Top Spin 2

Wow,that has come a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way since it was first shown at last year's E3.It is fantastic looking with an almost CGI quality to the graphics.The backgrounds are great(and varied for a tennis game) and the characters are CGI-looking.
Looks brilliant. Although it's a low res video, so flaws might look smoothed out.
Cloth dynamics are a bit crap, but the overall look of the game is brilliant, almost CGI at times.
What really bugs me is that some movements are quite last-gen, and the way the ball looks (with that stupid bright yellow trail) spoils the almost-photorealistic look of the game.

Anyway, looks brilliant.
london-boy said:
...and the way the ball looks (with that stupid bright yellow trail) spoils the almost-photorealistic look of the game.

I suspect the game would be near unplayable without some sort of trail though...

Anyway, let's hope they've fixed the load times or at least let us play Pong while loading. ;)
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Haven't yet seen the video, but the screenshots from that video.
Is there that annoying blurry "HDR" blooming in the video, or is that an artifact of the screenshots?
Must be the screenshots, as some of them look as bad as GTA:SA on PS2.
pipo said:
I suspect the game would be near unplayable without some sort of trail though...

Anyway, let's hope they've fixed the load times or at least let us play Pong while loading. ;)

I know, it's functional, and i think it will be there in a long time, but it really looks like playing Mario Tennis, on almost photorealistic backgrounds! ;)
Backgrounds look excellent, but it seems to me that the better the backgrounds look, the more the players look out of place and the animation needs to come up a few notches to match and integrate with the beauty of the backgrounds.
Looks really nice, lightning well made.
Ive seen some footage of VT3 ( or 4 dont remember nut the next gen one ) and the animations were a little bit out of place as well. Tennis game seems to be very difficult to conciliate gameplay/realistic animations with a classic controller. Revo to be the solution ???
Theres still a little 'skating' going on that detracts somehwat from the realism of animations, but i wonder if thats unavoidable at this point to make the game fun.
Slightly off topic (since the thread is about the 360 version) but does anyone know anything new about the DS version? When its coming out, any good previews, videos ect?

I just saw some new screen shots of it and it looks gorgeous visually.
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The first one was great, hopefully this one will at least match it.

Then again, out of principle I don't think I can buy/rent a tennis game that doesn't have Roger Federer on the cover. Andy Roddick can't tie his shoes.
pipo said:
The IGN preview was not very positive...
Not overly so, no. Having watched both videos and played the original, it looks like they're not pressing the buttons at the right time.
pipo said:
The IGN preview was not very positive...

Gamespot said:
The first thing you'll notice about Top Spin 2 is its graphics, which on a proper HD monitor look great. Player models are very lifelike and authentic looking, especially the models based on the many famous tennis pros that are playable in the game, including Andy Roddick, Roger Federer, Venus Williams, and Maria Sharapova. Furthermore, the environments themselves benefit greatly from the Xbox 360's graphical horsepower--the textures on both grass and concrete courses are more detailed, and the light and shadow effects are far more impressive than what we've seen on the Xbox and PlayStation 2. The backgrounds are more alive than ever before too--as you play in a local park, for example, you'll notice folks jogging by the tennis court or simply hanging around the court watching the action. The courts show off a lot of design variety as well, from slightly run-down regional parks, to splendid country club courts, to the famed Wimbledon Centre Court in London.

IGN said:
Visually, I must admit the preview build wasn't terribly impressive looking. We played it in widescreen at 720p and at 480p and the game, at least this preview build, doesn't seem to have the next-generation chops we were expecting. Are we expecting too much? Perhaps Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter has whet our appetites quite a bit, but what should we expect? It's 2006 and it's a next generation game right? Overall, the game looks decent with good looking stadiums, a quick framerate, and average load times. The character models, however, were the most disappointing. You could barely make out the real athletes, and in some cases it was a blessing to see their names under their pictures. Again, we're hoping to chalk this up to this preview build, so we'll see a little later on when more advanced versions come to our door.

Almost like they were playing 2 different builds....
I thought IGN was smoking something a little too good there... the pictures with the two women linked directly in the article has poor compression, but in no way do the models look as bad as they suggest. I thought they're pretty darned good.
good preview on gamespy:

I tried my hand at the career mode, and was pleasantly surprised by the amount of options that you can fiddle with to tweak your character model. Some of the facial details are just out of hand, down to the density of your character's vein structure, the bags under her eyes, the amount of freckles on her cheeks, the shadow on her chin, and on and on. Unless you have a good eye for aesthetics, it's quite easy to come up with something sort of distorted looking, but there are so many tools that it's conceivable that you could put your own likeness into the game with a little work.

+ Detailed character creation; solid gameplay; feature-rich career mode
- Trying to get the proper timing on risky shots can be pretty brutal.

sounds cool