Tron 2 Teaser

The DP theme is pretty awesome.

On the movie though, they need to knock off the curves. Tron bikes turn in increments of 90 degrees, this is a Law Of Physics(TM). Curves are so 90s.
Unfortunately don't think they have a choice, it looks like they used real motorbikes and then layered CG on it, like mo-cap. Shame. So instead of feeling like being inside of a computer. It'll feel like it's just real life with computer graphics.

And yeah, can't help the feeling they they are re-inventing Tron even though it's a sequel. /sigh. Betting this will end up being worse than the first one.

Huh???? What on Earth makes you think that?

Characters will be live action though, just as the original Tron (most of which had no CG at all anyway) but that's better that way.

And 90 degree turns could look pretty stupid... and the original bikes did it only on the game grid, too...
If they want to update it for the modern era they could maybe do 45-degree routing and through layer vias. But the whole point of the original movie was that it was a geeky joke for geeks. Ah well.

Remakes suck. Don't get me started on The Taking of Peckham 123.
It's not a remake, it's a sequel, taking place in the same Encom mainframe. It sounds like they update the concept a bit to sound less silly - making it a simulation that's been running and evolving uninterrupted for about 25 years.
That's OK then. That clearly absolves the highly-paid Hollywood script writers from coming up with a new idea for another twenty minutes. It also further reinforces the notion to our youngers that it's OK to ignore that which preceded ones birth.

(I hadn't realised until I did a bit of Googling that there were remakes of Pink Panther and Rollerball around. Two words spring to mind - Why? and Why?).
Personaly I think these are some good ideas. The original Tron's concepts are incredibly silly and naive, I mean sentient programs with beliefs and even love and kisses? Then there's bad writing and direction... but some ideas were cool and the visuals were way ahead of their time. It's no surprise the original movie has relatively low IMDB and Rottentomatoes scores desite being a cult classic.

What I expect from this new Tron is to improve on the general story and direction related issues, while creating a similar feel with the visuals and the mood. These little bits from interviews suggest a better movie overall, with a very good evolution of the original designs and Daft Punk for the music is a really inspired choice.

And last but not least, industry rumors are that the main reason this project got greenlit, and with a huge budget, is because there's a big fan of the first movie high up at Disney - John Lasseter...
(I hadn't realised until I did a bit of Googling that there were remakes of Pink Panther and Rollerball around. Two words spring to mind - Why? and Why?).

They remade the Pink Panther so that Steve Martin had yet another truly shit film to appear in. It's frightening to see how his career has dived over the past 10-15 years.
I think it's just that there's a few of us that have been burned by re-imaging of a franchise.

The Pink Panther series? /sigh. Horrible. Rollerball? /sigh. Star Trek? /bigger_sigh. Battlestar Galactica? /huge_sigh. Fallout 3. /impossibly_huge_sigh (ok so this is a game :p). Starsky and Hutch? /sigh. Dukes of Hazard? /sigh Thirteen Ghosts /agonized_sigh...

For me personally there hasn't been a single re-imaging of a franchise that has improved on the original.

And I personally think I would have enjoryed some of those (Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Fallout 3) if instead of trying to reboot/reimage the franchise had just start a NEW FREAKING FRANCHISE. /rant... But instead I ended up thinking they were utter and total POO because they completely ignored most of the stuff that made the franchise what it was or just went around willy-nilly changing things on a whim.

If you are going to use a franchise, at least be bloody well freaking consistant with the franchise.

All this isn't to say that Tron the sequel won't end up being faithful and that the teaser was just really REALLY misleading, but I'm not holding my breath.

For me personally there hasn't been a single re-imaging of a franchise that has improved on the original.

One franchise that can't get much worse through a full re-imaging is Star Wars, all six movies.
Until they got that whole 'Final 5' plotline, BSG remake was going along awesomely.
They took it all sorts of places that were totally awesome (but make absolutely 0 sense given who the Final 5 turned out to be).

This Tron 2 trailer is here in HD on Youtube

Pure CG I think.

Oh and for us Tronguyphiles out there

BTW, I've recently noticed that Tron/Tronguy seems to have made a much bigger & more insidious impact on global culture than most people realise.
Take a closer look at people riding bicycles around the place & then look at Tronguy again :oops:
Yeah, is also on Youtube now
edit: but your link has a 1080P 3* the file size of the youtube 1080p?!
edit2: oh, .mov compression vs .mp4... :oops:

I've never been big on Daft Punk but the soundtrack sounds bloody good in this 2nd trailer :D
I saw this thread before going to work this morning, let the video load while I showered & then spent the whole day with the friggin tune going through my head after watching the trailer once :oops: