Well, @tongue_of_colicab referenced the new gaming show on Netflix, hence my "what are you on about", since we were talking about something completely different and he didn't specify.As a gay male, I agree. Representation is needed, I don't think anyone's denying that, but I've only watched a few shows that do it right. I don't expect being gay turned out into a big deal, I just want it to be normal, that's it. For instance, I liked the old gay couple in The Expanse or the way gay/bi characters where addressed in Black Sails.
BUT, having seen the first episode of that, indeed there is a segment where this lovely older lady talked about when she was the winner of some Space Invaders tournament in the 70's. At some point she basically said, I'm transgender and back then I was a boy.
Now, first of all, it was literally one sentence and never mentioned ever again. It wasn't a 'big deal', it was probably more to do with the fact that the subsequent footage from that tournament has her looking, well, like a boy, cause until then I'd never have guessed.
Nothing was made of it, never was it mentioned again. Nobody made it "a thing". This is quite literally "representation done right".
The second episode had the story of this black engineer who basically created the concept of cartridges, and all they referenced was that - shock horror - the fact that a black guy even worked at a gaming company, at the time, was unusual. Which it was. Heck, diversity is still a huge issue in the gaming industry.
So, if people like @tongue_of_colicab feel triggered or think that this is 'too much', or that people were tying to make it "a thing", then the problem is people like @tongue_of_colicab who feel that anyone who is not white and straight should be invisible - and from his history on the RPSC forum, it is little surprise that this is how he feels.
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