Trials: evolution. [xbla]

Unfortunately YouTube support for Xbox 360 came too late for Trials Evolution (the project started in 2010). I agree with you that it would be an awesome feature. That doesn't seem to stop our fans however. Still there's almost 100 new Trials Evolution videos every day coming up to YouTube.

Thanks for the detailed response!

And just to prove you right I decided to make a "Top 5 Hardest Jumps" in Trials Evolution video for YouTube. I have never uploaded a video before (first video editing hack, sorry for the quality and aspect as WMM wasn't being friendly!) but anyways, I thought I would offer up my opinion on the 5 maps with the hardest series of jumps.

As I note in the video comments on YouTube even the "bad" examples of guys crashing are all good to very good riders. The Platinum runs just make these VERY hard jumps looks far too easy--they are not. 360 owners who don't have Trials or PS3 owners may be looking at this and thinking, "What is so hard about those jumps?" You can only understand how HARD these leaps are once you have tried the bikes and had a feel for their speed and responsiveness and then you realize all of these jumps are at the edge of what the bikes can do and not only do you have to have the right speed but also the right lean and tire contact.
Not much work to be fair. The current times are awful. Managed to take off a couple of seconds without even trying. Reckon the 250cc is by far the better of the two bikes on this track. Think something sub 48s will win this.

As Ban bot throws a 49s run in there. Hmmm.
As Ban bot throws a 49s run in there. Hmmm.
Hehe yeah... I watched his replay and immediately concluded that given the time I have for playing trials (vanishingly small), I'm not going to beat that :) But that's ok, we'll see how close I can get!

Speaking of, it does seem like replays are not perpetually available (at least for us non-top-N people). Presumably this is some sort of XBL limitation again? Any idea what the exact criteria is? It's too bad, because the replays are clearly tiny; even with thousands of players it'd be nice to just throw a big storage array behind this problem. The difference between "replays will always be available to watch for all your friends" and "stuff might be there, who knows" is quite large in terms of the utility of the system.
Hehe yeah... I watched his replay and immediately concluded that given the time I have for playing trials (vanishingly small), I'm not going to beat that :) But that's ok, we'll see how close I can get!

Speaking of, it does seem like replays are not perpetually available (at least for us non-top-N people). Presumably this is some sort of XBL limitation again? Any idea what the exact criteria is? It's too bad, because the replays are clearly tiny; even with thousands of players it'd be nice to just throw a big storage array behind this problem. The difference between "replays will always be available to watch for all your friends" and "stuff might be there, who knows" is quite large in terms of the utility of the system.

I've had periods where replays seem to be "switched off" i.e. the button press isn't available. Not often, admittedly.

I'm still not sure how I've ever competed against more than one ghost. I used to have two friend ghosts being shown on tracks, but then I suddenly lost one. Can't seem to get it back.
I don't think I have the dexterity to do the small touches with the sticks and triggers to pull off the moves that are needed for good times and low faults on the insane tracks. I have finished a few of them, which is good enough for me. I'm surprised I finished any of them, really.
As Ban bot throws a 49s run in there. Hmmm.

Yep, I took that as a challenge :yep2:I was at 59.x seconds when I picked the map and 4 or 5 of you had better times but I have been getting better (I just beat all the Insane tracks with silvers this weekend; with Trials HD I beat only 1 insane track). Anways, the 48s challenge stands so 1.5 seconds more to drop. I have hit 49.x with both bikes so it really does seem to be an example of pick your most comfortable bike and give it a go. The Scorpion 400cc bike has a better high end and can cover a good amount of ground quickly and does more natural jumps in some places.

@ Scott: You just got to skip some hockey nights. I didn't know if you were actively competing but since you have Trials and I like playing with you I thought including your name would be a nice little nudge and playing it safe. Lets hook up and play some MP some time :smile: Work has eating almost all my gaming time but 10m here, 30 min there for Trials works out great and Sundays I have been playing a couple hours.
As Ban bot throws a 49s run in there. Hmmm.

I see what you did there ;) You are a hairs breath away from a 49! Good run, top 10k to boot!

I have been trying to "stumble" over the big-dip jump ~ 20 seconds into the run but I cannot get enough speed. The top times all take the "slalom" so fast they hit their front tire on the lumber and stumble over. This isn't quite the same but has the same effect (more of an aggressive spin over). And this one is just uber crazy--I just cannot get the speed, no matter what, to do this. :mad:

At the 29s mark. Just... wow.

Anyways I may be gone most of the weekend so you have a good shot to pass me over as you are dropping time quick. Practice makes perfect.
I see what you did there ;) You are a hairs breath away from a 49! Good run, top 10k to boot!

After what I said about the Phoenix clearly being the better bike I went back to the Scorpion and immediately took a couple of seconds off my best. Go figure.

I have managed to stumble over that slalom section a couple of times - front tire hitting the peak and flipping over to complete the jump. It does take at least a second or so off your time as you keep up momentum that much better. Never managed to do it AND put the rest of the run together though. My achilles is the dirt climb just after that. Very rarely do I manage to get it just right and power off the board correctly. I'm going to have to work on that to have any chance of getting below 49s.
Gerry, if you win what track will you choose?

I'm going to have to work on that to have any chance of getting below 49s

It is a moving target: Now Below 47s ;) You are scaring me. Every day you have dropped a second or more. When I loaded up last night you were .5s or so away from me. The nice thing? All the little things you are learning NOW transfer to the next track. So the more times you do this the better you will get and, may I say, very soon you may eclipse me. And if lazy Robert ever gets into this I am sure he will be tossing down Top500 times as well. But he is too into "Diablo" to bother ;)
Gerry, if you win what track will you choose?

It is a moving target: Now Below 47s ;) You are scaring me. Every day you have dropped a second or more. When I loaded up last night you were .5s or so away from me. The nice thing? All the little things you are learning NOW transfer to the next track. So the more times you do this the better you will get and, may I say, very soon you may eclipse me. And if lazy Robert ever gets into this I am sure he will be tossing down Top500 times as well. But he is too into "Diablo" to bother ;)

Managed to get a platinum anyway shaving another .5s off my time, but I don't think I'm quite going to get there. I'll give it another shot tonight though.

As for tracks. I'd probably opt for something like Oil Rig Run, Castle Chaos or Lab Rat.
That is amazing :) There are a lot of great maps + themed ones. Played a Mirrors Edge one today that was a bit of fun. Trials is just amazing... although I think I have two broken controllers now :p
Results are in:

Trials Challenge Week 5 (Sun May 27th - Sat Jun 2nd): Tree Hugger (Collateral Damage Category, Medium)

1. Acert93     00 faults   0:46.8
2. Gerry       00 faults   0:48.7
3. BanBot2     00 faults   0:50.3
4. Onkl        00 faults   0:52.4
5. Robert      00 faults   0:53.1
6. Scott_Arm   00 faults   0:56.0
7. Alex        00 faults   0:56.6
8. Bad2B25*    01 faults   1:04.5
9. Rotmm       02 faults   1:09.6
* Bad2B25 is in transit.

Trials Challenge Week 6 (Sun Jun 3rd - Sat Jun 9th): Castle Crash (Collateral Damage Category, Medium)


My son liked all 3 of Gerry's suggestions (Castle Crash, Oil Rig Run, Lab Rat). You guys have some good runs on Castle Crash (Robert 38.0, Gerry 41.5, Scott 45.4) and I am essentially tied with my son (43.0 and 43.1) so I thought it would be a good choice although the darkness messes with my eyes :LOL: I also want Platinum on all the Mediums so there we go. Lab Rat is fun/brutal (there is an achievement on that map IIRC by staying on fire so that would be a good future one) and Oil Rig Run is pretty similar to Tree Hugger: a lot of speed jumps and ramps you have to hit just right to keep your momentum up so Castle Crash should be a nice change of pace. It is also a shorter track; it is much harder to string together a perfect run on a 60 second map than a 30 second and a 30 second in theory should give everyone more chances at speed runs.

Well, off to the races as I have to drop 5 fulls seconds to catch Robert!

Robert, my son is spotting you 5 seconds this week, don't let down Team-Old-Men!.
Gave up on Tree Hugger. No way did I have another 2 secs in me, so I started upgrading some of my times on the earlier tracks, trying to get as many platinums as I can.

Anyone noticed how Chicago AJ is just about top of the rankings in every track? He (or indeed she) is incredibly good at this game.

(and I played for a while with 3 ghosts again - I wonder what controls this behaviour, because it does seem a bit random)
So Gerry, what is the mythical "get below time" this week :devilish:


Well I've already laid down a pretty decent marker for people to aim for; 36.9 or thereabouts. Platinum is 35.5 IIRC, so I think something below 34.5s is going to be good enough to win. My aim is to get the platinum first and foremost - anything else is a bonus!

Had real problems getting a gold the first time round on this track, so it goes to show how much you learn when you can go back to it and beat the gold time by over 7s.
My poor son. He was showing me his great time of 37.x and he asked me to show him how to leap the chasm toward the end so I did it and accidentally finished. I tried to crash (why didn't I just bail??) but stumbled across. I told him he now has to beat the 35.x I got for him so he can rightfully claim the time.

This map is going to be a good one. I am still trailing back at 43.0 ... :devilish:
Results are in:

Trials Challenge Week 6 (Sun Jun 3rd - Sat Jun 9th): Castle Crash (Collateral Damage Category, Medium)

1. Acert93     00 faults   0:33.9
2. Gerry       00 faults   0:34.3
3. Robert      00 faults   0:38.0
4. Alex        00 faults   0:44.0
5. Onkl        00 faults   0:49.0
6. Scott_Arm   01 faults   0:45.0
7. Rotmm       07 faults   1:13.0

Gerry was quickly cutting down time almost every night and almost nipped me at the end. Next Week's Challenge, per Gerry's request last week is Oil Rig Run.

Trials Challenge Week 7 (Sun Jun 10th - Sat Jun 16th): Oil Rig Run (Cutting Edge Category, Hard)

Does anyone else have some track suggestions they would like to see tossed into the challenge? I see Alex has a couple REALLY good times on the leader boards so maybe he can suggest a course he likes and thinks he can snatch a victory in :smile:
My times started getting better once I finally worked out how to navigate the two climbs correctly. I think a "perfect" run would have seen another 0.5-0.8s off my best but the one thing that held me back was I couldn't quite figure out the how to do the jump after the drawbridge, so I ended up using a slightly slower method.

Still, kept you on your toes. ;)