So I'm half way through S3, not a huge fan of where they have gone with it tbh.
Fully Soviet, Red Army Choir playing baddies with AKs, openly talking Russian in the middle of cold war '80s USAffs.
Throw in a bit of 'its ok to do torture as long as its US law enforcement', its clear this season got a bunch of backing from the propaganda fund
Side point: a thing that I remember from the first two Series & which stuck out again is bits of the dialogue uses phrases that are 90s or 00ies not '80s eg the bit where 11 is robbing the store with the gang in S2, the line about the stock being insured & the billionaires who own the chain won't be affected.
Nobody really talked about billionaires like that in the '80s, it would have been millionaires or multi-millionaires but that line is basically lifted straight out of Pulp Fiction or similar mid-late '90s movie.
The 80s vibe of the show has always been a bit superficial, glitzy and sanitized. It's "I know what that is" - the tv show. A kid back then most likely wouldn't have owned a The Thing poster. That film was a giant, critically panned box office bust no-one cared about back in the early eighties. The boys are also way too nice to each other. The It remaked painted a much less idealized and much more convincing picture of that era in that regard. Credit where credit is due, though: Phoebe Cates probably did have life-changing effects on many boys from the eighties.