The new PS3 sales pitch: Better gaming, better technology, better value

Shifty Geezer said:
If I were in Sony's shoes, I'd be adding those network and storage features from the off too.

Indeed If I were in Sony's shoes I'd be thinking the same thing. As the clear market leader from the past two generations they can demand what they want from their users to follow them into the next gen. The problem is the features their adding are not cheap and while it will hook sony fans who otherwise would not be interested in this tech or that tech but are happy to know it is already included in ps3, it will also deter others who like "Sony" and like "playstation" and like the kind of games they have offered in the past, from purchasing their kit because these features which they did not ask for and are not integral to the experiences they have had up to this point with playstation are costing them double what they have paid in the past for the "playstation experience".

I'm just saying it's very risky on Sony's part to ask the gamers that have got them to where they are today to shell out so much more than the competition which offers very similar experiences for a lot less money. Maybe it will all turn out in the end and Sony sells through the roof but this is setting a dangerous precedent. If systems fly off the shelves at $600 what will ps4 cost? And don't think for a second ms won't bump their cost to match the competition come xbox720. Even Nintendo is now thinking of charging $250 for what is largely considered to be underpowered hardware.

Watch what you wish for people ...
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TheChefO said:
however I still stand by the thought that If Sony Called everyone of their developers today and told them to target dvd instead of Bluray none of them would say "well Sony - That means I can't make the game I was intending to make on your system so I will have to cancel that project." The worse that would happen is it would span multiple disks.

I think devs probably support the bluray format, moreso than not, due to piracy of the DVD format. Having more space is a bonus and fits into Sonys plan on longevity...I expect after 3 years games will begin to be bigger than 9gb, and this space means devs won't have to figure new ways to compress everything (all IMO of course).
eb said:
I think devs probably support the bluray format, moreso than not, due to piracy of the DVD format. Having more space is a bonus and fits into Sonys plan on longevity...I expect after 3 years games will begin to be bigger than 9gb, and this space means devs won't have to figure new ways to compress everything (all IMO of course).

Bluray = preferred, but not neccesary

Forcing this with ps3 is in Sony's benefit, not consumers.
TheChefO said:
Forcing this with ps3 is in Sony's benefit, not consumers.

Sony and devs, and may (long term) benefit consumers...unless you believe piracy helps consumers and devs?

Obviously Sony gain the most, but to say they are the only to gain is just not true.

I believe Sony will live or die by this let's just wait and see what happens, personally I prefer the 'all or nothing' approach rather than the 'endless untidy and more expensive add-ons' of the X360. Also devs know exactly where they stand - BR and HDD as standard.
eb said:
Sony and devs, and may (long term) benefit consumers...unless you believe piracy helps consumers and devs?

Ok, and when bluray/ps3 is cracked as happens with all copy protection what will you say then? Is it still a benefit to charge $200 more than their closest competitior? Actually scratch that, $200 more than their previous 2 consoles over the last 10 years?

TheChefO said:
Ok, and when bluray/ps3 is cracked as happens with all copy protection what will you say then? Is it still a benefit to charge $200 more than their closest competitior? Actually scratch that, $200 more than their previous 2 consoles over the last 10 years?

PS3 is $100 more than Xbox360 Hard Drive. Core Xbox360 cannot play games unless consumer make more purchase like memory cards. And for $100 more you get best next-gen optical technology (Blu-Ray) no? So is this not a good deal? But, because I am greedy like many consumers and waste too much money, I will buy highest 60GB version. Only I pay cash and not have debt.

Also, I am sad to see too many Xbox360 in my part-time job store (Target) are not sold. We have new shipment last week an we only have 1 sale for Premium. No one wants Core but now even Premium has not so much sales. I do not know why. Maybe Halo3 is big name software so this will have extra hardware sales.
ihamoitc2005 said:
PS3 is $100 more than Xbox360 Hard Drive. Core Xbox360 cannot play games unless consumer make more purchase like memory cards. And for $100 more you get best next-gen optical technology (Blu-Ray) no? So is this not a good deal? But, because I am greedy like many consumers and waste too much money, I will buy highest 60GB version. Only I pay cash and not have debt.

Also, I am sad to see too many Xbox360 in my part-time job store (Target) are not sold. We have new shipment last week an we only have 1 sale for Premium. No one wants Core but now even Premium has not so much sales. I do not know why. Maybe Halo3 is big name software so this will have extra hardware sales.

look - the old argument about value and you need to buy a memory card or a hard drive on 360 bla bla bla is garbage because its been that way since SONY launch playstation IN 1994! SONY has set the standard that EVERYONE else follows and now all of a sudden people are complaining about memory cards?

I'm not saying its a bad value. I'm saying if you have only $300 (again the standard set by SONY) and you want a next gen system this year, you have 2 choices this time around instead of 3.
TheChefO said:
look - the old argument about value and you need to buy a memory card or a hard drive on 360 bla bla bla is garbage because its been that way since SONY launch playstation IN 1994! SONY has set the standard that EVERYONE else follows and now all of a sudden people are complaining about memory cards?
I complained about it back then ;). Well PS2 anyway. The price of those things is silly, especially how Flash prices have plummeted. It's still a truth that you can't fairly compare $500 PS3 to $300 XB360 Core because you do really need at least a $60 memory card for you Core, being realistic.the old value arguments can go on ad infinitum (as they appear to be doing) but if someone's going to compare value, they should at least do it on real expense.
Shifty Geezer said:
I complained about it back then ;). Well PS2 anyway. The price of those things is silly, especially how Flash prices have plummeted. It's still a truth that you can't fairly compare $500 PS3 to $300 XB360 Core because you do really need at least a $60 memory card for you Core, being realistic.the old value arguments can go on ad infinitum (as they appear to be doing) but if someone's going to compare value, they should at least do it on real expense.

ps3 - no question great value, but then again so is a corvette z06, but you won't see me buying one anytime soon.
from the horses mouth

In the current issue of Famitsu, on sale today, Kutaragi said, "PlayStation and PlayStation 2 were both 10,000 yen more than their competitors at launch. Yet they both sold to shortages."He added, "If you consider the PlayStation 3 a toy, then yes, it is an expensive toy. However, it is more than a toy. It is a PlayStation 3. And it is the only PlayStation 3. I hope that those who understand this will gladly purchase it."
well now that that's cleared up....

Maybe they DO need to hire Acert93. ;)
mckmas8808 said:
Can someone explain what's so bad about that statement?

but go read Acert93's opening post and then read Ken's marketing speak and pick which one you would want your friends to hear when you want them to buy a PS3 so you guys can play games together on the network. :p
Tap In said:

but go read Acert93's opening post and then read Ken's marketing speak and pick which one you would want your friends to hear when you want them to buy a PS3 so you guys can play games together on the network. :p

HA! Acert's for sure. I see what you mean.
mckmas8808 said:

Hey that was pretty good. Good come back.

Thanks :) I thought it was fitting.

In order for them to market ps3 successfully as the unit stands currently they need to play up the functional aspects of the box which are bluraymovies and games. Everything else is icing on the cake and may or may not be useful to people who buy one (ie wifi would be useless, in fact undesireable in my setup).

I have serious doubts they will have success in pushing bluray strongly enough to enough people to justify the price but I can't discount Sony's marketing prowess.

The other x factor has nothing to do with what Sony does but what their competitors are offering. The compition this go round will be much different than the last two.

Sony had a free year on the market by itself w/ps2 and was competing against a weak (financially) Sega and a late Nintendo in the first go round. Fast forward to today and MS has had free rein for a year and has used that to gain a 10mil headstart which regardless of historical precedent is a platform that developers cannot ignore.

They have a tough enough fight ahead without trying to bet the company's future on bluray.
TheChefO said:
Fast forward to today and MS has had free rein for a year and has used that to gain a 10mil headstart which regardless of historical precedent is a platform that developers cannot ignore.

They have a tough enough fight ahead without trying to bet the company's future on bluray.

If Sony is serious about Blu-ray then they HAD to put it inside the PS3. By the end of the year I read that there will be a few hundred thousand HD-DVD players. Obviously Sony will crush that with the sales of the PS3, but imagine if they only had a DVD only PS3.
mckmas8808 said:
If Sony is serious about Blu-ray then they HAD to put it inside the PS3.

not really - If they're serious about bluray and stand by it then they could compete toe to toe with hd-dvd. Instead they're bring you and me (the gamers) into their movie format spat.
TheChefO said:
Fast forward to today and MS has had free rein for a year and has used that to gain a 10mil headstart which regardless of historical precedent is a platform that developers cannot ignore.
Assuming they will reach their sales goals, whch is very dubious considering 360 sales so far and summer months ahead.;)
aselto said:
Assuming they will reach their sales goals, whch is very dubious considering 360 sales so far and summer months ahead.;)

lol - ok sure - how does 9 million by year end sound? close enough? point is there are many factors that were already going against ps3 this gen without throwing a debatable price into the equation.