Get real god boyHellbinder said:No Jesus the guy who created you and everything you have and holds it together by the force of His will. that Jesus.
What proof? 2,000 years before there were prophecies about him and 2,000 years later we are still talking aobut him.
What about all the other religions? They're all wrong?
One thing I've noticed about christians is their arrogance (or what comes off as arrogance) when it comes to evolution vs creationism vs other religions, in additon to being highly hypocritical.
Evolution atleasts attempts to explain how we got here (with limited sucess) where as christians just tell you to read the bible and other nonsense.
The thing with god, is there is no proof what so ever.
They cant even begin to explain the things they believe and why they think so while sounding semi intelligent.
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