So, whats going to drive ANY PC based AOD adoption when I can buy 7,000,000MB of space in CD-R's for the same price?
Copying multiple DVDs onto a single AOD among others. No need to buy a DVD jukebox when you can have a mini jukebox on a single AOD.
Regarding DVRs limited storage capacity, nothing a firewire port connected to a burner in a PC can't solve...make that an AOD burner.
Within 3 years there will be Blu-Ray Recorders at the $200 price point, hows that? Incase you haven't read it, or let it sink in yet - the cost of Blu-Ray is so high now because Sony CAN charge it. It's the ONLY type of commodity device of this nature on the market... PERIOD. Thus, with a monopoly they can charge monopolistic prices at this point. Just as with VCRs, CD Players, DVD Players - the price will normalize.
Not bad, however AOD will be $50 within 2 years