have a slight doubt about that "10 jrpg's during the first two years for xb360", more like half of that.
Blue Dragon
Lost Odyssey
This one (when is it scheduled?)
The one that was already released by From Software
Blue Dragon
Lost Odyssey
Cry On
Unnamed Tri-Ace RPG from MGS (2nd party)
Trusty Bell
Enchanted Arms
Culdcept Saga
Phantasy Star Universe (not sure if this is considered JRPG)

So there's 8 or so, and we can probably expect a few new announcements over the next year and a half.

*I'm not gonna count FFXI or Far East of Ziria, they're just...crap.
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Do we know how many are being financed by MS? I'm curious why anyone would created a JPRG for a console with negligable installed base in that sector. Either they're expecting a big change, or they're being commissioned to create the software to attract that change. If MS are funding that many titles, it shows how serious they are about making headway in Japan!
Shifty Geezer said:
Do we know how many are being financed by MS? I'm curious why anyone would created a JPRG for a console with negligable installed base in that sector. Either they're expecting a big change, or they're being commissioned to create the software to attract that change. If MS are funding that many titles, it shows how serious they are about making headway in Japan!

They are publishing 3 titles I believe, BLue Dragon, LO & the Tri-Ace game, not sure how many they funded.

I believe it's rumoured they funded(~10million) Cry-On as well.

To answer your question, maybe the developers are trying to cash in on western gamers. JRPG's don't oinly appeal to japanese you know...
Scooby you forgot Far East of Eden. The game with the best art ever.:LOL:

Found on xboxyde forum:

New Namco RPG For 360
Journey into the mind of Chopin. Yes, the composer.
by Anoop Gantayat
June 21, 2006 - On October 17, 1948, Frederic Chopin, one of the most influential composers for the piano, succumbed to sickness and died at the young age of 39.

Three hours prior to that, in the world according to Bandai Namco, Chopin, crouched on the floor of his hospital, saw a dream. The dream had anime characters that looked like they were out of a Tales game and a world that looked like it was pulled from a fairy tale. In the dream, people carried about their lives like in the real world. But in the dream world, people with incurable sicknesses had magical powers.

Bandai Namco's new Xbox 360 RPG, Trusty Bell: Chopin's Dream ("Chopin no Yume" for the Japanese version) takes place in this dream world. Chopin (yes, the composer) comes into contact with Polka, a young girl who resides with her mother in the village of Tenuto (the names, you'll find, are all musical terms). Polka is near her death, meaning she's got some crazy powers. Unfortunately, people believe that by touching her, they'll be infected with her koodies, so Polka's not particularly popular.

Trusty Bell is the story of Chopin (yes, the composer), Polka, and a Allegretto, a 16-year-old who steals to eat and lives for only one thing: to help Polka.

If Trusty Bell were called Tales of Something-or-other, no one would complain. The game has the absurd premise, peculiar names and colorful artwork of Namco's biggest RPG series. Plus, musical composition is being handled by Motoi Sakuraba, of Tales of fame.

Trusty Bell will also feature a battle system that's heavy on the action. Details are scarce, but based on the screenshots currently circling exclusively in Japan's Famitsu magazine, the battle system supports three characters (including an unknown male character called Beat) and features some sort of combo system. Allegretto makes use of a sword as his primary weapon while Polka, being a cheery girl character and all, resorts to an umbrella.

Music and story look like they will play a big part in Trusty Bell. Bandai Namco has drafted famous Japanese actor Leo Morimoto to perform narration for the game's Japanese version. Performing the piano numbers that Chopin left to the world (before having his RPG dream) will be Russian pianist Stanislav Bunin.

Trusty Bell is in development at tri-Crescendo, a studio that worked on the sound components of tri-Ace titles like Radiata Stories, Star Ocean and Valkyrie Profile and also worked on programming, sound and the battle system for Baten Kaitos, along side Monolith Soft . The game is currently without a final release date in Japan.

The concept of the game sounds really interesting to me. :)
I don't know if it's true but I heard a rumor that:

"A lot of Japanese devs have jumped ship to the 360 because of license and development costs on the PS3. The next Magna Carta game is for 360 instead for that very reason."
-Simon m7

Can anyone confirm or deny this?
Have you seen X360 sales lately? 130k after 6 months in market. I don't think any japanese publisher is jumping ship anytime soon, and that's a huge understatement.
scooby_dooby said:
Have you seen X360 sales lately? 130k after 6 months in market. I don't think any japanese publisher is jumping ship anytime soon, and that's a huge understatement.

Agreed it doesn't jive with existing console installed base in Japan but the licensing costs of ps3 are unknown to me. Perhaps MS has lowered this cost in an effort to compete with ps3 in Japan for Japanese devs. Perhaps also Sony is targeting a baseline minimum for games on ps3 that dictate a certain minimum budget to reach this standard. I don't know either way, but without this info all one can do is go off of the info we have which Scoob pointed to.

Existing userbase in my opinion is largely based off what xbox1 did in that region though. They really had/have little reason to pick up a 360 if the support was going to look anything like xbox1. These latest game announcements though show a level of support for 360 that is building momentum. With the existing sales base it contradicts logic that more and more j-dev games would be coming to 360. There must be something spuring this growth.

Perhaps it is simply MS supporting dev teams financially I don't know. But it would be good to find out if the above rumour has any merit.
scooby_dooby said:
Blue Dragon
Lost Odyssey
Cry On
Unnamed Tri-Ace RPG from MGS (2nd party)
Trusty Bell
Enchanted Arms
Culdcept Saga
Phantasy Star Universe (not sure if this is considered JRPG)

So there's 8 or so, and we can probably expect a few new announcements over the next year and a half.

*I'm not gonna count FFXI or Far East of Ziria, they're just...crap.

Whats wrong with Far East of Eden: Ziria ? have you played it ?
(Be sad if people wrote it off just because it doesn't look great, especially if it's has a decent story and good gamplay)

Add Spectral Force 3 to that list ..
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GB123 said:
Whats wrong with Far East of Eden: Ziria ? have you played it ?
(Be sad if people wrote it off just because it doesn't look great, especially if it's has a decent story and good gamplay)

Add Spectral Force 3 to that list ..

I didn't play it, but gfx suck and it's not coming out west anyways so....I guess technically it counts, but it's not a game any of us will ever play