Too Human

True enough. :) I'm mostly a single player, so it doesn't really affect me all that much. Finding someone to play an RPG with me on console would be even harder. :p
Yeah, I've never actually played Diablo or its various "homage's" multi - purely because I always feel I'm never playing well enough to compete, even though I'm usually having loads of fun. Diablo 2 is still installed on my PC - I will finish it with my Necromancer! - and having a couch-based version of that gameplay still has me excited.

So what's the full timeline of big 360 releases looking like now?
June: NG2
August 19: Too Human
November: Gears 2
November: VP2
December?: B+K:N+B

September, October? Fable?
That co op video looks damn fun esp. if you're in sync with the each other is thinking or atleast are talking it through over the headset.

Too Human is out in the US on 19th August, and in Europe on 29th August. So will we see a demo before the month of August kicks off? "Yes, that's the plan."

The developer told attendees at the Microsoft showcase in San Francisco that having four of you battle frozen robotic goblins from ancient history was too confusing and cluttered on the screen.
They are completely right about the demo, the game went through a lot of trouble (epix suit, delay, under deliver at some point) and it's clear that the hype is simply no longer here and the game is not outstandingly beautiful.

They need to prove that the game is a real AAA one, at this time demo is theirs only chance, the gameplay/experience should be they focus on marketing wise.
Gamersyde recently posted these new screenshots of Too Human. If you could say anything about this game so far it would be the fact that it looks pretty impressive visually.

I agree with the sentiments that some people have expressed regarding the necessity of a demo at his point in time. Showing us more footage is not going to change anyone's opinion of this game, especially after the horrendous E3 showing of this game, numerous delays, Epic lawsuit, and now the reduction of four player CO-OP to two player XBL only. The recent footage of CO-OP mode looked pretty impressive to me, but I think this is a game you need to play before what it offers becomes apparent.
Here's a new one. Remember rainbow six: vegas. How the cutscenes and all that was removed during co-op? same with this. SCREW THAT!
I don't understand the need for the support classes in two-player multiplayer. It sounds like they'll really be a waste of time. A big part of the reason Diablo was so fun is all classes were very useful in their own way. Having thought about TH a little more overnight, I'm sceptical that they can pull balance of useful classes off
in a way which works.
But for that sort of player who enjoys playing through a game once to see the story and get the experience, Too Human will end long before its time and with not nearly enough payoff for all the story exposition. And it's an uneven ten hours, at best: Sometimes I had a great time mowing down enemies and racking up combos, but sometimes it just felt frustrating and/or repetitive.

Real reviews should be here soon, hopefully it's not another Alone in the Dark.
Some selective quoting there. If this really is supposed to be a Diablo clone, the replays is why you will play. Finishing D2 the first time was basically a trial run for Nightmare and Hell difficulties, when you'll actually hit the top of your skill trees.

Now, those who have enjoyed their time in the world of Too Human up through the story's conclusion will have plenty to do if they want to keep building Baldur. By the time you finish the campaign, Baldur will likely only be at level 25 of what I believe is a maximum of 50. He'll have some decent armor and weapons, but there will be lots more out there. You can begin a new campaign with the same character you finished with, and the enemies will scale up accordingly so the challenge can continue. You can even jump into alternate versions of each level with more and different enemies and drops.

If that's the case, I imagine it will take 3 plays to fill out your skill trees, which is what this kind of game is really about. It's similar for all games I've played in this genre - Diablo, Titan Quest, Sacred, etc.

Whether it will be worth it is another thing, but I don't think you should measure this kind of game on the length of your first run-through only.