Things that make you want to bang your head against a wall


Artist formerly known as Acert93
So I am driving home from work tonight and about 3 blocks from home my car... stops. Lights are working, radio is fine, but the engine is off and the engine light and amp light go on. Great. The car is old but has had no issues; oil changed regularly and I checked it just the other day, ditto the radiator. I had been driving for 30 minutes without an issue. Car would start but moving out of park the engine cuts out. :mad: So I walked home in the pitch dark... in below 0 F weather not including windchill... and had my wife walk to the car with me so she could steer while I pushed the car home. (Note to sell: run more often!) After huffing and puffing and pushing the stupid car home I noticed, "Doh! My fingers feel like they are on fire but I cannot feel them or move them". So I soak my hands in lukewarm water... much better. Sadly now I am wheezing like smoker on their death bed! :LOL: It was a blessing having the car break down so close to home (it could have done this on the freeway or in a very, very remote area on the way home), and it also saved me $75 for a tow. Then again I have to find a way to work tomorrow and more importantly to my new job on Friday :LOL: With the extreme cold here (schools are closed and look to be that way for a while because the busses won't start up and the windchill is like -20) we are hoping it is something small like a belt that broke due to being too cold. Who knows.

I am sure others have far worse incidents than this, so I wish not to belittle anyone elses real suffering and pain... I got off easy! If this is the worse that can happen I am set!

Anyone else have mildly entertaining and yet annoying things happen recently like this they would like us to laugh with them about?
Uhm, I forgot my sunglasses and it was 85 degrees Fahrenheit this afternoon? Does that qualify? If it matters, the sun was really bright today!

Josh it sounds like you have an idling engine issue, probably in need of a replacement. The exact same thing happened to my car.

I lost my car key a few days ago. I had gotten all the way to my car from my office and discovered it was missing. At this point it's about 8 pm, and below freezing out, and I left my gloves at my house. I tried calling everyone I knew in existence, and to my dismay none of them are picking up their phone. Luckily my father lives in the next town over and I called him, who then picked me up and drove me to my place where I retrieved a copied key and returned to my car.

The next day at work I found my car key in the closet in my office. It had fallen out of my coat, unbeknownst to me.
Josh do the lights dim when you put key to start? If so you are likely still having battery issues and it could be your alternator died or the belt to it broke etc..

Otherwise you could have cut a wire that provides the juice to the spark plugs. If it is older and has a distributor cap it could be the lead wire on that. Find an electrical diagram for your car.
What really gets on my nerves is the sheer stupidity and greed of news reporters. They will systematically, always point out the worst possible facts about a piece of news in order to create "sensationalism". Most news sites or programs I've seen are guilty of this. Latest example of this phenomena on Sky news, about the US friendly-fire tragedy, they will quote the friend of the guy saying "friend says Matt was murdered". The recent UK Big Brother events are also a perfect example of this. I also hate it how they report news "storiea" saying things like "it has been claimed" or "it was reported" without quoting the sources. Talk about creating news pieces out of your bottom... Sigh.
My biggest problem about this is that the media know the power they have on society and the implications such behaviour lead to, yet they still do it. This is really really wrong.
Just writing about this got me on my nerves grrr.
People who don't want to learn maths.
People who uses quaternions for every damn thing without reason.
People who call a over saturated and unrealistic image a HDR effect.
People who never touched a line of code in their life.
I also hate it how they report news "storiea" saying things like "it has been claimed" or "it was reported" without quoting the sources. Talk about creating news pieces out of your bottom...
No, that's actually the code for "We picked up this from a competitor we're reluctant to name (at this time, if they're wrong, we'll retract and name them)". The code for having no reliable source whatsoever is "From what [insert channel name] understands, [the world will end tomorrow at noon]". That way no one is reporting the facts, just an entity is understanding the news - so if they're wrong there's nothing to retract since nothing was never stated as such.

To stay on topic though, the only thing that make me want to bang my head against a wall is me. I've long since adopted a laissez-faire view towards the idiosyncrasies of others, because otherwise I'd never get anything done apart from said head-against-wall-banging. There's just too much wrong with the world. Mea Culpa.