Tomb Raider: Underworld

if i alt tab and go to my desktop and back to the game sometimes itll run back to like 150 fps lol

I had the same problem with AA enabled, but a clean vista install fixed it for me. Perhaps it has to do with older nvidia dlls that won't delete after a new driver is installed. If you are not very carefull with the drivers (use driver cleaner etc) which I'm not, that might be the problem... It's been running with a very stable framerate ever since.
I'm still not sure about this. I've just got to the Thailand level (sticking grenades to tigers is fun - you get a two for one deal!), and it's been more of a chore than fun.

The controls feel looser than the ring piece of a dysentery victim and the camera appears to dangle from a length of elastic attached to a passing satellite. And the graphics are good but to the detriment of being able to see your path clearly.

After the last couple of abominations that had the Tomb Raider sticker I was hoping for something really special. But it's turned out to be a bog standard TR with usual gloss to make it sell. IMO there are better games out there (Drake 1 Croft 0).

The number of bugs in the game is more amazing than the game itself Link and some of the looping animations are almost comical if they weren't so frustrating.

Overall I'd give it a 5/10.
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Unsurprisingly, I would have to rate Uncharted being the technically better title (gameplay mechanics etc), but in a way, I'm glad TRU turned out the way it did - because quite frankly, I'd rather be playing a Tomb Raider than Uncharted. In that sense, I applaud CD to a job well done in my book.

I'm not to concerned about graphics. They are more than good enough to be worthy of the machines its running on (and being multiplatform), the framerate is decent enough and the varied environments are impressive IMO.
I'm seriously annoyed at the moment. In the level "Jan Mayen Island", in the room of the last hammer (I assume you know which one) - the one with the short cut scene. How can you climb up in the room to reach the last hammer?

I'm seriously doubting it's possible, given I've spent the last two hours trying something that shouldn't take more than a few attempts max. This game and the controls can be so damn fustrating.

The way I see it, you need to jump onto the chain and then climb on top of it and then walk it until you've reached the upper level. The only thing is, it doesn't work - as soon as you start walking - after about 5 steps, Lara stops and the controls lock up and she dies as a result of hitting the wall and falling to the bottom. At times, you can't even get on top of the chain and in a standing position, as she'll just lock up in a crouching position and will not stand up in time.

I had a hard time getting from the 3d hammer to the 4th.. Couldn't find the way I was supposed to do it. But once I knew were to go it was easy...
I am playing it on the pc with a 360 controller, so I can't say if the ps3 has those kind of problems that you mention... But the controls seem fine to me.

In fact, I realised that I got past the room you were talking about only because I'm at the last part of the game :oops:
Hey, it might be PS3 exclusive. ;)

My only problem with the game, is that it felt very short. I'm at the end and played only three times...
I just finished the game yesterday and I'd thought I'd share some thoughts on it. Overall, I'd say it's the best TR game yet. What I really liked is that the game took more from anniversary than legend (e.g. puzzles were more intricate/detailed and there was less talking every two seconds). Basically, it felt like a TR game should feel and played like one, as well. My only complaints is that there's too many camera bugs (glitches) and the combat is still quite poor. Thankfully, though, that wasn't the highlight of the game, the highly detailed/stunning environments and puzzle solving is what took center stage. Still, I really hope that for the next game they rethink the combat so when it does happen it's fun rather than dull - though the end of the game had some fun fighting parts thanks to a nice weapon that Lara gets. Oh, and the music in game was great.

Oh and did I mention how gorgeous this game is? I honestly think it's one of the best looking games I've played, and the environments are absolutely stunning! Thought I'd post a few screens to show: - Lara's highly detailed in the game - the environments are insanely detailed - various designs (the art direction is fantastic) - GI, one of the most impressive effects in the (any) game, notice how the flashlight indirectly lights the walls and surfaces behind Lara - haven't seen this in too many games (I can think of one other, at the moment).
Has the resolution of the PS3 version been determined yet? The image of the full version is a hell of a lot sharper than it is in the 360 demo (you don't even have to look closely at the TV. It's actually one of the best looking games on the system in terms of image quality. Hardly any aliasing and no signs of upscaling whatsoever), but the framerate is noticeably worse. Or has Crystal upped the resolution for the final release across both platforms ?(I hear a lot of framerate complaints about both versions in reviews, but the 360 demo moves pretty much silky smooth most of the time)
It's one hell of a gorgeous looking game that much is certain.
I completed it on the weekend as well. From all the Tomb Raiders I've played, I have to rate it the lowest (I've played and completed TR1 TR2 TR3 TR4). I take it, it's the best TR of the new era though.

+ Nice graphics
+ Good soundtrack
+ Puzzles are good for the most part, not any tracking back
+ Very nice mythic places

- Camera/Controls seem glitchy
- Wasted tressures
- Very poor ending (where's that boss fight?)
- Battle system though not broke, a little tiresome (especially on the boat levels)
- Story

I have to say, that ending was a huge disappointment. After what turned out to be a pretty decent game, I was expecting it to finish with a bang, like it usually did in the earlier Tomb Raiders.

Overall, I'd give it a 6 / 10. No replayability in it for me.
Apparently they seem to be selling the 'real' ending as DLC, and apparently also only as exclusive download on 360. If this is true, then that's a big, BIG no-no and it may have a tremendous backlash. Will be interesting to see if that rumor turns out to be true.
I finished it over the weekend as well and after all the bitching I've heard I was pleasantly surprised: excellent and challenging level design, fantastic visuals and solid length. The story won't win any awards, but it was serviceable enough (no worse than in other TR games) At least the cut-scenes looked positively gorgeous.
Fighting was as dull as ever, but as it was implemented very sparingly I can't really complain. I'm not really missing the boss fights either: they haven't been really noteworthy in the past so I'm kinda glad Crystal has turned them into elaborate puzzles more or less.
The only thing I can really complain about is the lack polish. I didn't encounter any game breaking glitches, but I had my PS3 crash at least 5 times, fell through plenty of solid looking objects and constantly struggled with the camera. (more leaps of faith than in any previous TR game for sure)
Apparently they seem to be selling the 'real' ending as DLC, and apparently also only as exclusive download on 360. If this is true, then that's a big, BIG no-no and it may have a tremendous backlash. Will be interesting to see if that rumor turns out to be true.

If this is true, then they've really hit an all time low. Even as an 360 consumer I'd be pissed if I have to download DLC to make up for a lack-luster experience/ending and doesn't deserve any respect.

While I also agree that boss fights have been somewhat lackluster in all the Tomb Raiders so far, they did have somethig special to them and to the story and upon completion, gave some substance to it. Tomb Raider Underground upon completion feels a little shallow. At first, I was suprised the game was already finished and couldn't believe it.

And fighting with the hammer is just boring. What happend to the great battles like encountering the T-Rex in TR1 where you not only had to keep firing, but also try to run around without getting killed? One good thing about the T-Rex: There was also only one you would encounter, making the encounter a more special and unique one. In TR Underground, just about every "big/powerful enemy" is encountered multiple times throughout the game, making it less interesting/exciting. Also being able to chose your weapons doesn't help the already underwhelming combat style. At least in the older Tomb Raiders, you would gradually find the better weapons.....
Apparently they seem to be selling the 'real' ending as DLC, and apparently also only as exclusive download on 360. If this is true, then that's a big, BIG no-no and it may have a tremendous backlash. Will be interesting to see if that rumor turns out to be true.

As SMM has already said in this very thread:

Well, the game itself is a complete picture... no real missing content or anything. The DLC is only about additional replay value by adding some alternate play paths and covering different angles. The game was never meant as some sort of episodic delivery thing, and there was never any intention of making the DLC *necessary* in any way. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people wished it was never part of the equation in the first place (I know I'd be one of them).
The ending didn't really upset me. TR Legend ended with a forgettable boss battle in an area you already visited in the first level (Peru if memory serves me right), TR Underworld ended with a tricky and enormous puzzle room. I was quite pleased by that (but I'm generally not the biggest fan of boss battles unless they are really well done, like in God of War or Metal Gear, where you have to figure out tricky patterns or think a bit outside the box. Gunning down a ridiculously long health bar just isn't my idea of fun, especially if the fighting system is the polar opposite of tight and engaging to begin with)
If I were to design a TR game I'd probably drop the hectic real time fighting altogether and do it like Capcom with the Krauser fight in RE4.
To be honest, I think I'd rather be playing Tomb Raider with the old simply mechanics, with the old puzzles and with todays graphics. In fact, I decided to replay the old PSone games on my PS3 and despite the pixelated boobs :cool:, it's still quite fun.
I would love to, but don't own a X360 (don't intend to) and not sure if I can bring myself to buy another PS2 game and play that on the beamer. And the backwards-compatibility is messed up on the PS3 anyway. At least the PSone games work fine... :(

Thanks for the tip though. Much appreciated!