Henry F. Schaefer III was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1944. He attended public schools in Syracuse (New York), Menlo Park (California), and Grand Rapids (Michigan), graduating from East Grand Rapids High School in 1962. He received his B.S. degree in chemical physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1966) and Ph.D. degree in chemical physics from Stanford University (1969). For 18 years (1969-1987) he served as a professor of chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley. During the 1979-1980 academic year he was also Wilfred T. Doherty Professor of Chemistry and inaugural Director of the Institute for Theoretical Chemistry at the University of Texas, Austin. Since 1987 Dr. Schaefer has been Graham Perdue Professor of Chemistry and Director of theCenter for Computational Quantum Chemistry at the University of Georgia. His other academic appointments include Professeur d'Echange at the University of Paris (1977), Gastprofessur at the Eidgenossische Technische Hochshule (ETH), Zurich (1994, 1995, 1997, 2000, 2002), and David P. Cr aig Visiting Professor at the Australian National University (1999). He is the author of more than 975 scientific publications, the majority appearing in the Journal of Chemical Physics or the Journal of the American Chemical Society.
Critical to Professor Schaefer's scientific success has been a brilliant array of students and coworkers; including 42 undergraduate researchers who have published papers, 70 successful Ph.D. students, 40 postdoctoral researchers, and 49 visiting professors who have spent substantial time in the Schaefer group. A number of his students have gone on to positions of distinction in industry (AT&T, American Cyanamid, Avaya, Chemical Abstracts, Computational Geosciences, Dow Chemical, Electronic Arts, GAUSSIAN, Goodrich, Henkel, Hughes Aircraft, IBM, Komag, Mobil Research, Molecular Simulations, Monsanto, OpenEye, OSI Software, Pharmaceutical Research Associates, Proctor & Gamble, Q-CHEM, Ricoh, Schroedinger, SciCo, and Sugen). Five of his graduated Ph.D.'s have successfully started their own companies. Several have gone on to successful careers in government laboratories, including the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (JILA), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, NASA Ames, National Cancer Institute, National Center for Disease Control, National Institutes of Health (Bethesda), Naval Research Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratories. Charles Blahous went directly from his Ph.D. studies with Dr. Schaefer to the position of American Physical Society Congressional Scientist Fellow, and eventually to positions of significant importance in the U.S. political system (chief of staff for Senator Alan Simpson of Wyoming; and currently chief strategist for President George W. Bush's initiative to reform social security).
Many of Dr. Schaefer's students have accepted professorships in universities, including the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Georgia Tech, University of Georgia, University of Giessen (Germany), University of Girona (Spain), University of Grenoble (France), University of Guelph (Ontario), University of Illinois-Chicago, University of Illinois-Urbana, Johns Hopkins University, University of Kentucky, University of Manchester (England), University Of Marburg (Germany), University of Mississippi, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan), University of North Dakota, Osaka University (Japan), Pohang Institute of Science and Technology (Korea), Portland State University, Pennsylvania State University, Rice University, Rikkyo University (Tokyo), Stanford University, University of Stirling (Scotland,) University of Stockholm (Sweden), University of Tasmania (Australia), Texas A&M University, the University of Texas at Arlington, and Virginia Tech.
Dr. Schaefer has been invited to present plenary lectures at more than 180 national or international scientific conferences. He has delivered endowed or named lectures or lec ture series at more than thirty major universities, including the 1998 Kenneth S. Pitzer Memorial Lecture at Berkeley and the 2001 Israel Pollak Distinguished Lectures at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa. He is the recipient of nine honorary degrees, with two more scheduled. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the London-based journal Molecular Physics and President of the World Association of Theoretically Oriented Chemists. His service to the chemical community includes the chairmanship of the American Chemical Society's Subdivision of Theoretical Chemistry (1982) and Division of Physical Chemistry (1992).
Professor Schaefer's major awards include the American Chemical Society Award in Pure Chemistry (1979, "for the development of computational quantum chemistry into a reliable quantitative field of chemistry and for prolific exemplary calculations of broad chemical interest"); the American Chemical Society Leo Hendrik Baekeland Award (1983, "for his contributions to computational quantum chemistry and for outstanding applications of this technique to a wide range of chemical problems"); the Schroedinger Medal (1990); the Centenary Medal of the Royal Society of Chemistry (London, 1992, as "the first theoretical chemist successfully to challenge the accepted conclusions of a distinguished experimental group for a polyatomic molecule, namely methylene"); the American Chemical Society Award in Theoretical Chemistry (2003, "for his development of novel and powerful computational methods of electronic structure theory, and their innovative use to solve a host of important chemical problems"). In 2003 he will also receive the annual American Chemical Society Ira Remsen Award, named after the first chemistry research professor in North America.
During the comprehensive period of 1981 - 1997 Dr. Schaefer was the sixth most highly cited chemist in the world; out of a total of 628,000 chemists whose research was cited. The Science Citation Index reports that by December 31, 1999, his research had been cited more than 30,000 times. The U.S. News and World Report cover story of December 23, 1991 speculated that Professor Schaefer is a "five-time nominee for the Nobel Prize". His research involves the use of state-of-the-art computational hardware and theoretical methods to solve important problems in molecular quantum mechanics.