There is no triple buffering with Direct3D. The swap chain is a pure queue.
And yes, that's most likely the reason why most gamers associate triple buffering with high latency, respectively V-sync in general, as the swap chain is only used together with V-sync.
Even e.g. CS:GO has a "triple buffering" option, which would - following that logic - refer to an extra long flip queue, and not to actual triple buffering. Now it makes sense why there are so many complains about the poor performance of that option, and why users claim the could boost the performance of that option by enforcing "maximum pre-rendered frames", which essentially means that they just overrode the option they just activated.
I couldn't make any sense of this before.
But we have seen at least one example of real triple buffering on AMD hardware before, and that was DX12 version of AotS, except that the buffer flip was apparently implemented on the application side.
Btw.: Not even Nvidias speaker knew that there are two features by the same name: /watch?v=WpUX8ZNkn2U&t=15m20s (Breaking it to preserve the timestamp.)