Too Human

You are "surprised" yet happen to have a YouTube link handy. Hmmm. :rolleyes:

Why is length of development important? Many great movies and books take years to see release or publication. When it comes to video games, we expect a 2 year development cycle, and there better not be any changes from the initial inception of the game to its release.

What the?? Just found it accidentally in youtube! Whats so wrong about that?? Why are you people making an issue out of nothing. I just never knew it was a project that started on the PS1. Nothing more nothing less. I just thought it would be interesting to share. There is nothing implied about the game's quality and neither have I implied that it's development length is important!! :mad:

Now you get annoyied for nothing. Because you assume I implied something "bad" about it??

Why on earth are you people so upset I wonder. :mad:
Didnt notice. I hope Sis was joking as well
Joking about what? I'm somewhat tired of the "look how long project X has been in development" comments. It's indicative of nothing, other than to generate some type of negative feeling towards project X.

I was being a bit playful about you having the YouTube link handy. Let me exchange my eye-rolly guy with a smiley guy for that one, if you don't mind: :D
Joking about what? I'm somewhat tired of the "look how long project X has been in development" comments. It's indicative of nothing, other than to generate some type of negative feeling towards project X.

I was being a bit playful about you having the YouTube link handy. Let me exchange my eye-rolly guy with a smiley guy for that one, if you don't mind: :D

Simply put I wasnt indicating to anything. Just relax and enjoy the game.

I am more tired than you are by people that are offended with their own assumptions
Simply put I wasnt indicating to anything. Just relax and enjoy the game.

I am more tired than you are by people that are offended with their own assumptions
Fair enough--I should not have been overly-sensitive. Plus, seeing the game actually running on a Playstation was kind of funny. My apologies...
Fair enough--I should not have been overly-sensitive. Plus, seeing the game actually running on a Playstation was kind of funny. My apologies...
Apologies accepted :)

Well it was a good choice that the game never seen the light of day on PS1 outherwise it might have been another released and forgotten game. It definetely is a much better game today than what it was back then for its time. 360 opened a new whole "world" to the developers. PS1 was too restrictive to make it stand out and materialize their ideas
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Well new video up and it seems the framerate seems to have really made strides. AI is looking to still be a work in progress but theres a good amount of enemies on the screen. I cant tell if the game is actually fun or not but it now seems to be potentially fun, still holding out hope for this one.

New blog entry here too.
Some new videos.


RPG Systems, Gameplay, Arenas & More

Too Human Progress Report

The hub is also where Dyack talked about the inventory system Too Human offers. Like other games where loot is important, epic sets can be found that add powerful enhancements if completed and equipped. We saw one such and it looked mighty impressive (not too surprising as the game runs in true 720p with 4x anti-aliasing and can still handle 50-70 enemies on screen at once). Collecting the set won't be as cumbersome as you might think. Too Human will automatically analyze new pickups and determine whether it is better than what you currently possess -- a handy tool when your inventory maxes out and it decides for you what to keep and what to toss or sell. Don't worry; you can set your own parameters for what should be auto-dumped.
Joystiq live at the Too Human press conference

5:43 pm PT -- After the initial load time, we've yet to see any loading between cutscenes and gameplay. So far, the framerate we've seen in the real-time game is markedly improved.
Dyack notes there are six or seven different camera styles, including one more akin to Diablo.
6:12 pm PT -- The environments have an impressive sense of scale, and deeply compel us to use words like "grand" and "ooooohhh."
I like what I'm seeing, but I really need to get my hands-on it.
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True 720p and 4AA… it's the first game "base" on UE3 who got 4AA, if I remember well?
An we can seeing outdoor (at 6:00 on the rpg system, etc video).
I thought they axed UE3 completely after their problems with Epic and the subsequent legal fallout.

You right and if I remember Epic want to investigate if were not UE3 code stealth in Too Human, but base on the first impression 4AA, no textures poping, I'm thinking no need to investigate… were no UE3 code in Too Human.:LOL:;)
Wired Hands-on: Too Human Technically Awesome

Even as it jumped from environment to environment. Silicon Knights are master storytellers above all, and their Too Human tech is there to serve this purpose. The first half hour of the game zips back and forth between gameplay and cut-scenes and expository flashbacks, each taking place in different, wide-open, detailed environments, and not one transition brought with it a halt in the pacing.

Since all the cut scenes are in real-time, main character Baldur's gear will always reflect what you're wearing -- even if the armor is degrading and flashing red, that'll show up in the cinematics.
Pretty nice videos. :) I hope they can fix some of the frame rate drops there.

Very interesting theme though... I'm curious to see how it unfolds. The scenes where you see that guy get transmogrified into a cyborg gave me the chills (big thanks to the operatic music :cool: ). I think this is a day one purchase for me.

Some walkthroughs:

Character Class Walkthrough

Berserker Gameplay
Opening Cinematic

I like :D

On a side note, it was nice to focus on that soldier for a little bit, giving the setting a little more realism.

Boss Fight

Fire Fight

This has to be one of the most improved games in some time. I went from "wtf?" to "pretty cool." Keep at it SK!
I'm coming to grips with these trailers along with what i've heard about the game play. I'm imagining it as Diablo but with the ability to move and attack at the same time, and in 3D. I think the problem theyre going to have with the mass market is that this game *looks* like it should be an action game, and *looks* like you should have tight, pinpoint controls. When people play it and realize youre essentially clicking on an enemy by moving the stick its going to take some adjustment. I'm very interested to see how that all pans out...