That wouldnt work either in the case of PS4 having 4 Gb of fast 192 Gb/s GDDR5 Ram, of course PCs can use the main PC RAM as an extension if they need to, but the main RAM is very slow and cant handle graphical assets designed to be processed on a fast RAM.
your solution could work in the case of xboxnext having 8 Gb DDR3 as a main RAM, if developers push say 5 Gb of graphical assets, and your PC GPU has only 2 Gb, than 3 Gb of main RAM PC could be used to make up for the difference. But its not the case of ps4 GDDR5 RAM.
I know a lot of people are downplaying the importance and potential implications of ps4 having not only a big amount of RAM but also a fast one, but actually this has serious implications for game development. Give big fast ram to naughty dog and you will see what they will do with it !
My system has 30Gb/s system ram bandwidth and 340Gb/s video bandwidth....
PS4 will have have 192Gb/s total bandwidth..... And have I missed something? Have Sony or developers confirmed 192Gb/s for PS4 or is it purely a number which has been pulled out of someone's arse?