The bold part is not correct. PS5 has the hardware for kraken decompression, but oodle works with all common compression formats (like zlib). The result of "oodle" is nothing that must get decompressed.
Oddle never gets decompressed or something it is just a "simple" datarestructuring with a texture compression on top.
This also works on PS4 & xb1 (even on xb360 and PS3).
Yes, kraken might be a bit more efficient (up to ~10%), but you loose much of the efficiency the smaller the data is. And as you want to chunk the data as small as possible (because you don't want to load whole e.g. 4k textures at once if you have a ssd) more and more of this efficiency get lost.
Oodle kraken is a generalist compression algorithm specialized on game data. It exists since 2016.
You make a confusion between Oodle Kraken and oodle texture. Oodle texture release in June 2020. Oodle texture is a RDO compression tools restructuring the texture data to be more compressible by general compression algorithm like kraken or zlib or lz4. RDO compression is lossy and other tools did it before Oodle texture like binomial crunch.
Binomial crunch
And SSD work better with bigger file than with 4kb files, they work better with file of at least 64 kb.
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