The Official, Long Awaited, TV Shows Thread

The mission was not a good idea and it seemed they only had one or two Valerian steel weapons?

And they said Jorah was the one who finished the bear with a dragon glass weapon of some kind.

Why didn't they all have dragon glass weapons?

They could have also took a cage of ravens along with them so that Gendry wouldn't have to run back, though it was probably good that he didn't get stranded with the rest of them.

The Night King could have just killed Drogon, the dragon that was on the ground with Dany and the others. Kill Drogon and the passengers are dead. Killing Dany would have been a huge coup there. Instead he aims for one in the air, going for the degree of difficulty on the javelin toss.

It looked cool to see the mortally wounded dragon glide down to crash into the frozen lake, with a trail of blood but would they come down like an airliner or just tumble and drop to the earth? If that dragon died from the ice lance strike, would it be able to keep its wings rigid and extended?

I watched the after show segment with the show runners and they said if the NK couldn't kill one of the dragons and turn it into a zombie one, the clash between the humans and the dead forces would not be much of a contest. So to keep the suspense for next season, the sides had to be equalized somewhat.

It would have been cooler and more frightening if the NK just raised the dead dragon and it sprung out of the frozen lake into the air and then the camera zoomed into the blue eye. The zombies pulling it out of the lake with the chains gave away what was going to happen.
What do you think??
It sure riled up the misogynists, that's for sure. Jesus. Some motherfucker saying 'boys lost a role model', what the fuck. It's not like they went and erased all the tapes of the previous doctors or anything is there! (*ahem!*) They're still there for boys to identify with. Anyhow, a female role model every once in a while would probably do most boys a lot of good anyhow.

That said, I never actually got into season two of the revival Dr. Who. That doctor just smiles too damn much.

Arguably the first season doc did too - or well, until that first episode where he ran into a dalek, that was pretty f'n amazing lol. Didn't care much for his general flippant attitude through all the previous episodes, but as soon as he saw that dalek he just went fucking bananas. Wish Dr. Who took itself a bit more seriously (when that face-woman whatsername mind controls Rose Tyler 30,000 years into the future and exclaims "I'm a chav!", I facepalmed, laughed, then facepalmed again); I have a hard time enjoying a show that sees itself as having a bit of a lark at its own expense.

Maybe the later seasons tones down the humor? *shrug* Imma gonna give it another go when I turn on netflix again some day.

The Expanse is amazing. Hard sci-fi done right.
Damn straight. Now if only they'd release season two in europe. It ended like half a year ago in the U.S. and still not out here, fucking disgraceful.
In dr who, is the dr dealing with now being a woman or are they ignoring that side of things

I don't know, but it reminds me of the knock knock joke I came up with some time ago:

Knock knock ..
Who's there?
So I've watched all 3 series of better call saul, and enjoyed it a lot. Will I enjoy breakin' bad, is it a similar style ?
Breaking bad is as much a jorney of transformation and discover as Better Call Saul.

However the main focus is Walter White, a hughschool science teacher. It isnt until later in the series that the characters you know from BCS show up.
Will I enjoy breakin' bad, is it a similar style ?
No idea, but I tapped out when the 2nd episode of the show started with an unattractive middle-aged man getting a handjob from his equally unattractive, middle-aged wife, her continuously commenting his state of arousal.

I don't need to watch shit like that, thankyou very much.
So skip forward 1 minute and enjoy the rest of all the seasons where it doesn't happen again?
How was I supposed to be aware of that? There was an awkward sex scene in the pilot episode as well, there seemed to be building a pattern oldish-straight-people sex, which frankly is not very exciting.
How was I supposed to be aware of that? There was an awkward sex scene in the pilot episode as well, there seemed to be building a pattern oldish-straight-people sex, which frankly is not very exciting.
I think the real question you need to ask yourself is why you are so offended by a safe-for-cable-tv sex scene featuring people you don't find attractive that you have to immediately turn it off and never watch any episode of the show ever again. If I turned off every movie or TV show that had moments that made me cringe or *shock* I didn't find exciting, well there wouldn't be much left to watch. All I'd end up with is mind-numbing PG crap.
I never said I was offended by it... That's your imagination running rampant. :p
Call it whatever you want. You saw a scene with sexual content featuring participants you didn't find exciting so you turned it off. Anything other than "offended" is just semantics.
I've heard it's really good. I'll give it another go some day most likely, but Netflix needs to friggin shape up its act and release the expanse, and generally WAY improve its offerings over here. U.S. selection is much better than what we get in scandinavia. Their movie menu is downright awful tbh, and they also bumped subscription price yet again for the second time in a year, which doesn't really make me itch to re-subscribe. Oh, and we're losing disney, and they're not lowering prices to compensate. If one cares about disney shit that is... :p

NO, because words actually have meanings. If I'd been offended I would have said offended.
I binged through Defenders, pretty good. I felt it could have been a little better though but it made me want to pull right through in just a few days so it must have done something right ;)

Also, if Netflix doesn't have enough to watch for you then perhaps also you just watch too much TV ;)

But yeah, losing Disney would be sad. Though in Europe that should be some ways off after it happens in the US. Maybe we should all just boycott Disney when it does happen until they give in and turn back to Netflix.
Finished the Defenders too. Liked it but it did feel a bit underwhelming, which is pretty much a feature these days for Netflix Marvel shows.
It was good, not great. Looked like it was going to be super epic, didn't get epic at all. It was funny but not hilarious. Action was great but not edge of the seat WOW. Villain meh. Heroes' powers meh. Jessica jones is meant to be Supergirl-strong yet she basically only showed that strength at the very end, after being kicked around all over the place most of the season. Meh.