The Expanse is amazing. Hard sci-fi done right. Plus the original Punisher Tom Jane is in it!It's a SyFy series so if you have access to SyFy you should have it. It's really the only intelligent Scifi in years IMHO. I started it after re-watching BSG2k9 and it's better. No FTL no aliens but complex politics and much more in the solar system. There is starting to be extra-stellar aspects. Would make for excellent binge watching.
I love how they pay attention to detail wrt the physics and nature of Outer Space. Comm lag due to lightspeed limit, realistic travel times and distances, accelerate at 1G to simulate gravity etc. It all seems very believable. The show even answered a question I had from the book:
When Miller and company were setting us up the bomb on the surface of Eros, I always wondered how they could stand on Eros given it was spinning around quite rapidly (they would be flung off right?). In the show we see that there are inverted catwalks all across the surface of Eros that they can walk around on. Very cool!
The books kick ass as well, actually that's how I found out about the show. First one is called Leviathan Wakes. There are 6 novels out already.
Legit Spoiler:
Also the "no aliens" claim isn't strictly true. In the books they make it abundantly clear that the Protomolecule is of extra-terrestrial origin. But yea there are no Klingons or any other retarded shit like that.
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