Tomb Raider

I've bought the game twice, once for 360 and another time for PS3. Sold them both and now time to keep the one i get for PS4 +_+
Finished it last night with about 83% of items found. The game gives you the option to go back and complete everything, but I don't think I will as the story was the main driver for me playing. Great game with really impressive graphics.

Yeah I definately agree,awesome game but no real incentive to go back and finish everything after the story's done. Graphics wise I'd say it was easily one of the most impressive games of the last generation. Although I did play the PC version maxed out in 3D which probably swayed my opinion.
I've bought the game twice, once for 360 and another time for PS3. Sold them both and now time to keep the one i get for PS4 +_+
Woaw, you are a true fan! Something similar happened to me with a few selected games, but just very few. Well, this gives me hope that the overhype I have regarding the new Lara Croft is justified and it's right.

The technological differences between the current and previous generation are more pronounced than we thought. :oops:
Didn't play this yet on PS360 so I might pick it up, do we know exactly what the VR is being used for in the game?
Keeping my fingers crossed for a publisher freebie. I don't think I wanna pay for it again. Don't really want to send the wrong message there. I liked it as a by-the-numbers shooty game with fancy visuals, but as someone who actually liked Tomb Raider for being, you know, Tomb Raider, the remake was a colossal disappointment for me.
Keeping my fingers crossed for a publisher freebie. I don't think I wanna pay for it again. Don't really want to send the wrong message there. I liked it as a by-the-numbers shooty game with fancy visuals, but as someone who actually liked Tomb Raider for being, you know, Tomb Raider, the remake was a colossal disappointment for me.

Confirmed already, it's a full price game ($60 in the US). Not even discounted a little bit, which is a bit mean if you ask me. Then again I never pay full price, wait a couple months, maybe more and it will be in the bargain bin at Amazon.
What the fuck are they gonna do with voice recognition in that game? Cannot think of anything remotely meaningful here.

Cyan's earlier post included this:

"Amos also mentioned how the next-generation iterations will feature support for voice commands via Kinect, saying that they're used "to enhance Lara's actions or as shortcuts into various menus and upgrade screens to reduce some of the user navigation. We also use them for things like switching weapons, switching ammo types, and other such shortcuts."

I wouldn't expect any game changers there :)
Keeping my fingers crossed for a publisher freebie. I don't think I wanna pay for it again. Don't really want to send the wrong message there. I liked it as a by-the-numbers shooty game with fancy visuals, but as someone who actually liked Tomb Raider for being, you know, Tomb Raider, the remake was a colossal disappointment for me.

This is something i've never understood when people say that its not "Tomb Raider". Having played Tomb Raider since the PS1 days, what exactly is Tomb Raider besides a woman with abnormally large mammory glands and 2 pistols going around shooting miscellaneous animals, and solving extremely arbitrary puzzles?

Personally speaking, tank controls don't represent Tomb Raider, neither does piss poor graphics and very simplistic gameplay where your fighting the camera all the time. For me, TR has never been 'defined' enough to actually make me have an issue with the new direction. Certainly not like DMC versus DmC. Its similar to Uncharted yeah, but then again i thought Uncharted was just a new version of Tomb Raider starring a guy to begin with.
TR was about traversal and puzzles. It's really that simple. The new game is about slaughtering insane amounts of faceless thugs with some semi-automated hopping around in between. Also loads and loads of shitty quick time events. Gameplay-wise it's also completely at odds with its survival narrative because it's piss-easy and generally scared to death ever of inconveniencing the player. Even the puzzles were optional. And who says I want the old PSone games back (I still think there's some merits to those games, by the way. As clunky as the controls are, they are also incredibly precise and let the developers build some wonderfully tricky traversal exercises. It actually took some skill.) I really liked TR Anniversary for example. That game had the puzzles and the tricky acrobatics, and it used the combat every now and then to freshen things up. TR Underworld was pretty cool too, albeit unfortunately glitchy.

The new one is basically a mean-spirited Uncharted, and I already have three of those. I also completely disagree that Uncharted is a new take on TR. Uncharted and the new TR are basically shooters with a bit of skripted and entirely skill-devoid traversal every now and then. In TR it used to be the other way around. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind that shooting feels better now, but why is no-one trying to improve and expand on the other aspects of the franchise? Congrats, CD, you finally figured out shooting controls. You can now shake hands with the 5 million other guys in the crowded corner over there if you'd like.

I think the closest thing to TR I played in recent years was probably Mirror's Edge.

As for the DmC comparison: DmC just changed its appearance. It's still a third person action game with a focus on combat. It's just a bit more accessible now. It certainly remained far more faithful to its roots than the new TR did.
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TR was about traversal and puzzles.

Exactly. Tomb Raider was the game I saw in GAME (a Uk retailer) that had me walking out with a PlayStation. It was platforms and puzzles with a little, a very little, bit of combat - mostly because the combat was pretty bad.

The reboot, which I loved btw, was a very different beast. When the 'tombs' become largely optional, perhaps you need to rethink the title. They could have marketed it as a Lara Croft game. 'Lara Croft' likely has as much name recognition as 'Tomb Raider'.
So...basically it needs more puzzles? That's fine, as long as they are actual puzzles though. In anniversary, the puzzles were overly simple, and i didn't think they added much. So they are going to have to have some substance, i guess for the sequel.

The tombs were optional in the reboot, but then i didn't really have an issue with it. I liked the combat a lot more than i ever did in uncharted. and they gave you upgrades to make your skills better as well, which filled up most of my time maxing out my stats.
TR was about traversal and puzzles. It's really that simple. The new game is about slaughtering insane amounts of faceless thugs with some semi-automated hopping around in between. Also loads and loads of shitty quick time events. Gameplay-wise it's also completely at odds with its survival narrative because it's piss-easy and generally scared to death ever of inconveniencing the player. Even the puzzles were optional. And who says I want the old PSone games back (I still think there's some merits to those games, by the way. As clunky as the controls are, they are also incredibly precise and let the developers build some wonderfully tricky traversal exercises. It actually took some skill.) I really liked TR Anniversary for example. That game had the puzzles and the tricky acrobatics, and it used the combat every now and then to freshen things up. TR Underworld was pretty cool too, albeit unfortunately glitchy.

The new one is basically a mean-spirited Uncharted, and I already have three of those. I also completely disagree that Uncharted is a new take on TR. Uncharted and the new TR are basically shooters with a bit of skripted and entirely skill-devoid traversal every now and then. In TR it used to be the other way around. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind that shooting feels better now, but why is no-one trying to improve and expand on the other aspects of the franchise? Congrats, CD, you finally figured out shooting controls. You can now shake hands with the 5 million other guys in the crowded corner over there if you'd like.

I think the closest thing to TR I played in recent years was probably Mirror's Edge.

As for the DmC comparison: DmC just changed its appearance. It's still a third person action game with a focus on combat. It's just a bit more accessible now. It certainly remained far more faithful to its roots than the new TR did.

It's a great 'not-Uncharted' game for those who haven't played the Uncharted games basically, or like to have something similar with a different skin? ;) This is what I've always expected the game to be like, and (having played four Uncharted's) together with the mean-spirited bits and quick time stuff looking very unappealing to me at first glance, I've always intended to stay away from it. But there have been a lot of very positive reactions from people I know who played it, including people who liked and played Uncharted, so I'm not 100% ready to dismiss the game just yet.

But having played the first and second Tomb Raider, I definitely remember very strongly that and why those games were awesome, and yes, they were basically the thinking man's 3D platformer, with some really awesome gameplay and exploration telling its own story. I was totally amazed by my dive off the waterfall, and they didn't overuse it like Assassin's Creed does. And then coming across dinosaurs in that cave ... to this day I wish more games did that, and did that well.
It'd be interesting to see how a reboot of the original game - puzzles and platforming with little combat - would appeal these days. I don't know myself but if I were an investor or publisher I wouldn't be putting my money or reputation behind it.

But as I said before, I loved the reboot. As Arwin said, it's a alternative to Uncharted. Indeed much closer to Uncharted's DNA than the original Tomb Raider games. I just hope they don't screw up the inevitable sequel.
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I think the only thing they could do now to improve what they've already done is add just a little bit more of the climbing and exploring. Right now I'd say it's 60% fighting and 40% exploring/climbing.
With the added ram of the next gen consoles, i would not be surprised if the next TR is an open worldish type of adventure where you could go in any direction you want and there are certain zones that you'd go to specifically for missions and the like. Its what i thought TR was going to be, but it ended up being linear. Although a lot of the areas were pretty open, it wasn't the island adventure i expected having just beat farcry 3
It'd be interesting to see how a reboot of the original game - puzzles and platforming with little combat - would appeal these days. I don't know myself but if I were an investor or publisher I wouldn't be putting my money or reputation behind it

Isn't that what Tombraider anniversary was?