Komplett.se: 3590 bundless, 3895 bundled (TDU)
Here you have some better prices:
elgiganten.se 2979 premium
pccity.se 2979 premium
computercity.se 3079 premium
siba.se 3079 premium
Google is my friend
Komplett.se: 3590 bundless, 3895 bundled (TDU)
Yeah, the point being that given the differencials in pricing I don't think there is any MS drop, but retailer deals. I suspect that the cost price is still the same, but there is some marketing budget going back.Here you have some better prices:
Holy hell! Did the swedes take over the world ?
When did svenska kronor become the currency du-jour. What happend to yen, euro and dollar?
Wasn't it in fact the other way around, and didn't publishers have to pay MS some kind of fee for Live use?
Doesn't MS already own the IP to GeOW? Why buy Epic, when MS can simply leverage the resources of themselves and the studios they already own and produce a rival product for cheaper than the cost of purchasing Epic.
Yeah, the point being that given the differencials in pricing I don't think there is any MS drop, but retailer deals. I suspect that the cost price is still the same, but there is some marketing budget going back.
MS made approximately 92 million from live in the last fiscal year
How do you know?
@Arwin: Would you dare write that about the Englishmen and the Sterling?
What MS needs to succeed?
They need to bring their console out first with great games and secure tons of awesome exclusive content and deliver a killer online service with fantastic features. Oh wait... they already did all that.