Transformers: PS3 & Xbox 360

As for Optimus he was just as blocky if not more than the other robots in the cartoon series.
His Gen1 toy was very angular and blocky, and the cartoon gave him more definition. Curiously, the 20'th Aniversary Edition modelled him more on the cartoon.
They could have atleast made him look better in robot form. Something similar to what we knew. They could have chosen for his earthly transformation a state of the art tank kept as a secret project or something that the shuttle computer (or his?) used to model him. That way they could have kept his similar looks and his huge gun on his arm.

Aye. Before I say anything further, I'd like to congratulate the folks that made the Magic Bullet.

(btw, I didn't mean to suggest that you 'wanted' them to use the pistol transformation. :oops: )

DemoCoder said:
The 'ultra real' Bayformers are about the closest youd get to what a real working xformer would look like, and that's no mistake, because ILM designed a computer program to calculate the designs and transformation sequences starting with CAD designs of the cars themselves (courtesy of GM)

I don't really buy that as a reason for the final designs. These are alien robots that mimic the look of other artificial designs, not copy them piece for piece internally. So if they're basing their robot forms on how a human-made machine would look if they transformed with part-for-part accuracy, I think the designers just failed on what the Transformers were meant to be; they're supposed to be robots in disguise. In that sense, I think they could have gone for a more aesthetically pleasing look with some sort of armour plating to cover their internals. It doesn't have to be the same as G1 where the robot mode retained the colours or features of the transformed mode; they're just armour plates.

Just my two cents...
I haven't watched any Transformers post gen 1 and the original Transformers movie; to me, the plotline was wrapped up, and I had come to love it as it was. These iconic cartoon remakes - like with TMNT, how can you change the theme song? - I don't know... but when I saw the preview for the new Transformers movie in the theatre, my first reaction was seriously: where are the Transformers?
I personally think if Starscream and Megatron had similar color schemes to G1, there'd be less complaints from fanboys. The new Starscream is not that 'busy' of a design in robot form, but it has a standard (realistic) F-22 Raptor paint job instead of a ridiculous red-and-white-and-blue-and-yellow G1 paintjob that no real 'in disguise' F-15 Eagle would have unless it was at a friggin Air Show.

The color scheme used has alot to do with increasing contrast and de-busying the design vs an amorphous all-grey blob.

But I've watched the trailer like 100 times now and compared it single frame with G1, and I prefer the new Bonecrusher (vastly) over the G1 equivalent (the Bayformer looks WAY BETTER), and I prefer Bayformer Bumblebee. Blackout Bayformer vs G1, no contest (G1 version looks stupid) I haven't seen enough of Bay Ironside/Ratchet and Brawl to make a judgement. Barricade looks cool tho.

So yeah, Megatron looks like a scrap metal mess, so they screwed up 1 design, but I think they improved over the G1 designs in many areas on other characters.

For me the big issue is the new toys are plastic instead of metal == LAME.
I personally think if Starscream and Megatron had similar color schemes to G1, there'd be less complaints from fanboys.
I'd have less complaints if I didn't have to sit through a damn GM commercial through the whole movie.... from Porsche to Solstice... marvelous! I know manufacture exclusive vehicle deals are made in movies all the time, however, the vehicles aren't the stars of those movies.

Though I'm glad to hear the original skins are available in the game. Not that I have much confidence in that either. Travelers Tale handling it helps, but even a good developer under an extremely tight time restraint can only do so much. Things look promising at the moment, but so did Spiderman 3 and Superman Returns before release (to me, at least).
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What in the world is wrong with people?

Even the new cartoon series totally slaughters the Transformers!

I think I am going to cry (not)

Western cartoons are getting from bad to worse! For the sakes of simplicity and kiddish animation they are destroying what could have been a masterpiece!

Thats why Japanese will always own in animation!

Super kiddish! Am I watching to Johnie Bravo? Dexter? or Power Puff Girls?
I personally think if Starscream and Megatron had similar color schemes to G1, there'd be less complaints from fanboys. The new Starscream is not that 'busy' of a design in robot form, but it has a standard (realistic) F-22 Raptor paint job instead of a ridiculous red-and-white-and-blue-and-yellow G1 paintjob that no real 'in disguise' F-15 Eagle would have unless it was at a friggin Air Show.

The color scheme used has alot to do with increasing contrast and de-busying the design vs an amorphous all-grey blob.

And wouldn't that have been better? In fact, I think your explanation for why Starscream would be painted in silly colors rather than a more normalized scheme, would fit in reasonably well.

In fact, Starscream's classic paint scheme isn't far from the F-16's paint job when it was flown as a prototype.

I haven't seen any fighters painted so colorfully since the F-16, but thats enough of a basis for me to say the movie should have retained his paint scheme (as they did Prime's) and could have done so realistically.
There's really not much game talk going on in this thread, is there? More a convention of the Transformers Appreciation Society ;)
Well, here's some game talk. IGN review the PS3 version and guess what: This game sucks. Who would have thought a movie based game could suck. They gave it a 5.7 overall.

Another Take
from Hilary Goldstein
"Less than meets the eye" indeed. The Transformers is yet another poorly-made movie-licensed videogame. Though some of the transformations are cool and the inclusion of Generation 1 models is certainly a nice bonus, the game itself is not much fun at all. Many of the Autobot missions are the same experience repeated ad nauseam -- you'll race in circles around the city, stop to battle some mindless AI Decepticons, and race again in circles through the city before punching some more enemies. That description is, sadly, more exciting than the actual experience.

If only The Transformers had better graphics, a slick presentation, and good gameplay it would be an awesome game. Take it from a hardcore Transformers fan; you're better off playing your Transformers: The Movie DVD than playing this mediocre offering.
I can't believe that even this forum has started the "new transformers designs suck" debate... Honestly, it's worse then all the ATI vs NVIDIA, AMD vs Intel stuff... ;)
The G1 skins in the game are apparently nothing more than colorscheme changes.

I've been reading opinions from a lot of people who've played this game, and it looks like IGN might be off the mark. It's no GTA, but still quite a decent game, supposedly.

I'm just waiting until I have the cash to rent the PS2 version, and hoping I don't regret it like I did renting Superman Returns. that was one of the blandest games ever. Still, i'm seeing a lot more people like this game than I saw people who liked Superman Returns. Haven;t heard too much good about the Wii version though. Apparently the controls are too loose.

and the ILMformers RULE.
If anyone has this game, I'm wondering if its like the last North American Transformers game. If it is, then it may be quite good.
If you dare venture into some TF sites, you'll see this game is getting pretty much universally panned.

The weapons look great, but apparently do no damage so you stop using them. You can free roam like GTA, but if you do Meg/Opt constantly remind you to get back to your mission.

The only thing worse than the general reviews for the game were the reviews for the Wii version of the game, which has all the problems of the PS3/360 version with the added fun of having controls that are annoying and don't work very well.
If you dare venture into some TF sites, you'll see this game is getting pretty much universally panned.

The weapons look great, but apparently do no damage so you stop using them. You can free roam like GTA, but if you do Meg/Opt constantly remind you to get back to your mission.

The only thing worse than the general reviews for the game were the reviews for the Wii version of the game, which has all the problems of the PS3/360 version with the added fun of having controls that are annoying and don't work very well.

We must be reading different forums... The ones I've been going to generally like the game, but don't call it "OMG BESTEST GAME EVER".

I haven't heard a single bad word about the DS versions, FWIW.
I personally think if Starscream and Megatron had similar color schemes to G1, there'd be less complaints from fanboys. The new Starscream is not that 'busy' of a design in robot form, but it has a standard (realistic) F-22 Raptor paint job instead of a ridiculous red-and-white-and-blue-and-yellow G1 paintjob that no real 'in disguise' F-15 Eagle would have unless it was at a friggin Air Show.

The color scheme used has alot to do with increasing contrast and de-busying the design vs an amorphous all-grey blob.

But I've watched the trailer like 100 times now and compared it single frame with G1, and I prefer the new Bonecrusher (vastly) over the G1 equivalent (the Bayformer looks WAY BETTER), and I prefer Bayformer Bumblebee. Blackout Bayformer vs G1, no contest (G1 version looks stupid) I haven't seen enough of Bay Ironside/Ratchet and Brawl to make a judgement. Barricade looks cool tho.

So yeah, Megatron looks like a scrap metal mess, so they screwed up 1 design, but I think they improved over the G1 designs in many areas on other characters.

For me the big issue is the new toys are plastic instead of metal == LAME.

the toys have been mostly plastic since the Season 3/Animated movie toys came out in 86 or so. The only mostly diecast transformers I can think of right now are in the Titanium series, which has had a spotty record(fun fact. It's entirely possible ot buy one of the first two toys, a Megatron, and have the arm fall off when you take it out of the package. Later toys got MUCH better.).

The late Generation 2/Beast Wars toys pretty much vindicated plastic. I've never had a plastic part break off of those, while I have on the few G1 toys I've had.

Yes, i'm a huge Transformers freak. >.>