If you're truly referring to season 5, I can assure you the time in Dorne is nothing compared to what you find in the books: much less, and the plot is shit in comparison to the books, too. The plot in Dorne in the books is so, so rich and interesting. The series changed a lot of things, while simplifying the plot... and not in a good way. This was the last season I watched.
I stopped reading after the third book. It was nice, but the wait was too long for book 4. Then I learnt it was split and that my favorite povs were not in the book
Anyway about Dorne, I heard a very different tune. Essentially, all my friends considered it a gigantic waste of time. At some point, apparently, you follow one guy, for a long time, only for him to fall in a stair and die ?
Martin loves to kill characters when he has no clue anymore on what to do with them.
So I'm really glad the tv show exist and that we will get closure on the story and move on.
Maybe they'll do SF after and adapt Dune (One can dream, ok ?)
About American Gods, I've read it when it came out but I don't remember much, apart from the final twist. I'm ambivalent about the tv show. It looks nice, but it's cold. Something is not right, it doesn't flow.
There are a few nice Gaiman-like moments though, like in episode 3 on the top of the building with the little sister. Yet, no way I'll miss an episode
And then Twin Peaks. The cliffhanger at the end of season 2 is great. Too bad we had to wait 25 years. I didn't had time to watch it yet, but Lynch rarely dissapoints, imho.