The old and unwieldy GTA4 thread*

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After watching a few of those GTAIV Xbox 360 streams for a while, I doubt that's a common occurrence in either version. Pop up seems fairly minimal .

Yep very little pop up from what I have seen except that gif. If I were to guess someone took out the hard drive to make that gif or a very poorly burned copy.

I can't wait to play it the game looks incredible. I just hope they improved the gun play. That has always been what drives me nuts about the console GTA games horrible gun play.
Anyway we have to wait for the ps3 rendition to do proper comparisons.
I don't question Betanumerical honesty at all, but it's clear that some reviewers and obviously people on Internet have pretty busy agenda... (once again DMC4 was outstanding in this regard...).
Anyway might be true even if there is no obvious technical reason for this (I understand Joker astonishment)
Saw a Circuit City ad on TV.

They will give you a $10 gift card if you purchase the game at their stores.

It's a little something.
The Eurogamer review is now up, but the site is getting absolutely hammered! I managed to get to the front page after a while, but now the challenge is pulling up the actual article, which I haven't managed yet! Ah, now I'm getting something!

10/10! Yep, Eurogamer concurs with everyone else it seems.
The Eurogamer review complains about the ps3 install time and sites frame-rate issues but isn't specific as to which version. Teamxbox also gave a 10/10. Gametrailers review is up 9.8/10. A+ from 1UP.
How is the audio quality, does the music and voices sound heavily compressed?

No not as far as I can tell, but I'm no audiophile. I mean I like my music but I'm usually just about happy enough with 128k MP3 :)
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The Eurogamer review complains about the ps3 install time and sites frame-rate issues but isn't specific as to which version. Teamxbox also gave a 10/10. Gametrailers review is up 9.8/10. A+ from 1UP.

In the comments it seems to be suggested that the 360 version indeed lacks a HDD install option and suffers pop-in, whereas the PS3 has a 7 minute install time and has slightly more frame-rate issues. EDIT: here's kotaku's take:

I'm very much interested in seeing a good compare though - in the IGN HD video that contained both 360 and PS3 footage the bit of clearly identifiable PS3 footage looked great (2:20, walking into the bowling alley). Also, I got the impression some bits (in the 360 but maybe in both) looked upscaled, even though they probably aren't. It'll be interesting to see the final analysis (and game itself of course).
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Swedish Gamereactor just published their review ( They were very suprised that 360 version is lacking so much technically. According to them PS3 version has better colours, framerate, less pop-in, loadtimes and texture resolution.
Yeah so they say.

"Playstation 3-upplagan av Grand Theft Auto IV är snyggare beträffande färgdjup och kontrast, laddningstiderna är betydligt kortare och texturerna ser aningen mer högupplösta ut. Det är också lite skarpare och innehåller jämnare skärmuppdatering än Xbox 360-spelet."

"Playstation 3 version of GTA 4 looks better regarding color depth and contrast. loading times are noticably shorter and the textures looks slightly more high-res. Overall it also looks a little bit sharper and it has a smoother framerate than the xbox 360 version."
It's crazy to see how people can be biased... evan pretended journalists.
We will have to wait to know the truth as we 're everything and its opposite.
It's crazy to see how people can be biased... evan pretended journalists.
We will have to wait to know the truth as we 're everything and its opposite.

Yeah we will have to wait for a true and correct visual comparision made of both versions. Atleast we will se which reviewers/sites are trust worthy in the future! ;)

purely subjective based on the set up and evidently there are a ton of image adjustments available in game

I'm sure the head to heads by a million users will prove very little playable difference

I agree, thats something that can be configured.
purely subjective based on the set up and evidently there are a ton of image adjustments available in game

I'm sure the head to heads by a million users will prove very little playable difference
It looks like DMC4 again and again it took time to really know which version was better, and by the way the truth came too late (not that I care that much but for the sake of discussion) a lot of people are still stating that the ps3 version is better or equivalent.
At some point it was my opinion (from read only and low quality video don't help)till I decided to download the HQ videao Dot50cal provided!! And anybody with good eyes not seeing the difference... goes straight to my ignore list (ie you will never manage to have a not too biaised discusion with them...).
These comparisons are suggesting to me that the two versions are 99% identical. Kotaku says better framerate on 360 and Gamereactor says better framerate on the PS3. I've read better colour and contrast on 360, and gamereactor says better colour and contrast on PS3. I've heard people say the PS3 looks muddy or blurred, while others say it looks smooth and the 360 is too sharp.

Most reviewers say there is more pop-in on the 360, so I believe that to be true, but reviews are reporting various degrees of difference.

To me, if you've got a PS3 and a 360, just buy the version that most of your friends or going to have so you can share in multi-player. That would be a much bigger differentiator than any of the "technical" differences in the game.

My brother has a PS3 and I have a 360, so I'll be able to play both and see what I think.
from UK Gamespy who have a good reputation IMO....

RE: PS3 version ...Although it's got a few problems that pop up from time to time, Grand Theft Auto IV is still an absolutely gorgeous game. Like the previous games in the series, it suffers from some texture pop-in and draw distance issues, although these should in no way affect your enjoyment of the game. It's easy to just consider those technical flaws the price you've got to pay for admission to the most impressive game world ever created. There's so much going on that you'll only really notice the flaws if you look for them, and if you're doing that there's a good chance you're missing out on something spectacular. The overall art design and visual aesthetics are extremely pleasing to the eye, and they aren't hurt by the technical issues. ...

For those who have to decide between the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions, we should mention that these flaws are slightly less noticeable in the PS3 game. There are a few other minor differences as well, the biggest being the PS3 game's Sixaxis controls. You can use the controller's tilt feature to perform wheelies on motorbikes or control your helicopter, but it just ends up feeling forced. You're much better off just turning them off and sticking with the default control scheme. The Xbox 360 version, on the other hand, has Achievements and features a more intuitive controller (though that may just be this reviewer's personal opinion). Both versions are excellent, so you really can't go wrong.
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