The Nature of Reviews (ME, GTA4, TH etc)

Ok, I'm confused. You're the one who quote the Russian Maxum score but now you're saying you can't trust them? Why did you bother in the first place then?

I used a double negative. I don't know if the review is trust worthy or not. I don't know what they have given other games as scores. I know that the maxim in the states is pretty spot on with other reviews out there skewing slightly higher because of its 5 point scale

Because the Gaf thread has them listed I suspect, I bet the OP added these strange reviews because the score was high. GI is the only mainstream review out ATM.

GI is normally high (Assassin's Creed 9.5), but once in a while they go a bit lower than average (Uncharted 8.75).

Actually regardless GI is a bit hit or miss with reviews , sometimes they are spot on , sometimes they are too easy on a title and somtimes too hard. I guess with them its all about the reviewer
I wonder if Game informer will be the lowest review score here in the west

Games Magazine is one of the worst magazines I ve ever read. When I was a kid I was buying them a lot.

As I was growing I started noticing how much of a crappy magazine it was. They even gave 90 or something to Courier Crisis for God's Sakes.
While it's not welcome to talk about reviews of games, I cannot help but notice how poor that review is written (as is the case with most 1up reviews). It's like a blog entry.

I can't open the page at work, but I hear it is poor.
Nevertheless, it's the score I could see coming from miles away through the various 1up yours preview and hands-on discussions.
While it's not welcome to talk about reviews of games, I cannot help but notice how poor that review is written (as is the case with most 1up reviews). It's like a blog entry.

Whether the review was a literary masterpiece or not, it was pretty spot-on in terms of the problems it highlighted, at least from my experience with the demo.
Whether the review was a literary masterpiece or not, it was pretty spot-on in terms of the problems it highlighted, at least from my experience with the demo.

Well I found his comment about falling through the ground laughable, like too human is the only game this has ever happened in to be released recently. Obviously if it happens often is a problem, but its certainly not a rarity to occur in recent games. I'm not going to provide a list because that will just cause the inevitable list of "it never happened to me in game x" comments. I do think it suggests that the writer isn't exactly entirely in touch.
I wonder what scores it will get from other reviews. It will be a shame if a game that was in development for so many years ends up something mediocre.

I think such occasions are often destined to disappoint at the end.

The developers may have ambitions and expectations that are ahead of their time. But the continuous delays lead to revisions. And whatever was originally thought revolutionary or new ends up being used by someone else who happened to have a similar idea for a released project.

Whatever seemed to be a brilliant idea for the previous generation and more forgiving, is less forgiving the next gen where standards and expectations are heightened.

This makes me wonder what are we going to get from Duke Nukem Forever :p
It has become a joke. They showed us a trailer last year and *puff* it disappeared again :LOL:
Well I found his comment about falling through the ground laughable, like too human is the only game this has ever happened in to be released recently. Obviously if it happens often is a problem, but its certainly not a rarity to occur in recent games. I'm not going to provide a list because that will just cause the inevitable list of "it never happened to me in game x" comments. I do think it suggests that the writer isn't exactly entirely in touch.

But does that make it acceptable, though? I mean, if other games have been given a pass on that, that's bad too. Of course, it'd be nice if future 1up reviews point that problem out in other games.

7.8 or good

Closing Comments
For everything Too Human does well, it feels as if there is something holding it back. The character customization options and great class and skill system are the kind of foundation games should be built on. But then it’s all made rather moot by the fact that dying doesn’t matter and all of the enemies scale to you. The sense of accomplishment just isn’t there. If you’re the kind of gamer that loves outfitting a character and scouring the land for that one epic loot drop, Too Human will excite you and then some. For the rest of us, it’s a decent game that will entertain you until the next big release comes along.

Another Take
from Hilary Goldstein
After seeing Too Human in bits and pieces over the past few years, I was expecting the story and presentation to be top notch and the combat to be mediocre. To my surprise, the game was the exact opposite. I enjoyed the loot dropping and the combat. What fell far short was the story, which unfolds with little drama and gives almost no reason to care for any of the characters. If such emphasis wasn't placed on the story, this wouldn't be so bad, but clearly Silicon Knights wants this tale of tech-savvy gods to be center stage. When the story fails, Too Human has an enjoyable combat system to rely on. The only major misstep here is the constant scaling of enemies, which ultimately negates the RPG elements. Too Human's the type of game that some will fall head-over-heels for and others will discard immediately. I'm in the middle. It's worth playing, but only until something better comes along

It sounds like it should have come out 2 weeks ago or early july. Good summer game but once the fall gets going and we see all the games come out many will shelve this .
Giant Bomb - 3/5

As the first part of a planned trilogy, Too Human doesn't do a particularly good job of setting things up. If anything meaningful happens in this game aside from establishing a villain, it was lost on me. The only way I got anything interesting out of it was to start searching for web pages devoted to Baldur's place in Norse mythology to see how many liberties Silicon Knights is taking with its fiction and to see what sorts of things could lie ahead in the next games. As a game, the action is a little too straightforward for its own good. The latent loot fiend in me had fun uncovering new items, slotting runes, and finding blueprints for new items--but even that stuff doesn't feel as fleshed out as you'd probably expect. In short, large parts of Too Human feel like they were designed to the standards of the last generation of consoles, not this one.

Deprived of a decent storyline, innovative mechanics, and limited variation in either enemies or environments, Too Human is barely worthy of a weekend rental. It's an extremely repetitive treadmill set in a world you'll never get a chance to actually learn anything about thanks to the almost complete lack of exposition. Whatever points it scores for its somewhat interesting approach to combat are almost instantly retracted once you perform them for the umpteenth time on the same robot that fights in the same way. Unfortunately, Too Human can't even provide decent graphics at a consistent framerate, as graphical hitches and choppy visuals are a regular occurrence. All of these negatives leave little reason to recommend Too Human.

So it seems like a no go then...
That's a pity as I was hoping that the story would have been the main focus of the game and coming from the Eternal Darkness developers that should have been quaranteed. After playing the demo I already thought that controls are at best tolerable, but a great story could have still made me buy this.

The scaling of enemies was already a bad idea in Oblivion and this seems to be doing it all over again and with relatively short and uninspiring story combined with bad controls is a big let down. I wonder whether they are actually going to make this a trilogy as with reviews like this, I'd expect that the sales numbers aren't going to be massive. I quess it boils down to the amount of content they already have in place for the sequels.

Well atleast we have a great trilogy in Mass Effect and still two games left there :smile: