This Weekend is the Official Hayho Garage Sale.


And I am dreading it almost as much as moving. :???:

(We're not moving, it's just about my most dreaded event though. )

I'm dealing with it extrodinarily well considering I've steadfastly avoided it for over 10 years now, but my wife told me I could have an IT budget again if I cooperated so I'm trying like hell not to whine to much and to actually participate and be supportive.

She wants to have it this weekend because there is a small carnival at the main town park down the street and there will be heavy foot traffic all day long with people walking past with pockets full of cash.

Can't really argue with her logic, and we certainly got some crap to get rid of.

MauiMom is even going to come buy with a few things to get rid of and help out, which will be nice since I'm hoping she brings the whole family. Her and Chris can sell the stuff and me and her hubby Mike can help me relearn the fine art of drinking beer. (He was kind enough to offer the other day, how can I refuse?)

I'm dreading it, but it's going to happen. If'n anyone is near the Highland, Indiana area tomorrow and interested in buying some crap we'll be here and I'll be happy to post directions. :)

(WARNING: No interesting PC hardware, I HATE selling PC hardware...I either find it good homes or keep it for later fun building antique rigs in my old age. ;) )

Oh wait, I think MM might be selling her old I better not make that disclaimer. Just don't expect to see me selling much of any of my hardware. (My wife has already agreed to this condition, she knows how I am on that point and I am not raising any disagreements on getting rid of all the rest of it. I don't put my foot down a lot, I save it for when I need it and then I mean it.)

Oh, and Hayho is my family's clan name. An almagation of the first half of me and my wife's last name. Mine is "Hayden" and hers is "Hope", so we call ourselves clan Hayho's the families e-dress. :)